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BIM in Project Management

The construction industry is known to hold a quite low innovation level compared to many other industries. Along with the technical development, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has entered the industry in some of today’s large and complex construction projects. BIM is an intelligent 3D-model based process used for creating and managing building projects. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is

”Go West Young Man”: Economic Growth and the Role of Infrastructure Provision in the Pan-Pearl River Delta, China

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the recent growth figures of China and understand whether China will be able to sustain its outstanding economic growth pattern, in a time when it needs to rebalance its economy from investments towards domestic consumption. In fact, if China does not rebalance its economy to a consumption-­led economy, it might face difficulties to repay the massive investm

Another Dam Development Project? Development-forced Displacement and Resettlement in Nepal

In Nepal, dams have been targeted as the most viable means of energy generation. However, dam projects often necessitate the relocation and resettlement of people to make way for reservoirs; processes that may pose great challenges for affected people, given that their homes, land, and livelihoods are lost to some extent. This thesis analyzes the challenges facing the Nepali state in ensuring th

Dynamics of Philanthropy in China: Patterns of Negotiations and Collaboration in Shenzhen and Yunnan

The relations between the Chinese government and philanthropic organizations is complex and in a state of flux and rapid change. The fragmented nature of Chinese politics and local autonomy further contribute to the regional variations of philanthropy. The author examines two representative models of cooperation between government and philanthropic organizations in Yunnan and Shenzhen to explore d

Romers hälsosituation i Bosnien : en studie om hur socioekonomisk status inverkar på hälsan

Socioeconomic differences are a significant factor for health problems worldwide. Sev-eral studies have shown that people who are socially disadvantaged in society have less access to health care. They become sicker to a greater extent and die earlier than people living in more privileged social classes. The gap between those who have access to health care is becoming more noticeable, even though

Smarta fjärrvärmenät - En simuleringsstudie av prosumers inverkan på tekniska parametrar i distributionsnät

Environmental awareness increases, with demands for environmental certifications of new communities and buildings as a result. The introduction of climate friendly energy solutions is an important part of this sustainability development. Some examples of such solutions are solar collectors and heat pumps, which is why E.ON wants to investigate ways to combine small-scale, local solar collectors or

Förhållandet mellan den allmänna omplaceringsskyldigheten och turordningsreglerna- Rättsläget och individens trygghet

Anställningsskyddslagen syftar till att skapa anställningstrygghet genom bestående anställningar. Två mekanismer som bidrar till detta är den allmänna omplaceringsskyldigheten i 7 § andra stycket LAS och turordningsreglerna i 22 § LAS. Utfallet av turordningen är (bland annat) i praktiken beroende på hur omplaceringsskyldigheten tillämpas. En central fråga rör under vilka förutsättningar arbetsgiv

Självmordsproblematik på Sri Lanka- En socialkonstruktionistisk studie baserad på hälsoarbetares berättelser

Sri Lanka is an island that suffers from high suicide rates and is ranked as one of the top countries in the world that have people committing suicide. Sri Lanka has been through Tsunami and a long time of conflict during a civil war. The aim of our study is to clarify how health workers talk about the high suicide rates in Sri Lanka. This is a qualitative study with an inductive approach which to

Boys will be boys- Ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv på barnavårdsutredningar

The purpose of this study is to examine how swedish social workers describe the three different element of care that are described in the swedish forced law concerning children and youths. I have used a discourse analysis to capture the descriptions and how they construct the elements. The study contains six investigations about teens who have a risky behaviour and requires care without their cons

Business Rules on Trial: Exploring hindrances in validation of Natural Language Business Rules

The ability for organizations to respond to change has become ever more important in today's rapidly changing macro environment. The Business Rules Approach, a relatively new Information Systems Development methodology, promises business agility through the focus on and use of Business Rules. Business Rules are to be stated in natural language, so that they can be accessed and validated by peo

Sjukhuskuratorn - Väl integrerad eller inte? En kvalitativ studie av kuratorers beskrivningar kring psykosocialt arbete i hälso- och sjukvårdens organisation

Author: Marcelle Björkendal Title: How hospital welfare officers experience social work in the hospital organization Supervisor: Goran Basic The main purpose of this study was to examine how hospital welfare officers experience their work within multiprofessional team in the hospital organization. The study was based on semi structured interviews with seven different hospital welfare officers.

Kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap i socialt arbete

Abstract This paper aims to highlight the ideas and experiences of male and female leadership within the context of social work. The overall purpose of this study is, through literature and other studies to find the answer to the question of how gender affects leadership and what influences men and women has to attain managerial positions within the municipal courts. To illustrate this, we have cr

Rehabilitering och socialt kapital. En studie av patientens tillgång till och val av rehabilitering i samband med cancersjukdom

ABSTRACT Author: Moa Stinggård Kristensson Title: Rehabilitation and Social Capital. A Study of the Patient's Access to and Choice of Rehabilitation in the Context of Cancer Disease. Supervisor: Marianne Larsson Lindahl Assessor: Max Koch, Anna Meeuwisse The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which patients were informed about the possibility of rehabilitation. Further, to investig

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda personer med psykiatrisk diagnos i somatisk vård - Litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Patienter som vårdas i somatisk vård kan även vara drabbade av psykiatriska sjukdomar. Sjuksköterskor i den somatiska vården behöver även tillgodose dessa patienters omvårdnadsbehov. Syfte: Att ta del av den forskning som undersöker sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med psykiatrisk diagnos på somatiska vårdavdelningar. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats s

Sydafrika och Rhodesia - En jämförande fallstudie av två regimers konstitutioner

I denna B-uppsats har vi undersökt de sista konstitutionerna som Rhodesia och Sydafrika hade innan regimerna i dessa stater föll 1969 respektive 1983. När vi analyserar dem använder vi statsvetaren Arend Lijpharts konsensus- och majoritetsteori. Vi vill se om skillnader i konstitutionerna kan förklara varför övergången till demokrati i Sydafrika blev relativt fredlig medan Rhodesia föll samman i e

The visual album as a hybrid art-form: A case study of traditional, personal, and allusive narratives in Beyoncé

The combination of visual art and music has resulted in many innovative audio-visual phenomena and provides an on-going exciting avenue of artistic production. This thesis explores one such phenomenon, the visual album. The visual album is a hybrid medium between music video and film; like music video, it promotes an audio album, and like film, it is conceived as a whole work of art. The visual al

Space Rewritten - an exploration of spaces at the Tycho Brahe Museum

In this thesis I use the text Mythic, Aesthetic and Theoretical space by Ernst Cassirer to reflect on the Tycho Brahe Museum, Ven. Questions asked, are if conflicting spaces can be seen at the site and if one space can subjugate another. It is also discussed if there exist other spaces than mythic, aesthetic and theoretical. The thesis begins with a short reflection on the definition of the concep

After Power - How and under which circumstances post-presidential power is applied

The President of the United States of America wields executive power like few other heads of state, in being commander-in-chief of the sole military and economic superpower within the international system. Yet after presidency, that hard power dissipates and is instead replaced by the ability to project soft power. In our paper we seek to understand this post-presidential power, the means through