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Arkeologin och makten över meningen.
Gud — vem är det? Om utmaningen att förstå hur den transcendente Guden kan kommunicera med oss människor
Skolad in i filmens värld
Kulturartikel om den amerikanska high school-filmen som genre.
Levelling off of prevalence of obesity in the adult population of Sweden between 2000/01 and 2004/05.
BACKGROUND: The escalating global epidemic of obesity is of worldwide concern because of its association with several chronic diseases and premature mortality. Some subgroups seem to be more affected than others. The aim of this study was to examine whether the mean BMI (adjusted for age) and the prevalence of obesity (adjusted for all the explanatory variables) changed between 2000/01 and 2004/05
Altered expression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition proteins in extraprostatic prostate cancer.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) of cancer cells involves loss of epithelial polarity and adhesiveness, and gain of invasive and migratory mesenchymal behaviours. EMT occurs in prostate cancer (PCa) but it is unknown whether this is in specific areas of primary tumours. We examined whether any of eleven EMT-related proteins have altered expression or subcellular localisation within the e
Social capital, economic conditions, marital status and daily smoking: a population-based study.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between marital status and daily smoking, adjusting for economic conditions and trust. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: In total, 27,757 individuals aged 18-80 years answered a postal questionnaire, which represents 59% of the random sample. A logistic regression model was used to investigate the association between marital status and daily sm
Visual attention during decision-making in natural environments
This thesis investigates visual attention during decision-making in natural environments in four different studies. The first study demonstrated that decisions in the supermarket were suboptimal and this did not seem to relate to the amount of products attended to or the amount of time spent on each product. Consumers also failed to look at a subsection of products that better suited their prefe
Medical healthcare utilization as related to long-term care at home or in special accommodation.
This study aimed to investigate medical healthcare utilization 3-5 years following the decision about long-term care at home vs. in special accommodation in older people. A total of 1079 people who were granted long-term care the years 2001, 2002 or 2003 were studied regarding the number of hospital stays and the number of contacts with physicians in outpatient care in the 3-5 subsequent years. Th
Eva och revbenet : sex uppsatser om Gamla testamentet
Lung function in the aging Swedish cystic fibrosis population.
Swedish Cystic Fibrosis (CF) care follows international guidelines in general. The only difference in our CF care package since 25 years is the physiotherapy regimen. Airway clearance therapy has since the early 1980s, from the day of diagnosis, been based upon daily physical exercise in conjunction with techniques for transporting and evacuating mucus. Postural Drainage+/-percussion and vibration
Befriar leken från ansvar? Om BDSM, samtycke och social adekvans
Våren 2012 arrangerade Juridisk Publikation i Lund en paneldebatt på temat ”BDSM och samtycke” som jag fick förmånen att moderera. Debatten utgick från det så kallade Malmöfallet som rör åtal för misshandel i samband med BDSMutövning. Denna artikel tar avstamp i den fråga som fick avsluta debatten, nämligen om detta uppmärksammade fall har diskuterats klart. Min ståndpunkt är att genom fallet väck
Modelling soil anaerobiosis from water retention characterisics and soil respiration
The influence of microclimate on the moisture conditions in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) joint exposed to artificial rain
Vad är nyttan med nytta?
Risk of Birth Abnormalities in the Offspring of Men With a History of Cancer: A Cohort Study Using Danish and Swedish National Registries.
Background The potential mutagenic effects of cancer therapies and the growing number of young male cancer survivors have given rise to concern about the health of their offspring. Methods We identified all singleton children born alive in Denmark between 1994 and 2004 and in Sweden between 1994 and 2005 (n = 1 777 765). Of the 8670 children with a paternal history of cancer, 8162 were conceived n
Resenär i exotism
Att forska om effekter av erfarenhetsbaserat lärande – några villkor för utvärdering av grupprelationskonferenser
This paper outlines possible strategies for evaluation of group relations conferences. Based on comparison of group relations and sensitivity training, the evaluations made of the latter are critically reviewed. Restriction to outcomes, means, variability measures, experimental paradigms and effect-without-process studies, instrumental views on learning and less developed conceptions of groups ham