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Short-term aid or long-term gains? : Harnessing Sudan's humanitarian response for the resilience of its health system

The Sudan 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan was revised in May, 2023, due to the escalating violence in the country. This revision increased the scale of assistance and protection activities and suspended the funding allocated for access to livelihood, access to basic services, and for the implementation of resilience solutions. We call to rethink Sudan's current humanitarian response through a pro-

Adventitial Cuffs : Regional Hubs for Tissue Immunity

Inflammation must be effective, while limiting excessive tissue damage. To walk this line, immune functions are grossly compartmentalized by innate cells that act locally and adaptive cells that function systemically. But what about the myriad tissue-resident immune cells that are critical to this balancing act and lie on a spectrum of innate and adaptive immunity? We propose that mammalian periva

Enclosure fire dynamics with a cross-laminated timber ceiling

An experimental study of the influence of an exposed combustible ceiling on compartment fire dynamics has been performed. The fire dynamics in compartments with combustible cross-laminated timber ceilings vs non-combustible reinforced concrete ceilings in otherwise identical compartments with three different ventilation factors were investigated. The experimental results are compared against predi

Evidence-Based Guidelines for Advancing Continuous Experimentation

Continuous experimentation (CE) is used by many internet-facing companies to improve the value of their products based on user feedback gathered, e.g. through on-line experiments using A/B testing. Frameworks and theories for CE have been derived through academic research from applications in large internet facing companies. To assist practitioners in a broader range of companies, we herein presen

α-Synuclein seed amplification assay detects Lewy body co-pathology in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease late in the disease course and dependent on Lewy pathology burden

INTRODUCTION: Amyloid beta and tau pathology are the hallmarks of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) and autosomal dominant AD (ADAD). However, Lewy body pathology (LBP) is found in ≈ 50% of AD and ADAD brains. METHODS: Using an α-synuclein seed amplification assay (SAA) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from asymptomatic (n = 26) and symptomatic (n = 27) ADAD mutation carriers, including 12 with known

Matrix element corrections in top quark decays for the tt¯W± process

We present a method that allows enabling matrix element corrections (MECs) in Pythia8 with MC@NLO matching, without incurring double counting. MECs are an interesting feature that may contribute to the accuracy of theoretical predictions, alongside matching and merging. We directly compare our method to a specific choice of settings in Pythia8, which can remove double-counting for MECs in certain

2D electron gas formation on InAs wurtzite nanosheet surfaces

The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) that forms on a semiconductor surface can be used to explore a variety of phenomena in quantum physics and plays an important role in nanoscale electronics, such as transistors. Controlling its formation is, thus, relevant. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and accumulating the signal over many nanocrystals, we find that on clean InAs n

Numerical studies of advanced combustion concepts in hydrogen and methanol compression ignition engines

The effects of climate change have led to increasing concern regarding global emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A significantcontributor to these emissions is the combustion of fossil fuels in internal combustion engines (ICEs). This combustion process is also responsible forother harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO), soot, and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Although signific

When the Relationship Is at Stake : Parents’ Perception of the Relationship with a Child with Problematic Gaming and Their Perceived Need for Support

Intrapersonal parental factors play a significant role in the development of problematic gaming in children. However, few studies have explored parental perspectives on their relationship with a child engaged in problematic gaming, as well as the need for support parents perceive in relation to the child’s gaming. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 12 parents (83.3% women) of 11 children

Longer Interval Between First Colonoscopy With Negative Findings for Colorectal Cancer and Repeat Colonoscopy

IMPORTANCE: For individuals without a family history of colorectal cancer (CRC), colonoscopy screening every 10 years is recommended to reduce CRC incidence and mortality. However, debate exists about whether and for how long this 10-year interval could be safely expanded.OBJECTIVE: To assess how many years after a first colonoscopy with findings negative for CRC a second colonoscopy can be perfor

Hälso- och sjukvårdens stöd till kvinnor i klimakteriet: kvinnors upplevelse och sjuksköterskors erfarenhet

Bakgrund: majoriteten av kvinnor genomgår klimakteriet och det är sannolikt att sjuksköterskor kommer att möta dessa kvinnor inom vården. Syfte: belysa hälso- och sjukvårdens stöd till kvinnor i klimakteriet utifrån: kvinnors upplevelse av stöd från hälso- och sjukvården samt sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att ge stöd till kvinnor i klimakteriet. Metod: icke-systematisk litteraturstudie med nio kva

'Normality in all the abnormality' : Older adults' experiences of holidays and celebrations from the COVID-19 pandemic

INTRODUCTION: The importance of holidays, traditions, and family celebrations to human culture and occupational engagement has been neglected. The aim of this study was to explore how older adults experienced holidays and celebrations with social and physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.METHODS: A secondary analysis was made on data from the At-Risk Study. Seventeen community-living ad

Modeling of micron-sized aluminum particle combustion in hot gas flow

This paper presents a model for micron-sized aluminum (Al) particle combustion in hot oxidizing environments, forming hollow spheres. The model comprises four sub-models describing the physical and chemical processes during Al combustion: melting of the solid core, ejection of liquid Al droplets from the breaking solid shell, vaporization of liquid droplets, and ignition and establishment of vapor

Hygrothermal Properties and Performance of Bio-Based Insulation Materials Locally Sourced in Sweden

In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in the building sector towards more sustainable, resource efficient, and renewable materials. Bio-based insulation derived from renewable resources, such as plant or animal fibres, is one promising group of such materials. Compared to mineral wool and polystyrene-based insulation materials, these bio-based insulation materials generally have a sligh