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Thinking, speaking, and gesturing about motion in more than one language

A key problem in studies of bilingual linguistic cognition is how to probe the details of underlying representations in order to gauge whether bilinguals' conceptualizations differ from those of monolinguals, and if so how. This chapter provides an overview of a line of studies that rely on speech-associated gestures to explore these issues. The gestures of adult monolingual native speakers differ

Endothelial cell seeding and the thrombogenicity of vascular grafts

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING De två vanligaste orsakerna till operationer på blodkärlen är pulsåderförträngningar och pulsådervidgningar, så kallade aneurysm. Förträngningarna beror på åderförfettning eller förkalkning och orsakar en försämrad blodtillförsel bortom det förträngda partiet. Då hjärtats kranskärl är förträngda kan det resultera i kärlkramp, då benetsABSTRACT In humans, synthetic vascular grafts heal with a limited ingrowth of endothelium. This fact might be responsible for inferior performance of synthetic grafts compared with native artery.Endothelial cells can be autotransplanted (seeded) into the graft in an effort to improve graft function. The attachment of endothelial cells to different graft materials was investigated in vitro (I). In

Learning and memory in moths - plasticity in behaviour and neurophysiology

The moth, Spodoptera littoralis, was demonstrated to be a new model system for studying mechanisms underlying odour conditioning. In the experiments a restrained moth was trained to learn an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US). A proboscis extension reflex (PER) elicited by the conditioned odour was observed after learning. In paper I, an odour-sucros

A review of gas turbine flow path analysis - From paper calculation to artificial neural networks

Today many methods are available for gas turbine flow path analysis. Some of them are very simple but yet very useful, since they give an indication of the compressor capacity with almost no calculation effort. The state of the art today is the heat and mass balance models (HMB), which are more sophisticated. This paper presents a general overview of these methods, including the most recent trend,

Intrinsically Proton-Conducting Benzimidazole Units Tethered to Different Polymer Chain Architectures

Popular Abstract in Swedish Protontransport är en fundamental process som finns i många naturliga system, liksom i många tekniska applikationer, såsom bränsleceller, smarta fönster och olika typer av sensorer. Bränslecellsteknologi anses vara miljövänlig eftersom bränsleceller inte begränsas av Carnot-cykeln och omvandlar effektivt kemisk energi till elektrisk energi som sedan kan användas till atProton transport is a fundamental process that can be found in many systems in nature, as well as in technical devices, such as fuel cells, electrochromic devices and various types of sensors. Fuel cell technology is considered as environmentally friendly because fuel cells are not limited by the Carnot cycle, and efficiently converts chemical energy into electrical energy which can be used for po

Neural Network Approaches To Survival Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar artificiella neuron nätverk och deras applikation inom medicin. Den utgår ifrån att det är viktigt att kunna uppskatta en patients överlevnadschanser för att kunna erbjuda rätt behandling för olika former av cancer. Generellt kan man säga att ju värre prognos desto mer omfattande behandling behöver man sätta in. Vissa patienter kan botas med ePredicting the probable survival for a patient can be very challenging for many diseases. In many forms of cancer, the choice of treatment can be directly impacted by the estimated risk for the patient. This thesis explores different methods to predict the patient's survival chances using artificial neural networks (ANN). ANN is a machine learning technique inspired by how neurons in the brain fu

Spike-Feature Based Estimation of Electrode Position in Extracellular Neural Recordings

Detecting and sorting spikes in extracellular neural recordings are common procedures in assessing the activity of individual neurons. In chronic recordings, passive electrode movements introduce changes in the shape of detected spike waveforms, and may thus lead to problems with identification and tracking of spikes recorded at separate instances in time, which is an important step in long-term m

Layover Solutions in Multibaseline InSAR using Interpolated Arrays

This work deals with the problem of direction of arrival estimation of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) signals in presence of layover. The focus here is on realistic acquisition systems with a low number of phase centres and nonuniform array geometry. An interpolated array approach is proposed, in order to apply spectral estimation techniques designed for uniform linear arrays. In