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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits

Determining platelet activation and aggregation in response to bacteria

Many pathogenic bacteria have been reported to interact with human platelets to mediate platelet activation and aggregation. The importance of these interactions to the immune response or pathogenesis of bacterial infection has not been clarified. It may therefore be valuable to assess platelet responses mediated by diverse strains of bacteria. Here, I describe a method to study platelet integrin

Optimal Channel Shortener Design for Reduced-State Soft-Output Viterbi Equalizer in Single-Carrier Systems

We consider optimal channel shortener design for reduced-state soft-output Viterbi equalizer (RS-SOVE) in singlecarrier (SC) systems. To use RS-SOVE, three receiver filters need to be designed: a prefilter, a target response and a feedback filter. The collection of these three filters are commonly referred to as the “channel shortener”. Conventionally, the channel shortener is designed to transfor

Liposuction for lymphedema

44.Berntorp E, Berntorp K, Brorson H. Liposuction in Dercum’s disease. In: Melvin A Shiffman, Alberto di Giuseppe, editors, Liposuction: Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH; 2016. p. 657-660.

The complication rate after hypospadias repair correlated to preoperative symptoms

Aim: To assess the rate of complications following hypospadias repair in a consecutive series of boys and the correlations of those complications with their preoperative symptoms, degree of hy- pospadias and method of operation. This study was conducted to address the question of whether all boys with all degrees of hypospadias should undergo reconstruction. Methods: This was a prospective cohort

Efficiency improvements in an industrial steam turbine stage - Part 2

Improvement in isentropic total to total efficiency of a low reaction turbine stage by airfoil redesign was considered in first part of the paper. Further, modifications in the flow path of the baseline stage is considered in second part of the paper. Flow path of the baseline stage incorporates axisymmetric meridional endwall contour(commonly called Russian kink). For a stage comprising of high a

Hygrothermal Simulations of Buildings Concerning Uncertainties of the Future Climate

Global warming and its effects on climate are of great concern. Climate change can affect buildings in different ways, i.e. it can change the energy demand or the moisture durability of buildings in the future. In Sweden, most of the last 20 years have been mild and wet compared to the 1961-1990 climate reference period. Future needs and risks of the building sector depend on the future climate wh

Climate Simulation of an Attic Using Future Weather Data Sets - Statistical Methods for Data Processing and Analysis

The effects of possible climate changes on a cold attic performance are considered in this work. The hygro-thermal responses of the attic to different climate data conditions are simulated using a numerical model, which has been made using the IBPT. Cold attic, which is the most exposed part of the building to the environment, is classified as a risky construction in Sweden. Mould growth on intern

The functional effect of rare variants in complement genes on C3b degradation in patients with age-related macular degeneration

IMPORTANCE In age-related macular degeneration (AMD), rare variants in the complement system have been described, but their functional consequences remain largely unexplored. OBJECTIVES To identify new rare variants in complement genes and determine the functional effect of identified variants on complement levels and complement regulation in serum samples from carriers and noncarriers. DESIGN, SE

Representative Bearers of Tradition: Grassroots Preservation and Official Policies

This paper addresses the life, work, representations, and official policies surrounding so-called representative bearers (daibiao chuancheng renwu) of tradition. The paper provides an overview of this policy and the selection process at both the local, national and global level. The paper focuses on the field of ancestral ceremonies and aim to illustrate the artificial and arbitrary dichotomy that

Embryonic ventral mesencephalic grafts improve levodopa-induced dyskinesia in a rat model of Parkinson's disease

We investigated the role of dopamine neurons in the manifestation of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Daily treatment with a subthreshold dose of levodopa gradually induced abnormal involuntary movements (AIM) in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats, which included stereotypy and contraversive rotation. After 4 weeks of levodopa treatment, rats with mild and severe AIM

On Diffusion Transport Properties in Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method

The polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is considered as one of the most promising devices for providing efficient, clean and noiseless conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy. This device can provide electrical and thermal energy for transport, mobile and stationary applications ranging in a wide range of power requirements. However, in spite of its promising potential and increasing

Progression of bone metastases in patients with prostate cancer - automated detection of new lesions and calculation of bone scan index

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was firstly to develop and evaluate an automated method for the detection of new lesions and changes in bone scan index (BSI) in serial bone scans and secondly to evaluate the prognostic value of the method in a group of patients receiving chemotherapy.METHODS: The automated method for detection of new lesions was evaluated in a group of 266 patients using t