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A Jewish family history: Living in two Baltic States : Review of Sista tåget till Moskva: Två väninnor, två öden, en judisk familjehistoria, by René Nyberg, trans. Geo Stenius. Helsinki: Förlaget, 2019.
Information value-based optimization of structural and environmental monitoring for offshore wind turbines support structures
The use of load and structural performance measurement information is vital for efficient structural integrity management and for the cost of energy production with Offshore Wind Turbines (OWTs). OWTs are dynamically sensitive structures subject to an interaction with a control unit exposed to repeated cyclic wind and wave loads causing deterioration and fatigue. This study focuses on the quantifi
Ledarskap - en interaktiv ansats
Lundastudenten som inspirerade den svenske Anakreon
Biografisk artikel om Claes Ludvig Ennes (1727-1791), lundastudent, skald, präst och informator till Carl Michael Bellman.
Popigai impact ejecta layer and extraterrestrial spinels recovered in a new Italian location—The Monte Vaccaro section (Marche Apennines, Italy)
The Popigai (100 km in diameter) and the Chesapeake Bay (40–85 km diameter) impact structures formed within ~10–20 k.y. in the late Eocene during a 2 m.y. period with enhanced flux of 3He-rich interplanetary dust to Earth. Ejecta from the Siberian Popigai impact structure have been found in late Eocene marine sediments at numerous deep-sea drilling sites around the globe and also in a few marine s
Terrestrial Cr-spinels in the Maiolica limestone : Where are they from?
In total, 33 and 65 chrome-spinel (Cr-spinel) grains in the >63 and 32–63 µm size fractions, respectively, were recovered from 12 beds in two stratigraphically separated groups along the 240-m-thick Monte Acuto section of the Maiolica limestone in central Italy, spanning from the Berriasian to the early Hauterivian. The chemistry of these detrital spinels suggests they may represent windblown ophi
Central regulation versus local self-determination regarding work in human services organizations
Omvårdnad och kirurgi
Lärobok sjuksköterskeutbildningen
Postoperativa komplikationer
Kognitiva symptom
Hur tolkas och tillämpas begreppet föräldraansvar vad gäller insatser till barn enligt LSS och ersättningar enligt SFB?
På uppdrag av Riksförbundet FUB har en granskning genomförts av tolkning och tillämpning av begreppet ”normalt föräldraansvar” och vad detta innebär i relation till olika stöd- och serviceinsatser enligt lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS). Vidare har Försäkringskassans tolkning och tillämpning av begreppet utifrån ersättningar som ges via Socialförsäkringsbalken (SFB) und
Boken bygger på de grundläggande värderingar och begrepp som socialtjänstlagstiftningen vilar på. Vidare finns både bakgrund och kommentarer till lagarna inom socialtjänstens område och de övriga lagar och förordningar som ansluter till dessa. Denna klassiker föreligger nu i sin 14:e upplaga och är grundligt reviderad av Monica Larsson, jurist och universitetslektor i socialt arbete. Den nya upplaBoken bygger på de grundläggande värderingar och begrepp som socialtjänstlagstiftningen vilar på. Vidare finns både bakgrund och kommentarer till lagarna inom socialtjänstens område och de övriga lagar och förordningar som ansluter till dessa. Denna klassiker föreligger nu i sin 14:e upplaga och är grundligt reviderad av Monica Larsson, jurist och universitetslektor i socialt arbete. Den nya uppla
Dosimetry in lymphoscintigraphy of Tc-99m antimony sulfide colloid
A quantitative kinetic technique using a scintillation camera has been developed for investigating lymph drainage and the uptake in the lymph nodes of 99mTcSb2S3 colloid injected subcutaneously. Twenty-two patients with primary malignant melanoma were examined. Lymph-node dissection was performed and 185 lymph nodes were individually measured for radioactivity. The kinetics of colloid uptake in in
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Land-use and land-cover change carbon emissions between 1901 and 2012 constrained by biomass observations
The use of dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) to estimate CO2 emissions from land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) offers a new window to account for spatial and temporal details of emissions and for ecosystem processes affected by LULCC. One drawback of LULCC emissions from DGVMs, however, is lack of observation constraint. Here, we propose a new method of using satellite- and inventory-ba
The magnetic order in multiferroic DyMnO3
With flexibility in tuning their electric and magnetic properties, multiferroics can be used in information exchange and storage in ways that are very different from the present electronic materials. Here we use resonant soft x-ray scattering spectroscopy to study the -type and -type (0, 1-, 0) diffraction peaks from sinusoidal antiferromagnetic spin order in multiferroic DyMnO. By comparing the t
Spatial and temporal uncertainty of crop yield aggregations
The aggregation of simulated gridded crop yields to national or regional scale requires information on temporal and spatial patterns of crop-specific harvested areas. This analysis estimates the uncertainty of simulated gridded yield time series related to the aggregation with four different harvested area data sets. We compare aggregated yield time series from the Global Gridded Crop Model Interc
A futures-based analysis for urban air quality remediation
Strong sustainability credentials are now considered an important aspect of any new urban development. However, actions to improve sustainability (described here as solutions) must not only perform under present conditions but must also continue to deliver their benefits however the future develops. This paper examines sustainability with respect to air quality (AQ) for a 6?6 ha case study in Lanc
Nitrogen management is essential to prevent tropical oil palm plantations from causing ground-level ozone pollution
More than half the world's rainforest has been lost to agriculture since the Industrial Revolution. Among the most widespread tropical crops is oil palm (Elaeis guineensis): global production now exceeds 35 million tonnes per year. In Malaysia, for example, 13% of land area is now oil palm plantation, compared with 1% in 1974. There are enormous pressures to increase palm oil production for food,