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Your search for "*" yielded 532229 hits

Intending Engineering Work : A Conceptualisation of Engineers´ Understanding of Innovation through the Encounter with their Own Practice

Innovation is arguably one of the present-day buzzwords pervading economic, social as well as cultural life. The innovation concept however is highly ambiguous. Nevertheless most (positivistic) innovation studies employ seemingly “clear-cut” notions of innovation circumventing its highly elusive nature. These “clear-cut” innovation concepts are built on pre-conceived ontological assumptions. Inter

Gas6-Axl signaling in presence of Sunitinib is enhanced, diversified and sustained in renal tumor cells, resulting in tumor-progressive advantages

Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (CCRCC) is a lethal cancer with bad prognosis due to development of chemoresistance and recurrence of more aggressive tumors. Investigation of Gas6-mediated Axl signaling in CCRCC and endothelial cells reveals a Sunitinib resistant Gas6-Axl signaling that is sustained and enhanced and specifically triggers downstream AKT and PRAS40 activation in an intensified manne

Transverse coherent instabilities in storage rings with harmonic cavities

Many current and future synchrotron light sources employ harmonic cavities to lengthen the electron bunches in order to reduce the emittance dilution caused by intrabeam scattering. In some cases, the harmonic cavities may be tuned to fulfill the flat potential condition. For this condition, a large increase in the threshold currents of transverse coupled-bunch instabilities has been predicted and

A Collective Picture of What Makes People Happy: Words Representing Social Relationships, not Money, are Recurrent with the Word ‘Happiness’

The Internet allows people to freely navigate through news and use that information to reinforce or support their own beliefs in, for example, different social networks. In this chapter we suggest that the representation of current predominant views in the news can be seen as collective expressions within a society. Seeing that the notion of what makes individuals happy has been of increasing inte

Patent foramen ovale and cryptogenic strokes in the stroke in young fabry patients study

Background and Purpose - A patent foramen ovale (PFO) is disproportionately prevalent in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Without alternative explanations, it is frequently considered to be causative. A detailed stratification of these patients may improve the identification of incidental PFO. Methods - We investigated the PFO prevalence in 3497 transient ischemic attack and ischemic stroke patie

Multilingual literacy and the strategic development goal for quality education

Today’s communities are characterized by migration, transnationalism, and participation in the global economy, and many also have long local histories of linguistic diversity. Empowering individuals in these contexts means fostering the ability to use and expand their existing linguistic repertoires so they can take advantage of the social and economic opportunities afforded by contemporary life.

Neurodevelopmental disorders in young violent offenders : Overlap and background characteristics

Neurodevelopmental disorders (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), tic disorder, intellectual disability (ID)), in prison populations have received increased attention but the focus has generally been on one single condition leaving out the global picture. This study assessed the prevalence and overlap of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) in a consecuti

Proton MR spectroscopy of wild-type and creatine kinase deficient mouse skeletal muscle : dipole-dipole coupling effects and post-mortem changes

Localized proton MR spectra of mouse skeletal muscle obtained at 7 T show dipole-dipole coupling effects for creatine and putative taurine resonances and for the lactate methine signal. These effects are independent of the presence of creatine kinase. The intensity of the methylene (1)H resonance of creatine is not different between wild-type and creatine kinase deficient mice, which have a lower

Origins and Pathways of Innovation in the Third Industrial Revolution : Sweden, 1950-2013

This study examines the factors that have shaped the long-term evolution of the ICT industry in Sweden, 1950-2013. Exploiting a new historical micro-database on actual innovation output, the driving forces and technological interdependencies in the third industrial revolution are chronicled. The results of this study support some stylized facts about innovational interdependencies in general-purpo

Composition of Gold Alloy Seeded InGaAs Nanowires in the Nucleation Limited Regime

We explain the composition of gold alloy particle seeded InGaAs nanowires in the nucleation limited regime. We use binary nucleation modeling to account for the nucleation of InGaAs from a supersaturated quaternary liquid alloy particle containing Au, In, Ga, and As. In our modeling we use realistic chemical potential differences between the seed particle and the nanowire. The chemical potentials

Modelling Human Developmental Hematopoiesis. Towards in vitro Generation of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells

The possibility to manufacture hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the laboratory would provide an indefinite source of cells for patients requiring bone marrow transplantation. Moreover, combined with the progress in gene editing techniques, it would provide a novel platform for gene and cell replacement therapies for a range of currently incurable congenic and acquired disorders. During my PhD, I