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How novel is Transformative Innovation Policy?

The focus and instruments of innovation policy have changed fundamentally over the last decades. Recently transformative innovative policy has caught the attention of scholars and policy makers, arguing that this is a new shift in the policy discourse. Even though grand challenges such as global warming and migration flows, as well as technological change such as artificial intelligence and indust

Antibiotic resistance and pathogenesis of Streptococci with focus on Group A Streptococci

Antibiotika-resistens utgör ett ökande hälsoproblem i världen och bakterier blir alltmer resistenta mot de antibiotika vi har att behandla med. Fler bakterier blir också resistenta mot mer än ett antibiotikum och behandling av infektioner med dessa typer av bakterier kompliceras av bristen på effektiva läkemedel vilket leder till ökade sjukvårdskostnader, längre vårdtider och en minskad chans att Multi-drug resistant (MDR) infections remain the leading cause of death worldwide. MDR infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn), Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) and Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) are considered global threats to human health due to increased spread of antibiotic resistance and limited treatment options. In this thesis, we present the human milk derived HAMLET (Human Alpha-

Early Predictors of Mortality in Patients with COPD, in Relation to Respiratory and Non-Respiratory Causes of Death - A National Register Study

Background: Both single factors and composite measures have been suggested to predict mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and there is a need to analyze the relative importance of each variable. Objective: To explore the predictors of mortality for patients with COPD in relation to respiratory, cardiac, and malignant causes, as well as all causes of death. Metho

Varför uppfattar tandläkare beprövad erfarenhet som de gör? : uppföljning av resultatet från enkätstudien

Tandläkare och tandhygienister graderar beprövad och personlig erfarenhet som bas för sunt beslutsfattande högre än de som jobbar inom hälso- och sjukvården. Varför det är så är inte enkelt att besvara, men det är rimligt att anta att tandläkarnas syn på beprövad och personlig erfarenhet påverkas av rådande kunskapsläge, den organisation inom vilken de verkar samt gällande lagar och förordningar.

Fetal programming of semen quality (Fepos) cohort – a dnbc male-offspring cohort

Background: Prenatal exposures may contribute to male infertility in adult life, but large-scale epidemiological evidence is still lacking. The Fetal Programming of Semen quality (FEPOS) cohort was founded to provide means to examine if fetal exposures can interfere with fetal reproductive development and ultimately lead to reduced semen quality and reproductive hormone imbalances in young adult m

New specific HSP47 functions in collagen subfamily chaperoning

Although collagens are the most abundant proteins implicated in various disease pathways, essential mechanisms required for their proper folding and assembly are poorly understood. Heat-shock protein 47 (HSP47), an ER-resident chaperone, was mainly reported to fulfill key functions in folding and secretion of fibrillar collagens by stabilizing pro-collagen triple-helices. In this study, we demonst

Derivative Cash Flows and Corporate Investment

According to an influential argument, corporate hedging supports corporate investment when internal cash flows are volatile and external financing is costly (Froot, Scharfstein and Stein, 1993). Despite its vast influence, the predictions of this theory have not yet been directly tested using actual derivative cash flows. This study uses hand-collected data on cash flows from derivative positions

Decreased HLA-DQ expression on peripheral blood cells in children with varying number of beta cell autoantibodies

The risk for type 1 diabetes is strongly associated with HLA-DQ and the appearance of beta cell autoantibodies against either insulin, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65), insulinoma-associated protein-2 (IA-2), or zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8). Prolonged exposure to autoantibodies may be related to T cell exhaustion known to occur in chronic infections or autoimmune disorders. It was hypothesized that au

Iran och USA återgår nu till status quo

Status quo har nu uppstått mellan Iran och USA. Om inte Iran ger sig på amerikaner och om Donald Trump använder en mer de-eskalerande ton, kommer nästa milstolpe i denna konflikt i novembermånad när USA går till val.The conflict between Iran and the United States has escalated, but now they are returning to status quo.

The role of epistemic signalling in transdisciplinary knowledge production : Examples from the field of sustainable water management

The number of arrangements where academia collaborates with governmental andnongovernmental organisations, as well as industries, have increased over the last decades.While research has focused on whether knowledge produced in such collaborations is genuinelyinfluenced by others than the ‘experts’, or those with the highest status and power, this reportexplores the influence of framings and re-fra

Predicting the fate of chlorinated aliphatics by hydrogeological modelling and DCIP data - Färgaren case study

We present a local flow model approach for the transport and the decay of a roughly 50 year old perchloroethylene contamination at a former dry cleaning facility at Kv. Färgaren in Kristianstad that sits above the largest aquifer in Sweden. The study demonstrates an efficient workflow integrating ERT for conceptualising and calibrating a three dimensional transient, multi aquifer groundwater trans

Case studies for quantifying the value of structural health monitoring information : Lessons learnt

This paper provides an overview, insights, results and a classification related to development and analyses of case studies within the scientific networking project COST Action TU1402 on the value of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) information. With an outline of the framework and approaches, a procedure on how to quantify the value of SHM information on the basis of the Bayesian decision theor

The effects of SHM system parameters on the value of damage detection information

This paper addresses how the value of damage detection information depends on key parameters of the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system including number of sensors and sensor locations. The Damage Detection System (DDS) provides the information by comparing ambient vibration measurements of a (healthy) reference state with measurements of the current structural system. The performance of DDS

Progress of the COST action TU1402 on the quantification of the value of structural health monitoring

This paper summarizes the development of Value of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) Information analyses and introduces the development, objectives and approaches of the COST Action TU1402 on this topic. SHM research and engineering has been focused on the extraction of loading, degradation and structural features for damage detection and condition assessment, system identification and model upda

Wind turbines and seismic hazard : A state-of-the-art review

Wind energy is a rapidly growing field of renewable energy, and as such, intensive scientific and societal interest has been already attracted. Research on wind turbine structures has been mostly focused on the structural analysis, design and/or assessment of wind turbines mainly against normal (environmental) exposures while, so far, only marginal attention has been spent on considering extreme n

Vibration-based structural health monitoring of a wind turbine system. Part I : Resonance phenomenon

This paper is focused on a resonance phenomenon of a wind turbine system in 5. MW class, on the basis of dynamic signals acquired continuously from the tubular tower under normal operational conditions during two years. Firstly, technique specifications of the wind turbine system are introduced and a finite element model is developed to characterize the structural dynamic properties. The following