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Effects of Chondroadherin on Cartilage Nanostructure and Biomechanics via Murine Model
While small leucine rich proteins/proteoglycans (SLRPs) are present in very low concentrations in the extracellular matrix (ECM), they have been shown to be critical determinants of the proper ECM assembly and function in connective tissues [1] including bone [2], cornea [3], and cartilage [4]. However, their direct and indirect roles in matrix biomechanics and the potential for osteoarthritis-rel
Characterization of Subscriber Local Loop by Measures and Analysis of Frequency and Impulse Responses
This paper presents methodologies that could be used for characterizing subscriber telephone loops that carry DSL services (ADSL and ADSL2+), by determination and analysis of frequency response, time domain reflectometry, and impulse response of the line. From this analysis, the subscriber loop length, identification and location of impairments such as bridged taps, gauge changes, and open ended t
Kossor, kaffe och soja
När Amazonas regnskog huggs ner och den brasilianska Cerrado-savannen odlas upp med soja och kaffe och foder till köttproduktion så hamnar notan för klimatutsläppen på Brasiliens konto. Är det rimligt, med tanke på att mycket av köttet och de andra jordbruksprodukterna exporteras till Europa, USA och Kina? Vem ska stå för klimatutsläppen från en förändrad markanvändning, när varor som produceras p
From Mobile to Mobility: The Consumption of ICTs and Mobility in Everyday Life
The aim of this paper is to chart the relevant studies and research questions concerning the relationship between ICTs and Mobility in Everyday Life – a concept defined and delineated in a previous paper An Agenda for ‘Mobility in Everyday Life’ for ICT Researchers (Haddon, 2000a).
Resistivity survey at Stora Uppåkra, Sweden
Teaching modern engineering statistics: the contrrribution of collaboration and shared views of the roles of mathematical statistics in engineering
Skyltning av Garnisonen. Rapport från psykologisk utredning
Europeanization ‘from below’: The OMC process on social inclusion in the Swedish welfare state’
Kinematic and tessellation models of self-repair
One of the causes of the great survival capability of some biological systems is the fact that they are systems of individuals such that the system behavior does not critically depend on anyone individual. Such systems can be regarded as redundant systems with different kinds and levels of redundancy. For example, although each specimen of a biological society has a limited life span, the whole so
How is the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Performing? An Independent Evaluation of the First Years of IFAC
This paper presents an independent evaluation of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (IFAC) carried out in 2015. IFAC was set up as an independent fiscal institution in 2011 to monitor the fiscal policy of the Irish government. Similar fiscal “watchdogs” have emerged across Europe following the crisis in the euro area. This report presents conclusions and recommendations concerning the performance o
Parkavfall i ett lokalt kretslopp
Styrsystem och demokrati : demokratiaspekter på ett marknadsanalogt system i landstinget Gävleborg
Abstract is not available
ALERT Doctoral School 2012: Advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics
Rationalitet ifrågasatt. Om vetenskap, etik och hållbarhet i marknadsdemokratin
Augmented reality in internet applications
Nya gymnasieprogram för industrin - bra eller dåliga?
Spridningsteori med antenntillämpningar
An Adaptive Root-Solving Controller for Tracking of Nonlinear Dynamic Plants
Adaptive tracking of nonlinear dynamic plants is currently an important area of research. The main difficulty being felt by the research community is the lack of a general modelling framework that can facilitate synthesis of a simplistic control law, while being capable of providing accurate approximation of nonlinear systems. In this study a novel technique based on the control-oriented U-model i
Investigating multilingual dependency parsing
In this paper, we describe a system for the CoNLL-X shared task of multilingual dependency parsing. It uses a baseline Nivre’s parser (Nivre, 2003) that first identifies the parse actions and then labels the dependency arcs. These two steps are implemented as SVM classifiers using LIBSVM. Features take into account the static context as well as relations dynamically built during parsing. We experi