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The evolution of the violin concerto: Comparing Mozart violin concerto nº5 and Tchaikovsky violin concerto Op. 35

The aim of this Project is to investigate the evolution of the violin concerto, using the example of the Mozart violin concerto nº 5 and Tchaikovsky violin concerto op 35. After the comparison of these two important concertos, the aim is to know more about each of them and to observe the evolution experimented. The methods that I used are the scores of the concertos which make possible to do a mus

Samma riskkällor – olika processer: En studie om hur skydd mot olyckor och extraordinära händelser integreras i kommunala planprocesser

Kommuner ansvarar för stadsplaneringen, räddningstjänst och arbetet med krishantering inom sitt geografiska område. Om dessa områden samordnas när kommunerna planerar våra städer kan förebyggande åtgärder vidtas, men är detta något som görs? ”Krisfrågorna är ett parallellt spår” Ovan citat är ett tydligt tema från den intervjustudie som genomfördes inom detta examensarbete. Resultaten visar att In a Swedish context there are different processes, actors and laws concerning protection against accidents and crises management. A crisis is defined as an imminent threat of disruption in critical societal functions or critical infrastructures. By this definition of crisis there is a connection between the built environment and crisis management. The protection against accidents legislation give

Skolanställdas attityd till elevers fysiska aktivitetsvanor i Sverige och Norge på skolor med olika koppling till fysioterapeut - en enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Forskning har visat på att ju högre frekvens av fysisk aktivitet, eller lägre frekvens av stillasittande beteende, desto bättre hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Fysisk inaktivitet är den fjärde ledande riskfaktorn för dödlighet globalt. Barn och ungdomar i Norden rekommenderas att röra sig med måttlig till hög intensitet minst 60 min per dag och minska sitt stillasittande. När barn i skolåld

Australian physiotherapists' experiences of culturally safe practice and health promotion among Indigenous people - A qualitative study

Background The colonisation of Australia led to a lot of suffering and sorrow for an uncountable amount of Indigenous people. Due to the forced change of lifestyle and diet during and after the colonisation, conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes became commonly occurring. Still today there is a higher burden of these conditions, but also of depression and anxiety, in this group of people. Fu

Förändras axelrörligheten hos unga handbollsspelare efter 6 veckors rörlighetsträning?

Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Axelsmärta är vanligt förekommande inom handboll med en rapporterad punktprevalens mellan 19-36% innan säsongsstart och medelprevalens under en träningsvecka när det är säsong på 28%. Olika riskfaktorer har diskuterats där inskränkt rörlighet i axelleden är en av dem. Ett handbollskast kan uppmäta 130km/h med en boll som väger nästan ett halvt kilo och detta ställer stora

Valutors betydelse för internationell handel under tider av kris

This paper aims to analyze trade dynamics in the EU-area following the financial crisis of 2007/2008. Our goal has been to investigate whether there is any difference between eu-romember countries and non-euromember countries when it comes to trade in the aftermath of the crisis. Using a gravity model and bilateral trading data with over 44 000 observations during the years of 2004-2016, we find t

Modified second-price auctions in real-time bidding

The surge in revenue from real-time auctions for online display advertisement has spurred great research interest into how to design optimal mechanisms for these auctions, with respect to both buyers and sellers. This thesis focuses on some recent proposals on how to modify the Vickrey auction, which has been dominating the world of real-time auctions for the past decade, in order to better accomm

Barn i skyddat boende: personalens perspektiv på barnens situation och föräldraumgänge i fall där barn bevittnat våld i hemmet

Children who witness violence against a parent falls victim to a form of mental abuse. The children often react in fear, anxiety and sadness. Children who witness violence are as much in need of help and support as those children who are themselves victims of violence. A person who is subjected to violence by their partners in Sweden have an opportunity to seek protection. With the help of social

"Körsbäret på kakan" - överflödigt eller pricken över i:et? Kvalitativ intervjustudie av förändringar i familjehemssekreterares yrkesroll vid arbete med privata aktörer

The aim of this study was to investigate the professional role of the foster care officer and how this was affected by working with private operators. This includes how duties, discretion and professionalization were affected by the private operators. The study was of a qualitative approach including seven interviews with social workers working within foster care, in Skåne. The analysis was based

Limitations on interest deductions: does BEPS action 4 presume tax avoidance?

Debt and equity are in most countries treated differently for taxing purposes. The asymmetry between the financing forms are being taken advantage of by MNEs, allowing them to plan their cross-border activities in a way that lowers the taxable burden for the whole group. To prevent the increasing problem of base erosion and profit shifting, Member States have implemented different rules limiting i

A study of shock-metamorphic features in zircon from the Siljan impact structure, Sweden

För att kunna fastställa om en misstänkt nedslagsstruktur verkligen bildats genom ett meteoritnedslag så används så kallade chockstrukturer som planar deformation features (PDFs) och i vissa fall planar fractures (PFs) som indikatorer. Tidigare studier har visat att kvarts och kalifältspat från nedslagsstrukturen Siljansringen innehåller bland annat PDFs. I denna studie har zirkon från samma lokalShock-metamorphic features such as planar deformation features (PDFs) and in some cases planar fractures (PFs) are widely used as impact-indicators when to confirm a suspected impact structure. These features only develop when exposed to a sudden and immense pressure and temperature increase in association with meteorite impacts. In previous studies, quartz and k-feldspar containing PDFs have been

Records of environmental change and sedimentation processes over the last century in a Baltic coastal inlet

The marine ecosystem in the Baltic Sea is affected by multiple stress factors, e.g. eutrophication and deoxygenation, overfishing and anthropogenic pollution. Here we evaluate the short-term trends of dissolved oxygen in bottom waters and changes in the primary productivity within a coastal inlet in the Baltic Sea. Undisturbed sediment cores (mean sedimentation rate 0.5 cm yr-1) were retrieved fro

The Analysis of Results of Stochastic Evacuation Models

All humans are unique, we have different characteristics and we make different decision. This is a challenge when it comes to modelling human behaviour. The models we design are based on mathematics where there is no room for inconsistencies such that are present in human behaviour. So how do we account for this when we try to model human behaviour in evacuation modelling? Most models provide the

Visuell och kinetisk kontroll vid datoriserade precisionsuppgifter med varierande arbetsminnesbelastning

Tidigare forskning på diverse olika sporter har visat att mått på visuell kontroll, exempelvis tidig och lång sista blickfixering på målobjektet (Quiet Eye Onset och Quiet Eye Duration) innan en kritisk fas av kinetisk aktivitet hänger ihop med positivt utfall på precisionsuppgifter. Mått på kinetisk aktivitet har också studerats och visat att exempelvis maxhastighet i rörelsen är lägre på träffarPrevious research on various sports has shown that aspects of visual control, namely an earlier onset and longer duration of the final fixation on the target (Quiet Eye Onset and Quiet Eye Duration) before a critical movement is associated with successful outcome on a precision task. Measurements on kinetic activity have also been studied and shown that hits are associated with lower max velocity

The Choice and Consequence of Nutrition During Stress: A study of fatty acids in migratory and urban birds

Changing environmental conditions can generate physiological stress in birds, which subsequently can lead to the development of an altered diet. In addition to their energetic properties, dietary fatty acids (FAs) have been linked to several important physiological processes in birds, but still the knowledge of their effect on avian ecology is limited. In this study, I examine the fatty acid compo

Pretendenterna - En studie av mobilitet i den sociala världens skådespel

Genom samhällets ständiga utveckling är det nu tal om en ny, allt större, medelklass. I takt med att medelklassen växer ökar även klyftorna mellan de individer som ingår i den. Det skapas grupper inom medelklassen vilka klättrar på varandra i den sociala hierarkin. Detta medför att medelklassen behöver nya sätt att utmärka sig från varandra. Ett effektivt sätt att åstadkomma detta är att utmärka s

Tidiga tecken på utmattning, arbetsengagemang och känsla av sammanhang hos socialsekreterare i södra Sverige

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomsten av tidiga tecken på utmattning och arbetsengagemang, samt graden av känsla av sammanhang bland socialsekreterare i södra Sverige. Dessutom undersöktes sambandet mellan dessa ovanstående variabler. Tvärsnittsstudien baserades på en webbundersökning som innefattade 100 socialsekreterare från 24 kommuner i södra Sverige. Formuläret Lund UniversityThe purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of early signs of exhaustion and work engagement as well as the degree of sense of coherence among social secretaries in southern Sweden. In addition, we examined the association between these constructs. The present cross-sectional study was based on a web survey and entailed 100 social secretaries from 24 municipalities in southern Sweden.

Offentligt bankstöd en nödvändig åtgärd?

Three matters are investigated in this bachelor thesis. First it assess wether banking crises have a negative effect on a country’s economy. Secondly it evaluates if bank support can cushion this potential adverse effect. Thirdly it analyzes if bank support has a positive effect up to a certain level before it starts to decline. The economical variables being used as bench marks are five years ave

Anti-Consumerism in the Fashion Industry and its Influence on Brand Resonance

Purpose: Anti-consumerism and sustainable fashion are two vital concepts that are prominent in society today, but have not been analyzed in terms of if they are a part of creating this brand resonance. A new framework, the Sustainable Brand Stewardship Model, is introduced to determine if a sustainable brand is able to sustain long-term competitive advantages through enhancing brand resonance. Met