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Moderskap i bloggarnas värld - En kvalitativ studie om hur normer och föreställningar tar sig uttryck i bloggtexter.

Title: ”Motherhood in the bloggers world” A study of how norms and concepts around motherhood express themselves in blog texts. Authors: Andrea Diaz och Annica Sjöberg Supervisor: Torbjörn Hjort Assessor: Anders Östnäs The aim of our study was to examine and analyze norms and concepts around motherhood, and how they express themselves in blog texts. We also wanted to investigate the blog texts, ho

"Det är inte som att köpa möbler på IKEA, där medföljer i alla fall en bruksanvisning" - familjehemsföräldrars upplevelser av råd och stöd ifrån socialtjänsten

From 2004 there has been a substantial increase of foster homes on a full day contribution, in relation to this, municipalities have a hard time in recruiting foster homes. Earlier studies has pointed at that social workers contact with the foster home is an important parameter when it comes to decrease risk of collaps within the sector of foster home care. Our aim with the study has therefore bee

Kunskap, attityd och kommunikation gällande skadliga ämnen i leksaker, elektronik och madrasser - intervjuer med förskolechefer i Malmö

Studies show that toys, electronics and mattresses that are used by children in preschool environments contain hazardous substances. These substances can cause serious long term effects on children’s health and development and it is therefore important to minimise exposure to products containing these substances. Young children spend a significant amount of time in preschools and a change in the p

Den obefintliga platsen - en kvalitativ studie kring spridning av plats på sociala medier

Today it is not only people that are described as having an identity, also products, brands and even places are assigned different qualities and characteristics to make it easier for individuals to identify with them. Through theses types of identification individuals are expected to become more dedicated to the place and therefore more willing to promote it to others through different channels su

Förhandlande av värde – en studie av en varumärkesgemenskap

Interaktionsmöjligheter i sociala medier har bidragit till att varumärkesinnehavare har fått minskad kontroll över vilka budskap som kommuniceras om varumärket. Studien analyserar hur värde i relation till ett varumärke förhandlas mellan använ-dare inom en gemenskap på Instagram, samt hur normer och gruppstrukturer på-verkar och påverkas av förhandlingsprocesser inom gemenskapen. Studien bygger påThe possibilities of interaction in social media has contributed to a reduction of control for brand owners when it comes to what is being communicated about their brands. This study analyses how value in relation to a brand is negotiated between users within a community on Instagram. The study also analyses how norms and group structure affects and is affected by the negotiation processes within

Fighting the world's worst aquatic weed - A comparison of management methods for Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in Australia and South Africa

The Water hyacinth is one of the worst aquatic weeds in the world and it is today present on all continents except Antarctica. It causes big problems for both people and the aquatic ecosystems in many countries. A lot of research has been completed to find methods to eradicate the weed and a lot of money has been spent on management to keep waters clean. In this literature study on management meth

Factors Affecting Adaptation of Energy Management & Information Systems in Organizations

Energy Management needs global attention due to increase in energy demands over last two decades. Commercial buildings and Industrial Facilities are the two most intensive energy consuming sectors that results in high energy expenditure cost and carbon emissions. They have shown interest in energy efficiency and energy management programs to save energy and reduce carbon footprints due to governme

Implementation of Grey-Box Identification in

Grey-box identification is a tool to identify and improve nonlinear system models by estimating parameters. The estimation is done by optimizing a cost function using measurement data. The robustness of the estimations can then be analyzed with statistics. is a platform for modeling and optimization of dynamical models. In order to do grey-box identification one need models and be ab

Robotassisterad radikal prostatektomi - journalgranskning av det intra- och postoperativa förloppet - en registerstudie

Bakgrund: Mellan 1994-2004 skedde en dubblering av antalet nya fall av prostatacancer. Idag görs en majoritet av prostatektomierna laparoskopiskt med robotassistans. På Urologiska kliniken SUS, Malmö siktas vårdtiden efter en okomplicerad prostatektomi, vara ca 1,25 dagar. För att uppnå detta mål krävs en jämn nivå med hög kvalitet på vården. Syfte: Beskriva det intra- och postoperativa förloppe

The survival of stellar clusters

In this project I have studied the effect of gas expulsion on the evolution of stellar clusters. What effect the rate of gas removal and the quantity of gas removed has on the evolution on the cluster will be studied through computer simulations with the NBody6 code and compared to analytical predictions. The rate at which gas is removed has a very significant impact on how the cluster evolves

No title

This paper deals with the development of gender attribution in French in child second (cL2) language acquisition. Recordings of two Swedish speaking children with an AOA at the age of 3;5 have been examined between the ages of 4 to 6, and compared to the development of a bilingual first (2L1) language learner during the same period of age. An analysis of the use of noun phrases between the ages

Vad göder en närodlad politik? En studie i hur Centerpartiets lokala partiorganisationer har fått sina röstetal att växa

Evidence proves that there are several local party sections in Sweden that performs better results in the local election than they do in the national election. This research seeks to examine what these party organizations do in order to be successful in the local election, by studying party sections from the Swedish Centre Party [Centerpartiet] in the 2010 Swedish elections. Five hypotheses, all c

Remembering Ideological Identities : Transference of Holocaust Memory through Artistic Expressions

We are rushing into an era where there will be no more witnesses to carry on the conversation about what happened during the Holocaust, but that does not mean there will be a lack of facts. The issues are rather how to remember, who is to remember what, and even why remember such atrocities at all. It is often stated that we have to remember to make sure “it” never happens again. Commemorations da

A Deconstruction of the Notion of Arab Contemporary Art

In this research paper, a result of an internship at Art Dubai 2014, I attempt to deconstruct the notion of Arab contemporary art as a monolithic term. The deconstruction occurs through two case studies that pertain to Arab contemporary art. The first case study, I interview artists from the region and conduct visual analysis of their artwork in an attempt to identify aesthetical aspects that pert

Mobile phone filmmaking as a participatory medium: The case study of 24 Frames 24 Hours

This research paper explores the recently evolving field of mobile filmmaking as a medium with a potential to increase participation of individuals and communities in their environment. Through the case study of the global mobile filmmaking project 24 Frames 24 Hours, the thesis answers two main questions: how can mobile filmmaking as a process (i.e. the process of creating short films) be used as

Glitch Art Narratives: An investigation of the relation between noise and meaning

This thesis investigates the ontological meta-narratives of glitch art and focuses on it as the transition from images with noise, into a site of meaning. In the first chapter I will discuss glitch art as a failure in communication that stimulates our perception. By relating glitch art to noise art, I will describe the prevalence of a common artistic approach towards errors, while through Fiske’s

Why children are the better cooks and better people - How MasterChef Junior reinforces the 'taste of luxury and freedom', gives children high culinary capital and portrays them as having a multitude of positive characteristics

In this paper I explore how the US-American competitive cooking show MasterChef Junior assigns its 8 to 13- year-old contestants with a notion of strength. In the first part of the paper I will demonstrate how the show constructs different categories of knowledge and values of food and food practices which I will define as soft and hard culinary capital. I will describe how food is presented, how

För regionen i tiden - regionalpolitikens nya förutsättningar och den interregionala konkurrensen

Med införandet av den gemensamma marknaden i EU ändrades förutsättningarna för regionalpolitiken. I den här undersökningen är syftet att synliggöra dessa förändringar genom att fokusera på två fenomen: regional samverkan och sub-nationell representation. I två fallstudier - E20-projektet i Västra Götaland och Region Skånes representationskontor i Bryssel - genomförs en textanalys baserad på teorie

Kosovo och det imperiella kriget

NATOs bombningar av Serbien 1999 och den efterföljande post-konfliktuella situationen i Kosovo utgör denna uppsats huvudsakliga fokus. Syftet är att förstå konflikten och dess aktörer utifrån teorierna om Imperiet, som lagts fram av statsvetarna Michael Hardt och Antonio Negri i böckerna Imperiet(2003), Multituden(2007) och Commonwealth(2009). Författarnas idé om Imperiet är ett försök att begrepp