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Nutritional Assessment in a Rural Area of Bolivia. A Study of Zinc and Iron Deficiencies and Bioavailability
Popular Abstract in English Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies continue to be a major health problem, especially in rural areas in developing countries. It is of great importance to have reliable data about the existing deficiencies, and also about their main causes, for the designing and developing of efficient nutritional strategies in order to overcome nutritional problems. Bolivia is While originally, protein-energy deficiency was considered the main factor of malnutrition, it is now understood that micronutrient deficiencies play a fundamental role in a variety of health and disease outcomes. Zinc and iron deficiencies are still highly prevalent in low-income countries, whereas insufficient intakes and diets with low mineral absorption are the major causes. Sustainable and fe
Evaluation of in-car speed limiters – Field study
MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) aims to provide recommendations for speed management strategies and policies and to elaborate guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools. Within the framework of the project, field trials with a car equipped with a speed limiter were carried out in three “regional typical” European countries: Sweden, the Netherlands, an
Skånes vegetationshistoria - förändringar under 17 000 år
Fria varurörelser i den Europeiska gemenskapen. En studie av gränsdragningen mellan gemenskapsangelägeheer och nationella angelägenheter.
Popular Abstract in Swedish EG-fördragets regler om varors fria rörlighet är ett centralt område inom de Europeiska gemenskapernas rättsordning. Detta rättsområdet har stor betydelse i det praktiska rättslivet, såväl för offentlig förvaltning som för enskilda företag. I denna bok behandlas spörsmål rörande EG-fördragets regler om icke-tariffära handelshinder (artiklarna 30, 34 och 36). Ända sedanThis thesis concerns the Articles 30, 34 and 36 of the EC-Treaty and conflicts of competence between the Community and the Member States. It deals especially with the delimitation between community concerns and national concerns in the field of non-tariff barriers to trade in community law. A new perspective concerning the application of Articles 30 and 34 of the EC-Treaty is introduced. It is arg
Airway epithelial shedding: Morphological and functional aspects in vivo.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inflammatoriska luftvägssjukdomar såsom astma och rinit är några av de folksjukdomar som trots den moderna läkarvetenskapen uppvisat en ökad prevalens de senaste decennierna. En allergisk reaktion och efterföljande inflammation tros ligga bakom många av de förändringar som karakteriserar astmatiska luftvägar tex infiltration av vita blodkroppar och extravasering av plasEpithelial damage may contribute to the pathology in airway diseases such as asthma and rhinitis. However, the distribution of epithelial shedding in inflammatory airway diseases and, particularly, the ensuing repair processes are largely unknown. In the present studies we have developed novel in vivo techniques to explore epithelial repair mechanisms and associated tissue responses occuring in gu
A Fair Weather Champion? The European Union at the United Nations Human Rights Council
The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Holocaust. Raoul Wallenberg as a History Cultural Symbol
Om Raoul Wallenberg som historiekulturell symbol.
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Approximating the maximum independent set and minimum vertex coloring on box graphs
A box graph is the intersection graph of a finite set of orthogonal rectangles in the plane. The problem of whether or not the maximum independent set problem (MIS for short) for box graphs can be approximated within a substantially sub-logarithmic factor in polynomial time has been open for several years. We show that for box graphs on n vertices which have an independent set of size Ω(n/logO(1)n
Laying the Boundaries of Syntax: Studies in the Interfaces Between Syntax, Semantics and Lexicon
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Nominal phrases from a Scandinavian perspective
This monograph presents a new model of the internal syntax of nominal phrases. The model is mainly based on Scandinavian, since with the wide range of variation that Scandinavian displays in the nominal domain, despite the close genetic relationship between the different varieties, Scandinavian is particularly well-suited for explorations into nominal syntax. Among the topics covered are the basic
Diasporization, globalization and cosmopolitan discourse
Så förhandlades bilden av "tredje statsmakten" fram: Om "pressens" legitimitets- och mediehistoria
Learning Perceptual Skills for Medical Diagnosis via Eye Movement Modeling Examples on Patient Video Cases
Trafiksanering. Kompendium i trafikteknik 5 : 1
The potential of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for biogas production
Popular Abstract in Swedish Transportsektorn står för 63% av Sveriges använding av kol, olja och gas. Biobränslen som etanol, biodiesel och biogas står bara för 6.8% av energin som används för nationella transporter, biogas står för 12% av detta. Ökad produktion av biobränslen för transproter behöver inte betyda minskad produktion av jordbruks- och skogsråvaror för annat. Dels kan restprodukter anBiofuels are currently produced from agricultural crops, and an increasing use of crops for this application is expected in the EU in the years to come. The dominating crops cultivated in the EU for biofuel production today have a relatively large environmental impact. The European Energy Agency has identified several lignocellulosic crops, including industrial hemp, as more sustainable potential