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Impulse Radio Pulse Shaping for Ultra-Wide Bandwidth UWB Systems

In this paper, we investigate the design of pulse shaping UK filters for impulse radio ultrawideband (UWB) communications systems. The goal of the shaping is to meet an arbitrary spectrum mask, e.g., the mask mandated by the FCC for UWB emissions. Compared with classical FIR filter designs, the current problem introduces three new challenges: (1) it is minimax with quadratic constraints, (2) a sin

An embedded low power FIR filter

A new sampler with embedded FIR filter was designed with the charge sampling technique. The filter functions by summing the weighted current on a passive capacitor and the weighting factors are decided by the FIR coefficients. The performance of the filter can well compete with conventional analog filter but with smaller area and less power consumption. A testing chip was designed with 2 V supply,

Street art and museums

Presentation about the difficulties involved when attempting to represent graffiti and street art in an institutional context.

Ekonomisk knapphet, skuldsättning och hälsa

Tillgången på kredit kan öka människors hälsa och välfärd, men mot bakgrund av att skulder så småningom måste betalas tillbaka är det samtidigt tänkbart att överskuldsättning kan ge upphov till försämrad hälsa. I denna rapport använder vi svenska enkät- och registerdata på individnivå för att närmare studera denna fråga. Särskilt undersöker vi sambandet mellan betalningssvårigheter och olika subje

The need for a verification and validation protocol for evacuation models

To date, there is no standard Verification and Validation (V&V) protocol for the evaluation of evacuation model predictions. This paper is intended to open a discussion on the main issues associated with the definition of a standard procedure for the V&V of building fire evacuation models. Examples of such issues are discussed, namely 1) the definition of tests able to investigate the capa

Essay SI - Taking SI to a Higher Level

Workshop held at the 6th International SI Conference, New Orleans, USA, May 2010, discussing the outcomes of a pilot program in Lund appying SI to the essay level of teaching. Both the benefits and the problems were discussed