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Your search for "*" yielded 532212 hits

Near to far field transformation of RCS using a compressive sensing method

Near field Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurements are used in this study to obtain geometrically correct images of objects placed on a turntable. The images of the targets are processed using a method common in the compressive sensing field, Basis Pursuit Denoise. A near field model based on isotropic point scatterers is set up. The target model is naturally sparse and t

In-situ neutron imaging of hydrogenous fuels in combustion generated porous carbons under dynamic and steady state pressure conditions

We report results from experiments where we characterize the surface properties of soot particlesinteracting with high-pressure methane. We find considerable differences in behavior of the soot materialbetween static and dynamic pressure conditions that can be explained by multiscale correlations inthe dynamics, from the micro to macro of the porous fractal-like carbon matrix. The measurements wer

Impact study of the climate change on the energy performance of the building stock in Stockholm considering four climate uncertainties

This work describes the research conducted in order to assess possible changes and uncertainties in future energy performance of the residential building stock in Stockholm. The investigation is performed on a sample of 153 existing and statistically selected buildings and covers the period of 1961-2100. Four uncertainty factors of the climate have been considered: global climate models, regional

Determining platelet activation and aggregation in response to bacteria

Many pathogenic bacteria have been reported to interact with human platelets to mediate platelet activation and aggregation. The importance of these interactions to the immune response or pathogenesis of bacterial infection has not been clarified. It may therefore be valuable to assess platelet responses mediated by diverse strains of bacteria. Here, I describe a method to study platelet integrin

Optimal Channel Shortener Design for Reduced-State Soft-Output Viterbi Equalizer in Single-Carrier Systems

We consider optimal channel shortener design for reduced-state soft-output Viterbi equalizer (RS-SOVE) in singlecarrier (SC) systems. To use RS-SOVE, three receiver filters need to be designed: a prefilter, a target response and a feedback filter. The collection of these three filters are commonly referred to as the “channel shortener”. Conventionally, the channel shortener is designed to transfor

Liposuction for lymphedema

44.Berntorp E, Berntorp K, Brorson H. Liposuction in Dercum’s disease. In: Melvin A Shiffman, Alberto di Giuseppe, editors, Liposuction: Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH; 2016. p. 657-660.