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Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for undergraduate medical education – development and exploration of social validity

Background: The development of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) as a framework for work-based training and assessment in undergraduate medical education has become popular. EPAs are defined as units of a professional activity requiring adequate knowledge, skills, and attitudes, with a recognized output of professional labor, independently executable within a time frame, observable and me

Evaluation and Mapping of Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment with Membrane Processes in South Africa and Sweden

Membrane technology is crucial to achieving Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 of clean water and sanitation for all. Despite its numerous benefits, high capital and operating costs pose major challenges. Recent research has focused on sustainable materials as membranes and more effective cleaning regimes to reduce costs and improve membrane lifespan. While South Africa and Sweden have both begun

Enhancement of a spent irrigation water recycling process : A case study in a food business

Food operations use vast amounts of water. To reduce utility costs as well as concerns regarding water depletion in ecosystems, food businesses usually try to reuse their water. However, this often needs a recycling process to ensure the water is of good quality and safe to reuse in a food environment. This paper presents a case study of a grower of beansprouts and other varieties of sprouted seed

Ekonomiskt baserad effektivisering av tillverkning av modulproducerade hus

Befolkningen i Sverige ökar för varje år, och äldre bostäder behöver ersättas med nya, därför behövs fler bostäder. Ett svenskt företag som är ledande inom modultillverkning av hus har önskemål om att effektivisera tillverkningen genom minskade tillverkningskostnader och minskad klimatpåverkan. Kostnadsnedbruten analys kommer att användas för att analysera tillverkningen från enskild råvara till m

Learning by ear, and its place in classical music

This project, presented as a lecture recital is about my experimentation and discoveries of the benefits of learning classical music by ear and performing by memory. The focus of this topic is to learn a variety of audition orchestra excerpts and solo pieces common in the bassoon repertoire by ear, and reflect on whether my music performance anxiety is reduced by performing from memory and from th

Aerosolized particulate matter from fragmentation of carbon nanotube-enhanced concrete

Construction and demolition workers are exposed to high levels of particulate matter (PM) from building materials throughout their working life. Although nano-enabled building materials (NEBMs) may improve the performance and functionality of buildings, concerns are being raised regarding health risks from occupational exposure to PM from NEBMs. In this work, an experimental set-up for integrated

Airborne SARS-CoV-2 during childbirth

Airborne SARS CoV 2 is considered to play a major role in covid 19 transmission, and has been found in several hospital environments. There is a need to investigate the presence of airborne SARS CoV 2 in other hospital areas than traditional infectious disease wards. The results from the present study can contribute to a better understanding of the risk of covid 19 transmission by aerosols at deli

#898 Tumor-informed ctDNA detection as a marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer : results of a feasibility study

Introduction/Background Completetumor resection is the most relevant prognostic factor for overall survival in high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) patients. The current standard for classification of postoperative residual disease is surgeon´s subjective evaluation at the end of surgery. Thus, a reliable objective predictive marker is currently missing.MethodologyIn this prospective single-ce

Den medicinska spärren : Smitta och gränsarbete i skuggan av Förintelsen

Sommaren 1945 fördes tusentals överlevande från koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen till Sverige i en räddningsaktion genomförd av United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) i samarbete med Svenska Röda Korset och svenska myndigheter. Folke Bernadottes omtalade vita bussar var inte den enda svenska humanitära insatsen vid denna tid. Mottagandet av de medtagna och ofta sjuka ind

The effects of storm water on Lake Vaxjosjon

The aim of the present study was to determine the pollution load originating from storm water on Lake Vaxjosjon. Each year about 1,050,000 m3 of storm water are discharged into the lake. Storm water represents a substantial pollution source for the lake and therefore also a main reason for the hypertrophic conditions in the lake. In order to evaluate the effects of the discharged storm water on th

Teachers' self-disclosures and influences on students' motivation : A relational perspective

While teacher–student relationships are of central importance for students' motivation, they remain under-investigated. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on the 'relationality' of teacher–student relationships, this study examines the identity-work that takes place when a teacher makes visible an aspect of identity not normally salient in the classroom. Framing self-disclosure as