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Multienzyme electrochemical array sensor for determination of phenols and pesticides

The screen-printed four-electrode system was used as the amperometric transducer for determination of phenols and pesticides using immobilised tyrosinase. peroxidase. acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. Acetylthiocholine chloride was chosen as substrate for cholinesterases to measure inhibition by pesticides, hydrogen peroxide served as co-substrate for peroxidase to measure phenols. T

Mellan frisk och sjuk : En studie av psykiatrisk öppenvård

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har en omfattande omstrukturering ägt rum av den psykiatriska vården. Verksamheterna vid de gamla mentalsjukhusen har avvecklats genom en omfattande nerdragning av slutenvårdplatser. Psykiatrins långtidssjuka patienter skulle återföras till det sociala liv de under lång tid varit avskärmade ifrån. I samband med omorganiseringen till den s kIn the past few decades a comprehensive restructuring of psychiatric care has taken place in Sweden. The activities of the traditional closed institutions have been curtailed through a drastic reduction in the number of beds available in such institutions. "Day treatment," has arisen as a new form of intensive outpatient care in the new, geographically localized psychiatric care of patients with l

Comparison of NCL-hTERT antibody reactivity and telomere repeat amplification protocol in situ in effusions

Objective To compare the performances of 2 methods, telomerase repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) in situ and antibodies to the hTERT protein, in assessing telomerase activity. Study Design TRAP in situ and immunomercial antibody (NCL-hTERT) was performed on 54 body cavity effusions. The results were compared and correlated to diagnosis. Results Thirty-four effitsions from patients with verified

Postoperative fever, bowel ischaemia and cytokine response to abdominal aortic aneurysm repair--a comparison between endovascular and open surgery

OBJECTIVES: To study bowel ischaemia in transfemorally placed endoluminal grafting (TPEG) for abdominal aortic aneurysms, and any relation to cytokine response or postoperative fever. DESIGN: Prospective not randomised. University hospital setting. MATERIAL: Fourteen cases of conventional surgery and 23 cases of endovascular technique for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. METHODS: Tonom

The diffractive interactions working group summary

Diffractive interactions represent a lively domain of investigations, as confirmed by the progresses reported during the conference. We summarize the diffractive interactions session and put the new experimental data (Section 1), developments in modeling diffraction (Section 2) and the theoretical relations with Quantum Chromodynamics (Section 3) in perspective.

Long-Term Outcome of Fractures of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skador på kotor i bröst- eller ländryggen efter en olycka kan omfatta allt ifrån en diskret skelettskada till en kotfraktur kombinerad med skador på diskar (mellankotskivor), leder, ligament, mjukdelar, nervrötter och (eller) ryggmärg. En kotfraktur kan därför leda till allt från lättare övergående besvär till kronisk smärta och invaliditet. Även patientens ålder, kön oFrom the radiographic archives at the Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, we identified children below age 16 years (n=74) and adolescents between 16 to 18 years (n=40) with a clinically and radiographically diagnosed thoracic or lumbar vertebral fracture between 1950 to 1971 (with exception of two years of missing radiographs), and all adults above age 18 years (n=39) with a non-operatively

En vattenbild från Vilda Västern

Tänk er en stad som ligger i en öken. När det blir riktigt hett kan det bli upp till 45 grader i skuggan. Medeltemperaturen på årsbasis är cirka 22 och som varmast är det i juli och augusti med 33 grader i genomsnitt. Med sådan hetta är det inte förvånansvärt att man förr i tiden dödade varandra för tillgången till vatten. Tänk er att denna stad är den snabbast expanderande staden i landet. Mellan

Controlling structure in associating polymer-surfactant mixtures

Structures of concentrated mixtures of associating polymer-surfactant mixtures are important in many technical applications. Yet an in-depth understanding of how molecular parameters affect these structures is lacking. We here summarize the results of ongoing work using a novel simplified approach to the study of associating oppositely charged polymer-surfactant mixtures, introducing a minimum num

Posterolateral lumbar fusion. Outcome of 71 consecutive operations after 4 (2-7) years

We report the outcome of 71 consecutive posterolateral lumbar fusions without spinal instrumentation. The indication for the operation was spondylolysis-olisthesis, degenerative disc disease/facet joint arthrosis, or pain after prior laminectomy. Concerning pain relief, 29/43 patients with spondylolysis-olisthesis were classified as good. The corresponding figures in the group with degenerative di

Isolated hypervariable regions derived from streptococcal M proteins specifically bind human C4b-binding protein: Implications for antigenic variation

Antigenic variation in microbial surface proteins represents an apparent paradox, because the variable region must retain an important function, while exhibiting extensive immunological variability. We studied this problem for a group of streptococcal M proteins in which the similar to 50-residue hypervariable regions (HVRs) show essentially no residue identity but nevertheless bind the same ligan

Quality of life after stroke: well-being, life satisfaction, and subjective aspects of work.

Stroke incidence in those of working age has been reported to be increasing significantly, implying strong incentives for research concerning working ability after stroke. This study focused on differences in subjective aspects of work and dimensions of quality of life after having experienced stroke. Sixty-five persons answered a postal questionnaire. The median age at the time of the stroke was

Plastic wave propagation in ductile slabs subjected to dynamic buckling

Plastic wave propagation during dynamic buckling of ductile slabs is investigated numerically using a contour plot method (q-plot) showing contours of normalized effective plastic strain rate as a function of time and position. A non-linear finite element method is used to analyse the buckling problem of the elastic-viscoplastic slab. The contour plot method is quite sufficient to depict the overa

Vasopressin and oxytocin in normal reproduction and in the patophysiology of preterm labour and primary dysmenorrhoea. Development of receptor antagonists for therapeutic use in these conditions.

Vasopressin and oxytocin are synthesised in the hypothalamus and released to the blood stream via the posterior lobe of the hypophysis. Research during later years has shown that these peptides are also produced in other parts of the brain. The secretion to plasma is stimulated by oestrogen, an effect which is counteracted by progestagen. During delivery the fetus can also produce substantial amou

Development of the assessment framework for sustainability networking

This paper is concerned with question of how to assess results of networking which is an important element in movement towards sustainable development. Although based upon a large body of research, including empirical studies, the question of assessment of the networking results remains un-addressed, to a large extent. Based on an in-depth analysis of two Swedish tourism networks for sustainabilit

On permutor designs based on cycles for serially concatenated convolutional codes

A new permutor design for serially concatenated convolutional codes is presented. It is based on the construction of a permutation matrix without short cycles of special types. For such a permutor, we give a lower bound on the minimum distance of the overall code that is significantly larger than that achievable with first-order separation (spreading factors). Additionally, the minimum distance ca

Temperature-induced phase partitioning of peptides in water solutions of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide random copolymers

A thermoseparating random copolymer (Ucon 50-HB-5100) composed of (50%) ethylene oxide and (50%) propylene oxide has been used to form an aqueous two-phase system by heating the polymer-water solution above the cloud point of the copolymer. In the formed two-phase system a water rich top phase is in equilibrium with an aqueous polymer rich bottom phase. The partitioning of amino acids and peptides