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holding one's own in an unfinished system : Juliette Blightman & Ellie Epp

“holding one’s own in an unfinished systemit simply stresses the multiples at play”This exhibition takes its name from a 1987 text by Canadian artist Ellie Epp. The unfinished systems in which Epp and British artist Juliette Blightman hold their own are multiple: from the commitments of the artists’ daily lives, to the context of the societies they occupy, to the art institutions which provide one

Soil water and temperature patterns in an arid desert dune sand

Under arid natural conditions, soil water content governs and limits the number and size of perennial plant species. Thus, plant-available soil water is the main constraint for sustainable control of desert encroachment. To evaluate possibilities for re-vegetation of bare sand surfaces, soil water and temperature patterns for typical sand dunes in a desert climate were investigated. Bare and veget

Ekonomerna och den stora börskraschen

Börskraschen på Wall Street hösten 1929 är en av alla tiders mest spektakulära ekonomiska händelser. Den är följaktligen flitigt omskriven, naturligt nog mest ur amerikanskt perspektiv. Här ska vi betrakta den ur svenskt perspektiv. Hur reagerade svenska nationalekonomer före, under och efter kraschen? Vår historia kretsar kring de tre ekonomer som var mest aktiva: Gustav Cassel, Bertil Ohlin och

Insulin resistance probability score and incident cardiovascular disease

Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, insulin immunoassay variability and scarce research of the elderly have hindered the adoption of IR assessment for CVD prevention. We asked whether the probability of having IR [p(IR)]—derived from insulin and C-peptide mass-spectrometry assays—was associated with CVD in the elderly. Methods: A random coh

Assessing the effectiveness of a sexual and reproductive health and rights training programme in changing healthcare practitioners’ attitudes and practices in low-income countries

Introduction: In low-income countries the utilisation of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services is influenced by healthcare practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and practices. Despite awareness of the potential problems due to ingrained biases and prejudices, few approaches have been effective in changing practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning SRHR in low-in

Who Counts as a Sexual Subject? The Impact of Ableist Rhetoric for People with Intellectual Disability in Sweden

Introduction: The ableist rhetoric around sexuality in disability services and beyond can hinder subjective sexual expression and have a powerful impact on health, self-esteem, and everyday life through internalized ableism, structural marginalization, and interpersonal discrimination. The aim of this study was to explore the ableist rhetoric of sexuality and its impact on sexual scripting for peo

Influence of dietary fibers and particle size distribution on food rheology

This chapter deals with the rheology of dietary fiber (DF) suspensions and how their microstructural properties influence them. The DFs obtained from selected vegetables, namely, tomato, apple, carrot, potato, parsnip, and yacon are reported. The amount and composition of the soluble/insoluble fiber have been measured for each type of fiber. For the insoluble part, the microstructural properties s

Some Eulerian and Lagrangian statistical properties of rainfall at small space-time scales

Management of urban hydrological systems requires a knowledge of short-term and small-scale rainfall properties. Small catchment areas, dense building structures, a high degree of impermeable areas, and resulting rapid runoff, mean that the properties of individual rain cells are important considerations. Accordingly, this paper characterizes mainly spatial rainfall properties on a scale suitable

Politik och styrning för hållbar konsumtion. : En forskningsöversikt

The ongoing environmental crisis and the growing socio-economic disparities between different population groups are among the most significant challenges facing humanity. These problems are rooted in unsustainable consumption patterns, particularly in the more affluent societies worldwide. We, therefore, need to change existing consumption patterns, which is a considerable challenge. A sustainable

Towards More Efficient Wireless Power Transfer for 6G

As time is moving forward, the world is becoming more dependent on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The vision for the future involves IoT devices participating in various aspects of our daily lives, including sensing, controlling, and communicating. Such a future requires a significant number of IoT devices, which raises questions regarding sustainability in terms of battery waste. One promising

IoT technologies in the food supply chain

Over the past few years, there has been growing research interest in the Internet of Things. Both academics and industrialists have developed and deployed IoT-based applications for transparency and efficiency within the food sector. Some of the IoT applications that have been successfully implemented are related to tracking, tracing, and monitoring food products and other resources, which contrib

Periodiseringsbaserad Earnings Management IFRS 15 - Implementeringens effekt på beslutsnyttan

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Periodiseringsbaserad Earnings Management: IFRS 15 - Implementeringens effekt på beslutsnyttan Seminariedatum: 01/11/2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i Redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Vinzent Lenander, David Solin och Emma Wall Handledare: Micael Jönsson Fem nyckelord: IFRS 15, Beslutsnytta, Diskretionära Periodiseringar, E

Evaluation of the RF-MEP Method for Merging Multiple Gridded Precipitation Products in the Chongqing City, China

Precipitation is a major component of the water cycle. Accurate and reliable estimation of precipitation is essential for various applications. Generally, there are three main types of precipitation products: satellite based, reanalysis, and ground measurements from rain gauge stations. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Recent efforts have been made to develop various merging methods

Numerical simulation of saltwater intrusion into Laccadive Island aquifers due to climate change

Saltwater intrusion is a serious environmental problem in coastal subsurface water systems around the world. In the development of subsurface water protection and rehabilitation strategies in the coastal areas, mathematical models play an important role. This paper discusses the role of subsurface water contamination models in planning, management and regulation, with a focus on generic and site s

Transport and sedimentation of pollutants in a river reach : A chemical mass balance approach

The River Höje in the south of Sweden is a typical receiving water for urban and rural runoff. Mass balance calculations over a 17‐month period indicate that pollutants are retained in the sediments of the investigated 5‐km‐long reach of the stream (90 tons of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD7), 850 tons of chloride, 2.1 tons of copper, 3.2 tons of zinc, and 1.0 ton of lead). Other pollutants such a

Soil water, soil chemical and crop variations in a clay soil

Spatial properties of field soils vary in a complex manner. Especially in arid and semiarid areas, this variability affects plant quality and crop production. An experimental field plot was extensively sampled regarding soil water (378 gravimetrical samples), soil chemical content (314 samples), and crop yield and chemical content (26 samples) at the Cherfech agricultural field research station in