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Dominant Companies: Article102 TFEU, Judicial Review, Economic Approach & Legal Certainty

Inom EU:s konkurrensrätt kan man se utvecklingen av en mer begränsad domstolsprövning, samt ett mer ekonomiskt syn- och tillvägagångssätt. Vid studie av artikel 102 EUF-fördraget, är det vidare uppenbart att dominanta företag måste förlita sig på analys och bevis av ekonomisk art för att påvisa att missbruk av dominerande ställning inte är för handen. Något som emellertid rimmar dåligt med en situWithin the field of competition law one can outline two developments, namely that of a limited judicial review and secondly that of a ‘more economics-based’ approach. In studying Article 102 TFEU, it is evident that dominant companies must rely upon economic evidence and reasoning in order to show that an abuse of dominance has not taken place. This application of the article, however, works poorl

A Case Study of hurricane Sandy - According to ERA-Interim

Sent i oktober 2012 så orsakade orkanen Sandy stor skada på de Karibiska öarna men senare även i USA, New Jersey, då som ett extratropiskt system. Vädersystemet var annorlunda på många vis jämfört med en "normal" orkan med avseende på dess bana, avsaknaden av ett öga och dess enorma storlek. Dessa egenskaper berodde alla på den rådande cirkulationen i den övre troposfären. Det var växelvIn late October 2012 hurricane Sandy caused a lot of damage to the islands in the Caribbean Sea and later on (as an extratropical cyclone) to the United States; New Jersey. The system was different in many ways relative to “normal” hurricanes, e.g. its track, its lack of eye at times it was classified as a hurricane and its great size which all partly was due to the prevailing circulations in the

DAC Aid in Africa South of Sahara The Impact of a Rising China

The DAC countries have for a long time been practically the only large donors of international aid. However, China has become increasingly influential the last decade. This study is aimed at investigating how aid from the DAC countries has changed when Chinese aid has increased. Aid aimed at promoting democracy, corruption, governance, and human rights is investigated since these sectors present

An Empirical Study of Shanxi’s Coal Resource-dependent Economic Development

China’s economic development has made a remarkable achievement over the past three decades. However, compared with other developed economies, it still mainly relies on coal resources as its primary energy. As country’s leading coal resources producer, Shanxi is now in an awkward position. A possible explanation is this region suffering “Resource Curse”: that the abundant resources did not bring ra

Modeling Swedish government yields with the Dynamic Nelson Siegel and the Dynamic Nelson Siegel Svensson Model

The purpose of this thesis is to model and forecast Swedish government yields by using three classes of the Nelson Siegel Model Family. The three models considered are the Dynamic Nelson Siegel Model, Arbitrage-Free Nelson Siegel Model and Dynamic Nelson Siegel Svensson Model. A brief introduction to interest rate theory is given with emphasis on coupon bonds and yield curves. To introduce the con

20 years of steering the European Citizenship – How to Get Europeans on Board?

This thesis has the constructive aim of analyzing the European Commission's normative expectations on European citizens and exploring the prerequisites for their realization. To this purpose, three main perspectives in citizenship theory, liberalism, republicanism and communitarianism are used in the analysis of official Commission documents. The main sources are the regularly published Citize

There is a rage that has been piled up and at some point will explode

The purpose of this study is to investigate how peace and conflict within Nigeria can be understood. This is done by the application of a range of developmental indicators as well as theoretical variables drawn from the field of why insurgencies emerge. This study also includes the role of the Nigerian state in this dynamic. The applied method is a within-case comparison of three cases; the North

Staten som delägare i börsnoterade bolag - när intressen konflikteras

Are the Swedish government’s shareholding interests, which are not compatible with other shareholders’ profit-gaining interests, less prioritized than the profit-gaining interests of other shareholders? The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish Governments shareholding-interests with comparisons to other shareholders ownership-interests to examine if shareholding-interests vary and, if the

The Emergence and Growth of Social Finance in the UK

This paper presents an exploratory case study of the factors that explain the emergence and growth of social finance in the UK. Social finance refers to an array of activities that address societal issues using finance tools and logic. The practice of social finance manifests itself in the investment in social organisations and enterprises. Investments in social finance, ultimately aim to generate

What We Talk About When We Talk About Same-Sex Marriage: The Construction of Sexual Citizenship in Federal Policymaking

The aim of this paper is to examine the representations of gays and lesbians found in the Congressional debate on the federal marriage policy between 1996 and 2013. This study explores the reasons same-sex marriage has promulgated from the chambers of legislation all the way up to the federal judiciary. The challenges brought forth to the federal policy on marriage are at the center of this resear

Identitetsförmedlingens gränser : en transnationell diskursanalys av museer i Öresundsregionen

This master’s thesis is about the intermediation of identity at six of the largest museums of cultural history in the Öresund Region. The aim is to examine which the main discourses are at the museums and how they effect the intermediation of identity. By an examination of how identity is mediated at the museums of cultural history in the Öresund Region, the aim is also to create new knowledge abo

Företagsförvärv eller företagsfördärv? - En långsiktig studie på den skandinaviska förvärvsmarknaden

The purpose of this thesis is to, through statistical analysis, investigate whether the stock price of Scandinavian acquiring firms develops differently compared to benchmark. The thesis also researches if a set of variables can explain the eventual difference. This thesis is of quantitative nature and the authors have used a deductive approach. Through a regression analysis the thesis secondary

Utvärdering av UNISDR:s verktyg inom ramen för kampanjen Making Cities Resilient - genom ett koncept av samhällelig resiliens

Current trends show that the number of people affected by natural disasters is likely to increase in coming decades. Today, more than half the world's population lives in cities and the number is expected to rise in the future. To make cities safe is therefore vital. Making Cities Resilient is an ongoing global campaign in the area of disaster risk reduction and aims to build resilient cities

Maria Living - Ett kombinerat vård- och serviceboende

As we age and need help with the chores that we used to perform on our own, there are two ways that we can get help in the current situation. The first is that you can get home care, which means that health care providers will come to the residents home and give him or her the care and help needed. The other option is to move into an assisted living form where there are health professionals on sit

Who should pay the Price for Justice; The Individual, the State or someone else? Comparative Analysis of the Public Legal Aid Models in Sweden and British Columbia (Canada)

Denna text undersöker de offentliga rättshjälpsmodellerna för icke-straffrättsliga frågor i Sverige och British Columbia (BC), Kanada. Den Svenska rättshjälpsmodellen karaktäriseras av att offentlig rättshjälp är subsidiär till privat rättsskyddsförsäkring. Undersökningen ger underlag för en komparativ analys. Med beaktande av utvecklingen sedan mitten av 1990-talet och den kritik som riktats mot This text examines the public legal aid models for non-criminal legal matters in Sweden and British Columbia (BC), Canada. The Swedish legal aid model is characterized by making public legal aid subsidiary to private Legal Expenses Insurance. The examination provides data for a comparative analysis. Considering developments since the mid 1990s, and the critique aimed at the legal aid models in bot

Järnvägssektorns avreglering - ökad komplexitet och försvårad krishantering?

The report examines if the deregulation of the railway means increased complexity and obstructed crisis management. This is done by a total of eight interviews where railway companies, Transport Administration and maintenance contractors participated. A literature search in the area of complexity theory and systems thinking was conducted. With help from this literature the answers from the intervi

Development of a novel combined fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy system for guiding high-grade glioma resections

Total resection of glioblastoma multiform (GBM), the most common and aggressive malignant brain tumor, continues to be a challenge. Achieving complete resection is limited by difficulty in intraoperative discrimination between normal and residual tumor cells. This project contributes to the development and evaluation of a fiber-optical based fluorescence/reflectance spectroscopy system as an intra