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The Cellular Architectures of Hypospadias
Stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade : LSS 2018
Uppdaterad upplaga. Lärobok. Lagkommentarer och rättsfall.
Railway network design and regional labour markets in Sweden
Investment in railways, and transport infrastructure in general, are often motivated because they are believed to improve peoples’ accessibility to jobs. By linking together and increasing the size of labour markets, the matching between individuals and jobs is improved, and the productivity increases. Communities and municipalities lobby for investments that lead to higher accessibility and those
Measurements of cardiac output and organ blood flow in rats using 99Tcm labelled microspheres
The cardiac output and regional blood flow have been simultaneously determined in the anesthetized rat by using the reference organ method. 99Tcm labelled dextran 15 μm microspheres were injected in the left ventricle while simultaneously an arterial reference sample was drawn at constant known rate. The values calculated regarding cardiac output agree well with previously recorded series. Regiona
Effect of land-use change and management on biogenic volatile organic compound emissions - selecting climate-smart cultivars
Land-use change (LUC) has fundamentally altered the form and function of the terrestrial biosphere. Increasing human population, the drive for higher living standards and the potential challenges of mitigating and adapting to global environmental change mean that further changes in LUC are unavoidable. LUC has direct consequences on climate not only via emissions of greenhouse gases and changing t
Influence of boundary layer dynamics and isoprene chemistry on the organic aerosol budget in a tropical forest
We study the organic aerosol (OA) budget in a tropical forest by analyzing a case that is representative for the OP3 campaign at Borneo. A model is designed that combines the essential dynamical and chemical processes that drive the diurnal evolution of reactants in the atmospheric boundary layer (BL). In this way, the model simultaneously represents the effects and interactions of various dynamic
The impact of local surface changes in Borneo on atmospheric composition at wider spatial scales : Coastal processes, land-use change and air quality
We present results fromtheOP3 campaign in Sabah during 2008 that allowus to study the impact of localemission changes over Borneo on atmospheric composition at the regional andwider scale. OP3 constituentdata provide an important constraint onmodel performance. Treatment of boundary layer processes is highlighted as an important area of model uncertainty.Model studies of land-use change confirm ea
Kommunala borgensåtaganden - strukturer, effekter och metoder för hantering
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Vart är äldreomsorgen på väg? Argument för och emot förenklad biståndshandläggning.
Transnational Consumption
From Housing Inequalities to an Unjust Energy Transition : Data-driven analyses of socio-technical links in the Swedish multifamily building stock
Improving energy performance in the Swedish multifamily building stock is an important undertaking in order to reach national and international targets for energy efficiency. However, growing economic inequalities in Sweden, manifested in the multifamily building stock as housing inequalities that entail segregation, overcrowding, and differences in standard of living, have led to low-income house
Prototyping intrusion detection in an industrial cloud-native digital twin
Attributional change and common-sense knowledge
The paper reports a study of change in causal explanations in therapeutic conversations. It shows how attribution of thoughts, feelings and behaviours which are experienced as problematic, e.g. embarrassing, awkward, absurd or painful, is changed from internal to more external. Namely, analysis focuses on how dispositional attribution – attributing problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviours to
Smarta mål för ditt skrivande
The Boundaries of the EU Internal Market : Participation without Membership
The book examines the twofold 'boundaries' of the concept of the European Union's internal market – the geographical and the substantive – through the prism of expanding the internal market to third countries without enlarging the Union. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of the conditions under which the internal market can effectively be extended to third countries by exporting EU acquis v
Discovery of benzothiazole guanidines as novel inhibitors of thrombin and trypsin IV
In a project to find novel neutral P1 fragments for the synthesis of thrombin inhibitors with improved pharmacokinetic properties, fragments containing a benzothiazole guanidine scaffold were identified as weak thrombin inhibitors. WaterLOGSY (Water-Ligand Observed via Gradient SpectroscopY) NMR was used to detect fragments binding to thrombin and these fragments were followed up by Biacore A100 a