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Lipase-catalyzed esterification of ethylene glycol to mono- and diesters. The effect of process parameters on reaction rate and product distribution

Diol fatty acid esters find a variety of industrial applications. The use of lipases in microaqueous environment provides an attractive route for synthesis of fatty acyl esters of ethylene glycol. The effect of various process parameters that play key roles in delineating reaction kinetics and distribution of mono- and diesters in the product have been studied.

"Inget för de lärde?" : Diskussionerna om lokaliseringen av de tekniska elemenatarskolorna i Sverge i mitten av 1800-talet

Avsaknaden av en teknisk utbildning på mellannivå framstod i mitten av 1800-talet som såväl ett industrialiserings- som ett moderniseringshinder. Som svar på dessa problem etablerades tekniska elementarskolor under 1850-talet i Malmö, Borås, Örebro och Norrköping. Föreliggande artikel behandlar de viktigaste faktorerna bakom lokaliseringen av dessa skolor och svarar på frågorna varför de förlades

Higgs production in association with bottom quarks

Abstract: We study the production of a Higgs boson in association with bottom quarks in hadronic collisions, and present phenomenological predictions relevant to the 13 TeV LHC. Our results are accurate to the next-to-leading order in QCD, and matched to parton showers through the MC@NLO method; thus, they are fully differential and based on unweighted events, which we shower by using both Herwig+

Jews in Dialogue : Jewish Responses to the Challenges of the Multicultural Contemporaneity

A collection of articles dealing with a question of Jewish involvement in the interfaith and intercultural dialogue in the postwar Europe, Israel and the United States. The leitmotif of the volume is the Jewish attitude towards otherness and its relation to the responsibility for the other. The contributions pertain to the status of the non-Jewish residents of Israel, the social involvement into p

Ultrasound, hepatic lymph nodes and chronic active hepatitis

Thirty-two consecutive patients with a histological diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis were examined with liver biopsy, laboratory tests and ultrasonography of the hepato-duodenal ligament to investigate the possible correlation between enlarged lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament and biochemical activity, histological activity and/or humoral immunoreactivity. We found a significant cor

Lung mechanics and their relationship to lung volumes in pulmonary sarcoidosis

Pulmonary sarcoidosis was studied with respect to lung mechanical properties and to the influence of these on lung volumes. Sixty six patients, with histological support for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, and radiological signs of pulmonary involvement, i.e. stage II or III, were studied. The static pressure/volume (P/V) curves showed that the static elastic recoil pressure (PelL) tended to be incr

Demonstration of digital radiographs by means of ink jet-printed paper copies : Pilot study

Different digital medical images have been printed on paper with a continuous ink jet printer, and the quality has been evaluated. The emphasis has been on digital chest radiographs from a computed radiography system. The ink jet printing technique is described as well as the handling of the image data from image source to printer. Different versions of paper prints and viewing conditions were com

Currency Unions

A currency union is when several independent sovereign nations share a common currency. This has been a recurring phenomenon in monetary history. In this article I study the theoretical foundations of such unions, and discuss some important currency unions in history, most notably the case of the US. Finally I contrast the design of the EMU with economic theories and historical experiences of curr

Stability and stabilization of hydroxynitrile lyase in organic solvents

The stability of hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis has been studied in organic solvents. In dry solvents, the enzyme had half-lives in the range 1400-2500 hours. The enzyme half-life was one order of magnitude lower if the medium was water saturated. The substrates, aldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, were found to promote enzyme deactivation. The deactivation increased with substrate concen

Metabolism of estrone sulfate by normal breast tissue : Influence of menopausal status and oral contraceptives

The metabolism of [ 3 H]estrone sulfate ([ 3 H]E 1 S) was studied in normal breast tissue from 10 premenopausal women without oral contraceptives (OC), in 12 OC users and in 9 untreated postmenopausal women. [ 3 H]E 1 S was converted into estrone ([ 3 H]E 1 ) and estradiol-17β ([ 3 H]E 2 ) by tissue samples from all three groups of women, with only minor formation of other unconjugated compounds.

papiNet - A vehicle for supply chain standardization and integratior

The Paper and Plastics Education and Research Insitute at the University of North Florida and NPTA have taken an initiative to adopt and implement the papiNet standards for supply chain standardization and integration. papiNet can be described as a global standard for the paper and forest industries. The companies, which want to adopt papiNet, are required to follow the standards developed by the

Interesterification of phosphatidylcholine with lipases in organic media

Lipases were investigated with respect to their ability to catalyse the incorporation of fatty acids into phosphatidylcholine (PC) by interesterification reactions. The enzymes were dried onto solid support materials and the conversions were carried out in water-saturated toluene. Three lipases (two fungal and one plant enzyme) had the desired activity; immobilized lipase from Mucor miehei (Lipozy

Optimization of galactooligosaccharide production from lactose using β-glycosidases from hyperthermophiles

The maximal production of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) from lactose by (β-glycosidases from the hyperthermophilic archaea, Sulfolobus solfataricus (LacS) (derived from lacS gene) and Pyrococcus furiosus (CelB) (derived from celB gene) was optimized. The performance of these enzymes under extreme reaction conditions, temperatures up to 95°C and lactose concentrations up to 90% (w/v), were studied.

Does the bile salt stimulated lipase of human milk have a role in the use of the milk long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Long-chain polyunsaturated (LCP) fatty acids derived from linoleic (18:2 n-6) and alpha-linolenic (18:3 n-3) acids are considered essential nutrients in preterm infants. The efficiency by which such fatty acids are released as absorbable products from triacylglycerol was explored in vitro using rat chylomicron triacylglycerol as substrate. When incubated with purified human pancreatic colipase-depLong-chain polyunsaturated (LCP) fatty acids derived from linoleic (18:2 n-6) and alpha-linolenic (18:3 n-3) acids are considered essential nutrients in preterm infants. The efficiency by which such fatty acids are released as absorbable products from triacylglycerol was explored in vitro using rat chylomicron triacylglycerol as substrate. When incubated with purified human pancreatic colipase-dep

Drell-Yan, ZZ, W+W- production in SM & ADD model to NLO+PS accuracy at the LHC

In this paper, we present the next-to-leading order QCD corrections for di-lepton, di-electroweak boson (ZZ, W+W-) production in both the SM and the ADD model, matched to the HERWIG parton shower using the aMC@NLO framework. A selection of results at the 8 TeV LHC, which exhibit deviations from the SM as a result of the large extra-dimension scenario, are presented.

Prognostic implications of cytogenetic findings in kidney cancer

Objective. To evaluate the prognostic impact of cytogenetic findings in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Patients and methods. Tumour cytogenetics, histomorphology, DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction, stage, size, and grade were related to survival in 50 consecutive patients with RCC. The mean follow-up was 3.9 years (median 4.2. range 0-8.8). Results. The predictive probability for recurrence-free surviv

Strukturell hjärnavbildning kan förbättra diagnostiken vid demens

New guidelines on care in dementia from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare emphasize that brain imaging should be included in the standard diagnostic evaluation. Evidence supports the importance of regional/global atrophy and white matter changes in dementia. However, the use of imaging in dementia evaluation is often sub-optimal, urging optimization of clinical imaging practice. Ima