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Proteomic response in Streptococcus gordonii DL1 biofilm cells during attachment to salivary MUC5B

Background: Salivary mucin MUC5B seems to promote biodiversity in dental biofilms, and thereby oral health, for example, by inducing synergistic 'mucolytic' activities in a variety of microbial species that need to cooperate for the release of nutrients from the complex glycoprotein. Knowledge of how early colonizers interact with host salivary proteins is integral to better understand the maturat

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Study on calorimetric biosensor has a long history. Recent years, more and more scientists begin to show great interests in this field and the focus is mini/micro system and hybrid system. Principle, instrumentation, history and trends of calorimetric biosensor are reviewed in this article.

Modelica-based simulations of decentralised substations to support decarbonisation of district heating and cooling

District heating and cooling are considered effective solutions to decarbonise the energy use in the building sector. The latest generation of district heating and cooling also increases the potential of integrating heat pumps and chillers in each building substation. The benefits of such integration are the reduction of network temperature and distribution losses; the recovery of waste heat throu

Long-term Stability of Albumin, Protein HC, Immunoglobulin G, κ- and λ-chain-immunoreactivity, Orosomucoid and α1-antitrypsin in Urine Stored at -20°C

The stability of albumin, protein HC, immunoglobulin G, κ- and λ-chain immunoreactivity, orosomucoid and α1 -antitrypsin in urine stored at -20°C for up to 24 months was investigated. Significant decreases of the median concentration values for protein HC, IgG and α1-antitrypsin were observed for native urine. Addition to urine of a preservative solution containing benzamidinium chloride, EDTA, tr

Blood parasites prevalence of migrating passerines increases over the spring passage period

Whether long-distance animal migration facilitates or hampers pathogen transmission depends on how infections affect the routes and timing of migrating hosts. If an infection directly or indirectly impedes migratory flight capacity, infected individuals lag behind their uninfected conspecifics. Although such temporal segregation can limit parasite transmission and thus play an important role for h

Regional contributions to left ventricular stroke volume determined by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in cardiac resynchronization therapy

BACKGROUND: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) restores ventricular synchrony and induces left ventricular (LV) reverse remodeling in patients with heart failure (HF) and dyssynchrony. However, 30% of treated patients are non-responders despite all efforts. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) can be used to quantify regional contributions to stroke volume (SV) as potential CRT predictors

Living life with cerebral palsy? A description of the social safety nets for individuals with cerebral palsy in the Nordic countries

AIMS: This report reviews major laws, acts and regulations of social benefits and services for individuals with disabilities, focusing on cerebral palsy in the five Nordic countries. It summarizes the available benefits and services and the re-application process and provides comparative analyses among the countries.METHODS: Published reports, articles and relevant government and municipal website

A high-repetition rate attosecond pulse source for coincidence spectroscopy

The power of attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy combined with advanced detection schemes, such as photoelectron/ion coincidence spectrometers and time-resolved photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM), can be unleashed by properly accounting for the repetition rate of the source. In this work, we present a high-repetition rate (200 kHz) attosecond pulse source that opens up for exploring phenomena

Long-term ecosystem nitrogen limitation from foliar δ15N data and a land surface model

The effect of nutrient availability on plant growth and the terrestrial carbon sink under climate change and elevated CO2 remains one of the main uncertainties of the terrestrial carbon cycle. This is partially due to the difficulty of assessing nutrient limitation at large scales over long periods of time. Consistent declines in leaf nitrogen (N) content and leaf δ15N have been used to suggest th

Climapp—integrating personal factors with weather forecasts for individualised warning and guidance on thermal stress

This paper describes the functional development of the ClimApp tool (available for free on iOS and Android devices), which combines current and 24 h weather forecasting with individual information to offer personalised guidance related to thermal exposure. Heat and cold stress assessments are based on ISO standards and thermal models where environmental settings and personal factors are integrated

Acts and Alternative Analyses

I show that the act-type theories of Soames and Hanks entail that every sentence with alternative analyses (including every atomic sentence with a polyadic predicate) is ambiguous, many of them massively so. I assume that act types directed toward distinct objects are themselves distinct, plus some standard semantic axioms, and infer that act-type theorists are committed to saying that ‘Mary loves

Cystatin C, and inhibitor of bone resorption produced by osteoblasts

The effects of human cystatin C on bone resorption, enzyme release, osteoclast generation, bone cell proliferation and bone matrix protein biosynthesis have been examined in different in vitro systems. The effects of cystatin C were compared with those of calcitonin and E 64 (trans-Epoxysuccinyl-L-leucyl-amido-(4-guanidino)butane). Recombinant human cystatin C and E 64 dose dependently inhibited t

Range-wide migration corridors and non-breeding areas of a northward expanding Afro-Palaearctic migrant, the European Bee-eater Merops apiaster

Across their ranges, different populations of migratory species often use separate routes to migrate between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Recent changes in climate and land-use have led to breeding range expansions in many species but it is unclear whether these populations also establish new migratory routes, non-breeding sites and migration phenology. Thus, we compared the migration patter

Spatiotemporal Group Dynamics in a Long-Distance Migratory Bird

Thousands of species migrate [1]. Though we have some understanding of where and when they travel, we still have very little insight into who migrates with whom and for how long. Group formation is pivotal in allowing individuals to interact, transfer information, and adapt to changing conditions [2]. Yet it is remarkably difficult to infer group membership in migrating animals without being able

A pan-European, multipopulation assessment of migratory connectivity in a near-threatened migrant bird

Aim: The extent to which individuals from different breeding populations mix throughout the non-breeding season (i.e. 'migratory connectivity') has important consequences for population dynamics and conservation. Given recent declines of long-distance migrant birds, multipopulation tracking studies are crucial in order to assess the strength of migratory connectivity and to identify key sites en r