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Centerpartiets ideologiska vandring: en idéanalys av centerpartiets partiprogram 1970 till 2013.

Ideological change for political parties has for some time been a controversial issue. Parties have for different reasons often refused to accept indications of ideological change, as there seem to be pride in keeping the same idea base for long periods of time. This thesis takes its basis in ideological theories, and aims to see whether the Swedish party centerpartiet indeed is a case of such an

A GIS based approach identifying phosphorus sources within the lake Flaten catchment in Salem, Sweden

The purpose of this study has been to test if GIS based methods calibrated with limited local data can be used to determine the origin and quantity of phosphorus transport to and within a small eutrophic lake, and to assess the effects of this transport on the lake water quality. The lake studied is Lake Flaten in Salem municipality, Sweden. The objectives have been achieved by delineating catchme

'Prefiero Andar en mi Tierra Propia' - A Case Study on Food Sovereignty in the Southern Coast of Guatemala

This study explores the concept of Food Sovereignty on a local level among Mayan peasant groups from three communities situated in the southern coast of Guatemala. Drawing on the analytical concepts of Social Exclusion and Unfavourable or Forced Inclusion, it inquires into how food sovereignty can help overcome challenges experienced by the peasants. In addition, it inquires into how the challenge

The Socio-Economic impacts of Stigmatization on young women (16-24) infected with HIV in Accra, Ghana (Ridge hospital)

This study sought to explore the socio-economic impacts of stigmatization on young women (16-24) infected with HIV in Accra, Ghana (Ridge hospital). Qualitative study was performed with five young women 16-24 infected with HIV attending HIV clinic at Ridge hospital. Interviews were conducted to explore respondents’ perception of stigmatization and discrimination based on their HIV status and gende

A case study of the relationship between the City Council of Nairobi and Community Based Waste Management Organisations

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between local governments and community based waste management organisations and the sustainability of voluntary organisations providing basic services. Drawing on analytical concepts of participatory development it investigate factors contributing to a successful relationship. More specifically how cooperation, communication and collaborat

Tous ensemble? Collective Action for Smallholder Production. Achievements, Limitations, Patterns and Determinants of Farmer Based Organizations in the Senegalese Rice Sector

Senegalese smallholders up to date face high constraints regarding their generation of livelihoods from agriculture. Restricted access to productive resources and participation in finance, input and output markets are root causes for these constraints. While the potential of collective action to address institutional constraints of smallholder agriculture has been widely acknowledged, success sto

Förväntade emotioner vid hjälpande och inte-hjälpande: Olika motiv bakom identifierbarseffekten och proportiondominanseffekten?

The main purpose for this study has been to try to investigate which of our emotions that affect and control our motivational behaviour when it comes to helping people in need. Two main hypotheses were formed by the researchers; if people are told to imagine not helping an identified victim they will presume to feel more guilt than they would have done if presuming not helping a statistical victim

Frihet under ansvar?

Denna studiens syfte var att undersöka upplevelsen av arbetsgivarkontroll hos två vitt skilda arbetsplatser och yrkeskategorier. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio personer och den insamlade datan bearbetades utifrån en tematisk analys med fyra på förhand bestämda teman: kontroll, inflytande, arbetsglädje och effektivitet. I resultaten framkom både skillnader och likheter i upplevels

Statusjakt och offentlig självpresentation - om förutsättningar för respektabilitet i de sociala mediernas tidevarv

Den nya mediemiljön med sociala medier gör det möjligt att konstruera och styra mediebilden av sig själv, men ett ständigt informationsflöde bidrar till en kamp om uppmärksamheten. Det finns flertalet exempel på personer som ständigt figurerar i medierna och som spelar spelet om respekt i offentligheten, men vissa frotterar sig i finrummen medan andra inte gör det. Hur kommer detta sig? Studiens m

Identity as the "art of government"- A critical study of the governmentalities expressed in the EU Energy Strategy 2020

The concept of governmentality and the concept of banal nationalism are applied in the study to critically analyze how a European identity is articulated and legitimized within the energy policy presented by the European Commission. Furthermore, the articulated identity is related to the construction of insecurity. In the analyzed material the identity of the EU is portrayed as an effective and in

Aggregering av riskbedömningar i den nationella riskhanteringsprocessen – Användning av centrala myndigheters risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som underlag för nationell riskbedömning

A study was performed to investigate whether the risk- and vulnerability assessments of Swedish central authorities fulfill its purposes stated in the legislation. This was made by investigating and categorizing the characteristic ways the authorities communicate risks in their RVA:s. A content analysis of ten risk- and vulnerability assessments was performed as well as a participating observation

Faktorer som bidrar till ökad oro och ångest hos kvinnor som återkallas till vidare utredning efter mammografiscreening

Mammografiscreening är i dagsläget det främsta sättet att minska dödligheten i bröstcancer. Vid oklara förändringar i bilderna sker en vidare utredning för att säkerställa eller utesluta patologi. Återkallelse kan skapa oro och ångest hos kvinnor eftersom risken för att utredningen kan tyda på bröstcancer. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa bakomliggande faktorer som kan ge ökad oro

Accountability in Corporate Governance - A theoretical framework and an analysis of the German two-tier board system

This thesis arises from recent evidence of corporate non-compliance in the German two-tier system. This evidence has raised the question of accountability; what it is and to whom one should be accountable. Therefore this thesis starts out by examining the German system, how it evolved over time and how it functions. It is a system with a long and fascinating history and although it has changed ove

An Insight into Corporate Social Responsibility in Senegal

Over the past decades, the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been renowned and identified as being able to significantly contribute to poverty alleviation and development. Yet, research on CSR in developing countries remains rather scarce. This thesis presents a preliminary empirical assessment of the nature of CSR in Senegal. Through an embedded mixed method design, both broad n

Populärmusik i Kina under 1900-talet fram till idag

Den kinesiska populärmusikens historia sträcker sig ända till 1900-talets början och den inleds bara drygt 30 år efter den så kallade Tin Pan Alley-periodens början. Den kinesiska populärmusikens utveckling har däremot inte gått jämte den amerikanska och europeiska populärmusikens. Dess historia är relativt outforskad. Denna uppsats redogör för den kinesiska populärmusikens utveckling under 1900-t

Att regissera det förflutna: två museers pedagogiska förhållningssätt till bild och historia

This thesis aims to compare how curators from different institutions can use specific images as learning resources. It also investigates how the museum as institution can impact on an object’s interpretation. The studies were conducted at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm and at Fornsalen, part of the Gotland Museum, in Visby. These institutions operate within different academic disciplines and geog

Kategorisering av fjärrvärmekunder utifrån användarmönster

The possibility to analyze district heating customers has increased in recent times. This is mainly because of the fact that hourly measured values for each customer now are available for the energy companies. This master thesis aims to categorize Lunds Energi’s district heat customers according to their consumption patterns. The result should be presented in such a way that all the categories cou

VGV optimization for performance

Today’s market for gas turbines is very competitive and it is important to constantly improve the performance of the engines. It is commonly known that gas turbines have better performance at low ambient temperatures than at high ambient temperatures. One way to counteract the negative influence of a high ambient temperature is to use variable compressor guide vanes. The aim of this thesis is to e

Infrastruktur, ansvar och samarbete för en hållbar avfallshantering: En fallstudie på en ö i västra Sverige

Slutsats visar att infrastruktur, samarbete och ansvar är ovillkorliga förutsättningar vid införande av en mer hållbar avfallshantering. Infrastruktur eftersom det kan vid rätt implementering underlätta sortering av avfallsfraktioner, som gör att avfallets värde lättare blir tillgängligt. Ansvar för att belysa hur enskilda handlingar kan främja eller hämma andras insatser för hållbar avfallshanter