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Your search for "*" yielded 532292 hits

Peptide-imprinted polymer microspheres prepared by precipitation polymerization using a single bi-functional monomer.

A single bi-functional monomer, N,O-bismethacryloyl ethanolamine (NOBE), was used in precipitation polymerization system to synthesize molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) microspheres. Highly specific binding sites were obtained for N-terminal protected neuropeptides, Boc-Leu-enkephalin and Pyr-Leu-enkephalin. The use of NOBE allowed binding sites to be formed in polymer microspheres that are able

Phenenthrene biodegradation by an algal-bacterial consortium in two-phase partitioning bioreactors.

An algal-bacterial consortium formed by Chlorella sorokiniana and a phenanthrene-degrading Pseudomonas migulae strain was able to biodegrade 200-500 mg/l of phenanthrene dissolved in silicone oil or tetradecane under photosynthetic conditions and without any external supply of oxygen. Phenanthrene was only removed when provided in organic solvent, which confirms the potential of two-phase systems

Cerebrovascular response during and following severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia: CO2-sensitivity, autoregulation, and influence of prostaglandin synthesis inhibition

The objective of the present experiments was to study mechanisms governing cerebrovascular responses during severe hypoglycemia, and in the posthypoglycemic recovery period. To that end, lightly anesthetized (70% N2O) and artificially ventilated rats were injected with insulin so as to abolish spontaneous EEG activity for 15 or 30 min ("coma"). In separate animals, recovery was induced by glucose

Tumour morphology--interplay between chromosome aberrations and founder cell differentiation.

Studies of haematological neoplasms have shown that alterations in structure and/or expression of transcription factor genes may play a crucial role for transforming stem cells or progenitor cells into malignant cells. These mutations typically arise through balanced translocations and appear to induce a block in cellular differentiation. The impact of the transforming mutation is highly dependent

Some aspects of tensile fracture behaviour and structural response of cementitious materials

This report deals with stability and validity analyses of direct tension tests, and an investigation into structural behaviour of various materials in tensile fracture. The influence of rotation in damage zone on the stress-deformation curve is investigated. The role of rotation stiffness of testing set-ups for a stable tension test is analysed. The bump effect, i.e. steep stress drops in stress-d

Long-term patterns of shifts between clear and turbid states in Lake Krankesjon and Lake Takern

During the past century, Lake Takern and Lake Krankesjon, southern Sweden, have shifted repeatedly between a state of clear water and abundant submerged vegetation, and a state of turbid water and sparse vegetation. Long-term empirical data on such apparently alternative stable state dynamics are valuable as complements to modeling and experiments, although the causal mechanisms behind shifts are

A prospective Swedish cohort study on psychosocial factors influencing anxiety in women referred for colposcopy.

Objectives To elucidate risk factors for high state anxiety in women referred for colposcopy. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting Department of Gynaecology, Malmo University Hospital, Sweden. Population A total of 100 consecutive women referred for colposcopy for the first time after an abnormal cervical smear. Methods Women in the study group completed prior to colposcopy the State-Trait Anx

Solute specific polar solvation studied by photon echo spectroscopy

Polar solvation dynamics Of two Solute molecules in a series of 1-alcohols has been studied using the three-pulse photon echo peak shift technique. The inertial dynamics, on sub-200 fs timescale, is essentially independent of solvent in the 1-alcohol series. For a given solute, the solvent dependence is mainly manifested in the diffusive solvation dynamics. The solute dependence appears as a signi

Impact of diisobutyl phthalate and other PPAR agonists on steroidogenesis and plasma insulin and leptin levels in fetal rats

Endocrine disrupting chemicals can induce malformations and impairment of reproductive function in experimental animals and may have similar effects in humans. Recently, the environmental obesogen hypothesis was proposed, suggesting that environmental chemicals contribute to the development of obesity and insulin resistance. These effects could be related to chemical interaction with nuclear recep

Revascularization options for left subclavian salvage during TEVAR.

This article reviews the solutions for the revascularization of the left subclavian artery during thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Open surgical revascularization has been the predominant technique used but recent developments may lead to an increasing role of the endovascular revascularization. The different open and endovascular technical options are discussed and the results summari

Fatou-type theorems for general approximate identities

For functions. f is an element of L-1 (R-n) we consider extensions to R-n x R+ given by convolving f with an approximate identity. Fora large class of approximate identities we obtain a Fatou-type theorem where the convergence regions are sometimes effectively larger than the non-tangential ones. We then study a more restricted class of approximate identities for which the convergence regions are

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Abstract in Spanish Tanto el cine como el concepto de género en la teoría queer comparten dos aspectos fundamentales: ambos son performativos y son entendidos como construcciones sociales. La teoría queer hoy en día sigue provocando reacciones adversas en la forma de entender el sexo, el género y la sexualidad y el cine de Almodóvar sigue siendo actual con el paso de los años. Éstas son las causasCinema and gender in queer theory share two fundamental aspects: both are performative and understood as social constructions. Nowadays, queer theory still causes adverse reactions with respect to the understanding of sex, gender and sexuality and Almodóvar's films have remained relevant until today. These two reasons lead us to the idea of looking at the film High Heels (Pedro Almodóvar, 1991) fr

Deformable particles with anisotropic interactions: unusual field-induced structural transitions in ultrasoft ionic microgel colloids

Ionic microgels are intriguing soft and deformable colloids with an effective pair potential that crosses over from Yukawa-like at large distances to a much softer repulsive interaction at short distances. Here we report the effect of adding an anisotropic dipolar contribution to colloids with such "ultra-soft" interactions. We use an alternating electric field to induce a tunable dipolar contribu

New aspects of tissue mast cells in inflammatory airway diseases

Mast cell are found throughout the body, but are especially prominent in tissues that have direct contact with the external milieu such as the skin, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Mast cells are commonly recognized for their detrimental role in allergic reactions and can, upon activation through the high-affinity receptor for IgE (FcεRI), rapidly produce and secrete many of the mediators respon

A Conceptual Framework to Support Engineering Designers in Using In-Service Information

Abstract in Undetermined In the global market of air transport, the integration of products and services is seen as being necessary for the long-term success of engine manufacturers. A flow of in-service information to designers is crucial for minimising in-service issues. A literature review showed that there are no studies that have proposed or developed methods or tools to support designers in

Evaluation of an immunoaffinity extraction column for enrichment of adducts between human serum albumin and hexahydrophthalic anhydride in plasma.

An immunoaffinity extraction (IAE) column was prepared for extraction of adducts between human serum albumin (HSA) and hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA). HHPA is a strong sensitizer inducing immunoglobulin E antibodies in vivo. Polyclonal antibodies from a rabbit immunized with keyhole limpet hemocyananin-HHPA conjugate were purified using a Protein A Sepharose gel. To obtain antibodies with opti

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the estrogen receptor modulator amplified in breast cancer (AIB1) for predicting clinical outcome after adjuvant tamoxifen in breast cancer.

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the estrogen receptor (ER) modulator Amplified In Breast cancer-1 (AIB1) have been reported to be of importance for the prognosis of breast cancer patients. We have analyzed AIB1 and EGFR by immunohistochemistry in primary breast cancers (n = 297) arranged in a tissue microarray in order to predict outcome after adjuvant endocrine therapy with tamoxi

IT-kvalitet i praxis: systemutvecklares kunskap om och syn på kvalitet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla har vi väl någon gång varit med om att datorer, dataprogram och datasystem inte fungerar som vi har tänkt oss. Inte sällan inträffar det fel och konstigheter som kan vara frustrerande och, i värsta fall, direkt farliga. Många gånger undrar man hur ett visst program eller system skall användas och hur de som har designat och byggt det har tänkt och resonerat. I stoThis work is about IT quality and systems developers' knowledge and view of it. IT quality is considered as the characteristics of a system or program that influence e.g. the experience of using it, the easiness to learn and understand it, how it could be customised according to new demands, and the possibility for those who have developed it to understand how it works and can be enhanced. There a

On the Coulomb potential in dimension one

a mathematically rigorous definition of the one-dimensional Schrodinger operator -d(2)/dx(2)-gamma/x is given, It is proven that the domain of the operator is defined by the boundary conditions connecting the values of the function on the left and right half-axes. The investigated operator is compared with the Schrodinger operator containing the Coulomb potential -gamma/x.