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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits

Achieving balance in everyday life: Insights from women with stress-related disorders.

There is growing interest in developing a conceptual understanding of the experience of balance in everyday life, from an occupational perspective. The purpose of this study was to gain insights about balance in the everyday lives of women with stress-related disorders. Data were gathered from 19 women who were past the first phase of recovery from a stress-related disorder and participated in one

Dynamics of hip joint effusion after posterior soft tissue repair in total hip arthroplasty

Dislocation after total hip replacement is more common in the early, postoperative period. Postoperative intraarticular haematoma and remaining seroma fluid and/or weakened posterior soft tissue wall may be contributing factors. Our purpose was to compare and follow with sonography the resorption of the postoperative volume of intraarticular fluid/synovial oedema after total hip arthroplasty (THA)

Trousseau's syndrome - what is the evidence? A population-based autopsy study

Despite numerous studies documenting the association between cancer and venous thromboembolism (VTE), the reason for the excessive risk in certain cancers remains obscure. No large-scale studies have yet investigated the independent effects of cancer type, site and growth pattern. Between 1970 and 1982, 23,796 standardised autopsies were performed, representing 84% of all in-hospital deaths in an

Clinical improvement after 6 weeks of eccentric exercise in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy - a randomized trial with 1-year follow-up.

Achilles tendinopathy is common and treatment with eccentric exercises seems promising. We designed a prospective randomized clinical trial to test the hypothesis that eccentric calf muscle exercises reduce pain and improve function in patients with Achilles tendinopathy. Forty-four patients were recruited from primary care (mean age: 45 years; 23 women; 65% active in sports) and randomized to thr

On field theory methods in singular perturbation theory

Singular and supersingular finite rank perturbations of self-adjoint operators are studied using methods from renormalization theory for quantum fields. It is shown that the ideas from dimensional and Pauli-Villars regulatizations can be applied to determine uniquely certain finite rank supersingular perturbations. Approach is based on the regularization of homogeneous singular quadratic forms.

Medier & fetma : En analys av vikt

Popular Abstract in Swedish Övervikt är ett av vår tids största hälsoproblem, kanske till och med det största. Det finns de som menar att redan idag utgör övervikt globalt sett en viktigare orsak till sjukdom än undernäring och infektionssjukdomar. Framtidsscenariot beskrivs som alarmerande. Folk kommer att i en tidigare aldrig skådad omfattning insjukna i överviktens följdsjukdomar. Medierna harThe prevalence of overweight and obesity is rising each year not only on a national but also on a global level. The future scenario is troublesome. The media are among the most important social institutions in influencing people’s knowledge, perceptions and actions. The media provide citizens with health messages and contribute thereby to their health development. This dissertation deals with two

Serotonin potentiates noradrenaline-induced vasoconstriction through 5-HT1-type receptors in guinea pig basilar artery

Based on the previous finding that 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) co-exists with norepinephrine (NE) in cerebrovascular sympathetic nerve fibers and can be released during electrical nerve stimulation, the postjunctional interaction between the two amines was studied in isolated basilar artery of guinea pig. A low concentration of 5-HT, which in itself has little or no constrictive effect, potentiated

Trends in civilian vascular trauma during 30 years. A Swedish perspective

Vascular injuries operated on during a 30-year period (1955-1984) were analyzed. There has been significant increase of such injuries, particularly the iatrogenic types. The total incidence per 100,000 population and year rose from 11.0 to 26.6. Various angiographic and catheterization techniques were responsible for the iatrogenic increase. The noniatrogenic vascular injuries not infrequently wer

Precision of single-shot dual-broadband rotational CARS thermometry with single-mode and multi-mode Nd : YAG lasers

The precision of single-shot coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) thermometry is an important characteristic for the application of CARS in various combustion devices such as internal combustion engines. It is generally assumed that the precision of CARS is directly related to the spectral noise of the interacting laser fields, and previous studies have presented a theoretical model desc

Activation of contraction and ATPase activity in intact and chemically skinned smooth muscle of rat portal vein. Dependence on Ca++ and muscle length

The mechanical manifestations of muscle contraction (force development or shortening) are accompanied by an increased turnover of chemical energy (ATPase activity, JATP). In intact rat portal veins activated by high potassium medium to produce graded contractions at different levels of extracellular calcium, a linear dependence of oxygen consumption on force was found. The slope of the relation (m

Initial Fires. RHR, Smoke Production and CO Generation from Single Items and Room Fire Tests

This report is to be used as a guide in determining what an initial fire will look like. It is a summary of a large number of full scale tests on different items and under various conditions performed at different laboratories. The results shown are primarily the rate of heat release (RHR), as well as the production of smoke and generation of carbon monoxide. The results are shown as curves in thi

Energianvändning och energibesparing i Malmö : undersökning av ett höghus

I rapporten redovisas mätningar av energianvändningen i flerbostadshus. Mätningar gjordes under fyra eldningssäsonger. Med åtgärder som fönstertätning, inreglering av radiator- och ventilationssystem m m erhölls energibesparingar om 9-21% i förhållande till första säsongens mätning utan åtgärder.

Intervention thresholds for osteoporosis

The aim of this study was to determine the threshold of fracture probability at which interventions become cost-effective. We modeled the effects of a treatment costing $500/year, given for 5 years, that decreased the risk of all osteoporotic fractures by 35%, followed by a waning of effect for 5 years. Sensitivity analyses included a range of effectiveness (10%-50%) and a range of intervention co

Quadrupole moments of wobbling excitations in Lu-163

Lifetimes of states in the triaxial strongly deformed bands of Lu-163 have been measured with the Gammasphere spectrometer using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The bands have been interpreted as wobbling-phonon excitations from the characteristic electromagnetic properties of the transitions connecting the bands. Quadrupole moments are extracted for the zero-phonon yrast band and, for the f

The continuing saga of the Si-like intercombination lines in highly charged ions, Si-like rhodium

The 3s(2)3p(2 3)P(1.2)-3s3p(3) S-5(2) intercombination lines for Si-like Rh have been investigated using the techniques of beam-foil spectroscopy. Two lines have been identified as belonging to these transitions having, however, different wavelengths from what would be expected based on published iso-electronic trends. The identifications suggested here are strengthened by requirements on (a) the

Timing the doxycycline yields different patterns of genomic recombination in brain neurons with a new inducible Cre transgene.

We have developed a transgenic mouse expressing the Cre recombinase under control of a tetracycline-responsive promoter. Using a CamKIIalpha-driven tTA transgenic strain and a lacZ reporter mouse, we obtained the expected neuronal pattern of recombination in the olfactory lobe, cortex, striatum, hippocampus and Purkinje cells. Moreover, recombination can be completely abolished by feeding the mice

A new business model for baby prams based on easing and product remanufacturing

A shift in business thinking from selling products to providing service solutions to customer needs is becoming noticeable. It is driven by increasing competition and the need to identify new profit centres for producers of mature products. This paper identifies a new product group that could be interesting from the product-service system perspective - baby prams. The study presents a new business