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Chemical investigations of disperse dyes in patch test preparations.

BACKGROUND: Contact allergy to textile dyes is not uncommon. The allergy is detected by patch testing patients with commercial patch test preparations. OBJECTIVE: To investigate 8 disperse dyes (DDs) used for patch testing in the departments in Malmö and in Leuven and to compare them with test preparations used at various dermatology departments. Materials/Methods: The investigated DDs were Disper

The expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes in human skeletal muscle is related to metabolic characteristics involved in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes patients exhibit a reduction in oxidative muscle fibres and an increase in glycolytic muscle fibres. In this study, we investigated whether both genetic and non-genetic factors influence the mRNA expression levels of three myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes represented in different fibre types. Specifically, we examined the MHC7 (slow-twitch oxidative fibre), MHCIIa (fast-twitch oxidat

Varying susceptibility of pulmonary cytokine production to lipopolysaccharide in mice.

Objectives: The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury (ALI) model has been widely applied for pathophysiological and pharmacological research. The aim of present study is to understand the variation of acute pulmonary inflammation between mouse strains. Methods: The present study investigated the susceptibility of acute production of inflammatory mediators, e.g. cytokines, chemokines

Modelling and Implementation of a vision system for embedded systems

Today more and more functionality is included in embedded systems, resulting in an increased system complexity. existing design methodologies and design tools are not adequate to deal with this increase in complexity. To overcome these limitations application specific design solutions are more common. In this thesis we presents such solutions for real-time image processing. This work is part of th

Multifocal electroretinogram for functional evaluation of retinal injury following ischemia-reperfusion in pigs.

BACKGROUND: Multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) has the power to discriminate between localized functional losses and overall retinal changes when evaluating retinal injury. So far, full-field ERG has been the gold standard for examining retinal ischemia and the effects of different neuroprotectants in experimental conditions. The aim of the present study was to establish mfERG, with simultaneous

Löser immaterialrättskonsumtion och tvångslicenser aidsproblem i världens länder?

(2004:5) Löser immaterialrättskonsumtion och tvångslicenser aidsproblem i världens länder? Denna artikel är en direkt uppföljning av 2003 års föreläsning för Nordisk Immaterialrättsförening och granskar om dagens immaterialrättssystem förhindrar att u-ländernas hälsokris kan lösas. Den immaterialrättsliga konsumtionen kommer i förgrunden, men möjligheterna att använda andra immaterialrättsliga me

Intraepidermal nerve fibre density at wrist level in diabetic and non-diabetic patients.

Abstract Aims Myelinated nerve fibre pathology has been demonstrated at wrist level in diabetic patients. We examined if quantification of intra-epidermal nerve fibre density (IENFD) in hairy and glabrous skin at wrist level could detect signs of subclinical small nerve fibre neuropathy. Methods In 35 diabetic patients who were age and gender matched with 31 non-diabetic patients, punch biopsies w