William Grey & Brita Tott. En berättelse om krig och kärlek i stormaktstidens Sverige
Skildring av intressanta människoöden i det tidiga 1600-talets Sverige.
Skildring av intressanta människoöden i det tidiga 1600-talets Sverige.
It is important to know about how frail older people experience their physical decline and how they adapt to their bodily changes so that the health system can design preventive interventions targeting this group early on in the disability process. The aim of this study was to explore how older people perceive their physical decline. The study is qualitative in design and based on interviews with
To explore patterns of cerebral blood flow in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), who (1) eventually deteriorate into overt dementia, with no particular focus on the type of dementia, or (2) do not appear to further deteriorate in their cognitive functions.
Background Signal transduction pathways convey information from the outside of the cell to transcription factors, which in turn regulate gene expression. Our objective is to analyze tumor gene expression data from microarrays in the context of such pathways. Results We use pathways compiled from the TRANSPATH/TRANSFAC databases and the literature, and three publicly available cancer microarray da
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Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling analyseras ett samverkansprojekt i den så kallade ungdomsvården i Sverige. Projektet hade som mål att förbättra samordningen mellan socialtjänsten och Statens institutionsstyrelse för att kunna effektivisera insatserna för samhällsomhändertagna ungdomar och deras familjer. I projektet var också ett antal samordnare anställda. Det övergripande syftetIn this dissertation a collaboration project in Swedish youth care is analysed. The aim of the project was to enhance coordination between the Social Services and the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care in order to make the efforts more efficient. The project also employed a number of coordinators. The overall purpose of this dissertation is to analyse conflicts, alliances and compariso
Kulturartikel om Martin Scorsese och hans filmberättande.
Objective. To describe the feasibility of robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy for unfavorably localized myomas using the da Vinci surgical system. Design. Prospective observational. Setting. University hospital. Method. Between April 2006 and March 2008, a robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy was performed on 13 women selected for having deep intramural myomas with probable impact on fertilit
Energy security has gained increasing prominence on the EU political agenda, but is often framed narrowly, in terms of import dependency or security of supply. In this paper we screen and scope out a more comprehensive suite of energy security aspects to be considered when assessing low-carbon energy scenarios and apply it using the EU Energy Roadmap as an example. Availability and affordability i
BACKGROUND: The majority of allergy patients who seek medical advice are seen in primary care. In-service training of professionals in general practice is needed in order to increase knowledge among primary care clinicians about allergy. Therefore it is important to establish a consensus about what primary care professionals should be able to do, and what the public can expect. We sought to identi