Effekten av mental träning på idrottsprestation - en litteraturstudie
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Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
During the last decade, the so-called essential facilities doctrine has been present in EC competition law. Under the doctrine, an undertaking that owns or controls an ''essential facility'' may be under a special responsibility to grant its competitors access to the facility. A refusal to provide access would, if the owner cannot present any objective justification for the refusal
One reason for poverty is that many people are denied access to financial markets. A new alternative way of providing credit to people living in a vulnerable economic situation is microfinance. Microfinance has often been a success story and one explanation has often been the impact of social capital. This thesis investigates the relationship between social capital and microfinance. Do individual
In the context of a global surge in attention towards reducing neonatal mortality in developing countries, this study explores how mothers in the Southern Province of Zambia describe their behavior to prevent and care for neonatal illnesses, and how this behavior is related to their beliefs on neonatal illness causation. Using an anthropological approach that is based on Kleinman’s (1980) local He
This study aimed at understanding perceptions of local water users concerning equitable management of small multipurpose reservoirs in Northern Ghana. Furthermore, its aim was to compare these perceptions with the concept of equitable management promoted by development projects, which stress creation of new institutions – Water User Associations (WUA) – for the equitable management to be achieved.
As informal human settlements grow in some major urban centers throughout the developing world, the problem of poverty is being exacerbated by escalating waste generation. Poor sanitation and substandard living conditions in these settlements pose major health risks for millions of marginalized people. Many have resorted to working informally in unhealthy and unsafe conditions to scrounge through
This case study considers what appears to be a political convergence in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Four political transitions that have occurred in all three countries are studied: the military coups of 1964, 1973 and 1976, the transitions back to democracy, the implementations of liberal economic reforms, and the recent turns leftwards. Three different types of explanations are presented, ea
Offending images are representations that hurt people’s feelings deeply. My thesis deals with the way in which people read and interpret these offending images. It becomes important to understand what makes some viewers vulnerable to a certain image thereby provoking strong reactions against it. The aim is to put myself at the receiving end, in the place of those who are offended and look at the i
This thesis is a case study on community-based water management and increased access to water through rainwater harvesting in rural Jordan. It also considers how women gain benefits through rainwater harvesting and their participation in community-based water management. Based on a holistic framework that merges community-based water management and water demand management, we examined Bayoudah vil
Uganda previously had the reputation of being Africa’s food basket, which unfortunately no longer is the case. To mitigate the downwards spiral of soil depletion many organisations, both governmental and non-governmental, introduce land-management systems to farmers, with agroforestry being one example. This study aims to elucidate the importance of the dissemination of information in the context
Den svenska integrationspolitiken står inför en strukturomvandling då de delar av flyktingmottagandet som handlar om arbetsmarknadsetablering flyttar från flyktingmottagande kommuners ansvar till den statliga myndigheten Arbetsförmedlingen. Genom en intervjuundersökning med tjänstemän inom integrationsområdet i fyra olika skånska kommuner tittar denna uppsats närmre på hur implementeringsberedskap
Denna uppsats testar olika förklaringsfaktorer till förekomsten av barnsoldater i väpnade konflikter i den asiatiska regionen. Resultaten redovisas i en tabell och tre scatterplots, på vilka det följer en diskussion om hur faktorerna förhåller sig till andelen barnsoldater. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ statistisk analys av de olika faktorerna fastslås det att antalet internflyktingar har större påv
Västsahara är ett land rikt på naturresurser. Trots detta är befolkningen beroende av omvärldens bistånd för sin överlevnad i flyktingläger i och med Marockos intåg och ockupation av området 1975. Postkoloniala och ekonomiska strukturer sägs ligga till grund för konflikten som är både utdragen och komplex med många aktörer och intressen. EU är en viktig aktör i konflikten i och med upprättandet av
The development of a security policy for Europe has been a long and arduous process, which bore fruit first at the end of the 20th century. What are the drivers behind this remarkable endeavour aimed at creating a policy regarding the defense of the European Union? This thesis sets out to examine the effect of events on the shaping of the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP), basing its the
Animals are often used in advertising, especially in commercials. When given human characteristics, and used in several commercials over a longer period of time, anthropomorphic animal spokespersons are born. These animals are neither real animals nor humans. They are hybrids, or fake animals. Fake in the sense that they are fictive, they lack an existing model and they are an assembly of many thi
The aim of this study was to investigate if highly hypnotizable individuals are more easily emotional contagion opposed to low hypnotizable ones. The participants were shown pictures of happy and angry male faces while facial muscle activity was measured by EMG over the Zygomaticus Major (smiling muscle) and the Corrugator Supercilii (frowning muscles). The hypothesis was that highly hypnotizable
The purpose of this micro-ethnographic study was to bring to light the choices and strategies of poor people in reaction to what they imagined housing policies to be in Nicaragua. The analysis used four of Bourdieu’s concepts which are Habitus, Capital, Field, and Agency and his structuralistic constructivism and interpretivism within a mainly phenomenological approach. Both approaches emphasized
For well over two decades, the European Union (EU) has been an important actor in climate change policy. It has developed a wide range of tools for its external and internal climate policy. This thesis examines the EU’s view on international climate agreements. The EU promotes a relatively stable approach to deal with the problem of climate change which is characterised by efforts to conclude lega
Målet med offentlig upphandling är att ge medborgarna den bästa produkten till det bästa priset. För att upphandlingen ska vara legitim så får det inte finnas utrymme för godtyckliga beslut från tjänstemännen. Vid Försvarets Materielverks (FMV) upphandling 2008 om pansarfordon lämnades ett sådant utrymme vilket gjorde att upphandlingen ogiltigförklarades och var tvungen att göras om. Under upphand