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Your search for "*" yielded 534251 hits
The qualitative modeling and compression of the request sequences in ARQ protocols
Compression of the repeat request data in ARQ protocols was studied. Focus was on the problem of compressing the output of the block box (ARQ algorithm) with unknown input signal (error sequence). Towards finding a practical solution, it was found that the main statistical properties of error sequences and xn are more less the same.
TOR/SkatteNytts digitala endagskonferens – Metodologiska frågor vid skatterättslig forskning
Åldersgränser i socialtjänsten : Diskriminering eller en fråga om värdighet
Is it age discrimination to provide a place at a nursery home or to provide home-care services for persons above a certain age or is it general social welfare in the same sense as old-age pensions are? There is a trend in Sweden towards such age-limits, sometimes enacted by municipalities and sometimes such age-limits evolves in case law. This development is described and discussed in a discrimina
Undersökningar av ljusabsorption orsakad av dopämnen i galliumfosfid
On optical properties and luminescence of some large bandgap III-V compounds
Granger Causality Testing in High-Dimensional VARs: A Post-Double-Selection Procedure
We develop an LM test for Granger causality in high-dimensional (HD) vector autoregressive (VAR) models based on penalized least squares estimations. To obtain a test retaining the appropriate size after the variable selection done by the lasso, we propose a post-double-selection procedure to partial out effects of nuisance variables and establish its uniform asymptotic validity. We conduct an ext
Correlating trainee attributes to performance in 3D CAD training
Purpose - The purpose of this exploratory study is to identify trainee attributes relevant for development of skills in 3D computer-aided design (CAD). Design/methodology/approach - Participants were trained to perform cognitive tasks of comparable complexity over time. Performance data were collected on the time needed to construct test models, and the number of features used to construct them. A
Värdet av receptfria läkemedel - ett hälsoekonomiskt perspektiv
Nathalie Op de Beeck (red.), Literary Cultures and Twenty-First-Century Childhoods
On the number of polynomials over GF(2) that factor into 2, 3 or 4 prime polynomials
In this paper a simple method is presented to derive formulas for the number of polynomials over GF(2) which factor into two, three, and four prime polynomials only. A table is given, summarizing the above numbers for polynomials of degree up to 127. Furthermore, the computed values are compared with an asymptotic approximation for these values.
A digital signature scheme based on random error-correcting codes
Over the past years there have been few attempts to construct digital signature schemes based on the intractability of the decoding of linear error-correcting codes. Unfortunately all these attempts failed. In this paper we suggest a new approach based on a seemingly unknown before fact that the set of correctable syndroms being nonlinear nevertheless contains a rather large linear subspace.
On a fast correlation attack on certain streaxn ciphers
In this paper we present a new algorithm for the recovery of the initial state of a linear feedback shift register when a noisy output sequence is given. Our work is focussed on the investigation of the asymptotical behaviour of the recovery process rather than on the construction of an optimal recovery procedure. Our results show the importance of low-weight checks and show also that the complexi
Subgroups of patients with young-onset type 2 diabetes in India reveal insulin deficiency as a major driver
AIM/HYPOTHESIS: Five subgroups were described in European diabetes patients using a data driven machine learning approach on commonly measured variables. We aimed to test the applicability of this phenotyping in Indian individuals with young-onset type 2 diabetes.METHODS: We applied the European-derived centroids to Indian individuals with type 2 diabetes diagnosed before 45 years of age from the
α- and β-Eliminations in Transition Metal Complexes : Strategies to Cleave Unstrained C−C and C−F Bonds
Oxidative addition is the standard process for single-bond activation in transition metal catalysis and it is known to operate for many types of bonds, but challenging σ-bonds e. g. C(sp3)−F and C(sp3)−C(sp3) bonds are the exceptions in this respect. This short review aims at demonstrating how both α- and β-eliminations may be better options for activation of unstrained C−F and C−C single bonds. S
Preterm Delivery and Long-term Risk of Hypertension in Women
Importance: Preterm delivery has been associated with future cardiometabolic disorders in women. However, the long-term risks of chronic hypertension associated with preterm delivery and whether such risks are attributable to familial confounding are unclear. Such knowledge is needed to improve long-term risk assessment, clinical monitoring, and cardiovascular prevention strategies in women. Objec
Risk för lokalt återfall vid rektalcancer är beroende av resektionsmarginal
Trigger warnings – om undervisning och politisk gränshållning i 2020-talets sociala landskap
Debatten om ”trigger warnings” och ”trygga rum” berör alla universitetslärare, även dem som aldrig ställts inför dylika krav från studenter. Med utgångspunkt i den uppmärksammade konflikten på sexologutbildningen vid Malmö universitet våren 2021 diskuterar essän vad så kallade trigger warnings och trygga rum är, och hur lärare i högre utbildning kan förhålla sig till studenters föreställningar kri
A deeply supervised convolutional neural network ensemble for multilabel segmentation of pelvic OARs
Accurate delineation of organs at risk (OAR) is a crucial step in radiation therapy (RT) treatment planning but is a manual and time-consuming process. Deep learning-based methods have shown promising results for medical image segmentation and can be used to accelerate this task. Nevertheless, it is rarely applied to complex structures found in the pelvis region, where manual segmentation can be d