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Your search for "*" yielded 534177 hits

Thermistor-based biosensing

In this review a universal thermistor-based biosensor system is described with examples from clinical chemistry, bioprocess monitoring and environmental control. The technique is based on the measurement of the small temperature changes associated with enzymatic reactions occurring in a microreactor with immobilized enzyme. The system has good operational stability and a sensitivity that permits m

Perceived challenges at work and need for professional support among people with inflammatory arthritis - a qualitative interview study

Background: People with inflammatory arthritis (IA) often experience low work ability, and up to 38% lose their jobs during the initial years after the diagnosis of IA. Aim: We explore the perceived challenges at work and identify the need for professional support among Danish people with IA. Materials/methods: Individual explorative interviews based on a hermeneutic approach. We used Graneheim an

Broad-scale patterns of the Afro-Palaearctic landbird migration

Aim: Knowledge of broad-scale biogeographical patterns of animal migration is important for understanding ecological drivers of migratory behaviours. Here, we present a flyway-scale assessment of the spatial structure and seasonal dynamics of the Afro-Palaearctic bird migration system and explore how phenology of the environment guides long-distance migration. Location: Europe and Africa. Time per

Treatment of spasticity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy in Northern Europe : a CP-North registry study

BACKGROUND: Spasticity is present in more than 80% of the population with cerebral palsy (CP). The aim of this study was to describe and compare the use of three spasticity reducing methods; Botulinum toxin-A therapy (BTX-A), Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) and Intrathecal baclofen therapy (ITB) among children and adolescents with CP in six northern European countries.METHODS: This registry-based

On the construction of authentication codes with secrecy and codes withstanding spoofing attacks of order L ≥ 2

We present an analysis of some known cartesian authentication codes and their modification into authentication codes with secrecy, with transmission rate R = r/n, where n = 2, 3, …, and 1 ≤ r ≤ n - 1 using (n - r)(r + 1) q-ary key digits. For this purpose we use a grouping technique. Essentially the same key grouping technique is used for the construction of codes that withstand spoofing attacks o

Self-selective formation of ordered 1D and 2D GaBi structures on wurtzite GaAs nanowire surfaces

Scaling down material synthesis to crystalline structures only few atoms in size and precisely positioned in device configurations remains highly challenging, but is crucial for new applications e.g., in quantum computing. We propose to use the sidewall facets of larger III–V semiconductor nanowires (NWs), with controllable axial stacking of different crystal phases, as templates for site-selectiv

Conflict in Colours : A comparative study of republican and loyalist murals in Belfast

”Conflict in Colours” är en avhandling som fokuserar på historiska narrativs roll i att legitimera och bibehålla konflikter, samt hur dessa narrativ påverkar den begynnande fredsprocessen. Genom att studera det inneboende kulturella våldet i dessa narrativ har jag visat hur kulturellt våld är en essentiell del i att legitimera, påverka och bibehålla det antagonistiska förhållandet mellan parterna Conflict in Colours is a book about the role of cultural violence in maintaining and transferring conflict situations by investigating republican and loyalist murals in Belfast during the Troubles and the Northern Irish peace process. During several decades, the people of Northern Ireland have endured warlike situations before the peace agreement in 1998. This doctoral thesis examines the ways/how

Field dependence of superfluid density in β-PdBi2

Specific heat and small-angle neutron scattering measurements have been performed on the superconductor β-PdBi2. Whereas models with a uniform gap do not yield an adequate description of the temperature-dependent specific heat and the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the SANS intensity, fits to a heuristic model with two gap parameters agree well with both data sets. The fact that two

Role of dispersion and compression ratio on the temporal contrast of SPM-broadened post-compressed pulses

Nonlinear pulse post-compression, mainly enabled by self-phase modulation (SPM), opens new avenues towards high peak power laser pulses at high average power while bypassing the need for a gain medium with large bandwidth. However, SPM-induced spectral broadening typically introduces spectral amplitude modulations as well as a chirp of third and higher orders, limiting the temporal contrast of the

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Biotechnology and genetic engineering raise a number of new ethical problems. Consequently, over the past 15 years, several European countries, including the Nordic countries, have passed new laws in an attempt to deal with the ethical problems posed by biotechnology. These developments raise the question of how to formulate legislation to regulate both the technical and ethical aspects of biotech

Kvinnor, män och alla Andra : En svensk genushistoria

Svenska historieböcker är ofta genusomedvetna. Den genushistoria som har skrivits bortser dessutom ofta från andra maktförhållanden som påverkat människors liv och samhället i stort. Den här boken är en genushistoria som handlar om kvinnor och män och om maktrelationerna mellan dem – men också om alla Andra.Det finns etniska Andra, sexuella Andra, kroppsliga Andra och många andra Andra. Gemensamt

Arthropod biomass increase in spring correlates with NDVI in grassland habitat

Data from remote sensing are often used as proxies to quantify biological processes, especially at large geographical scales. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is the most frequently used proxy for primary productivity. Assuming a direct, positive interrelation between primary and secondary production in terrestrial habitats, NDVI is often used to predict food availability for high

A full annual perspective on sex-biased migration timing in long-distance migratory birds

In many taxa, the most common form of sex-biased migration timing is protandry—the earlier arrival of males at breeding areas. Here we test this concept across the annual cycle of long-distance migratory birds. Using more than 350 migration tracks of small-bodied trans-Saharan migrants, we quantify differences in male and female migration schedules and test for proximate determinants of sex-specif

Characterization and adaptation of Caldicellulosiruptor strains to higher sugar concentrations, targeting enhanced hydrogen production from lignocellulosic hydrolysates

The members of the genus Caldicellulosiruptor have the potential for future integration into a biorefinery system due to their capacity to generate hydrogen close to the theoretical limit of 4 mol H2/mol hexose, use a wide range of sugars and can grow on numerous lignocellulose hydrolysates. However, members of this genus are unable to survive in high sugar concentrations, limiting their ability t

Improving texture and microstructure homogeneity in high-purity ta sheets by warm cross rolling and annealing

The evolution of texture and microstructure uniformity in high-purity tantalum (Ta) sheets during 135◦ warm cross rolling (WCR) was analyzed in detail. X-ray diffraction suggested that relatively uniform ‘ideal’ deformation texture distribution across the thickness could be obtained from WCR, since more potential slip systems could be activated. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) results indi