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Your search for "*" yielded 531940 hits

Disassembly of Dipeptide Single Crystals Can Transform the Lipid Membrane into a Network

Coupling between cytoskeleton and membranes is critical to cell movement as well as organelle formation. Here, we demonstrate that self-assembled single crystals of a dipeptide, diphenylalanine (FF), can interact with liposomes to form cytoskeleton-like structures. Under a physiological condition, disassembly of FF crystals deforms and translocates supported lipid membrane. The system exhibits sim

A disease-specific questionnaire for measuring patient-reported outcomes and experiences in the Swedish National Diabetes Register : Development and evaluation of content validity, face validity, and test-retest reliability

Objective: To describe the development and evaluation of the content and face validity and test-retest reliability of a disease-specific questionnaire that measures patient-reported outcomes and experiences for the Swedish National Diabetes Register for adult patients who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Methods: In this methodological study, a questionnaire was developed over four phases using an

N-Terminal Prosomatostatin and Risk of Vascular Dementia

BACKGROUND: Increased somatostatin plasma concentration has been found in patients with vascular dementia. However, it is unknown whether or not somatostatin levels may predict dementia development in the general population. To this end, we sought to assess the association of circulating N-terminal prosomatostatin (NT-proSST) with incident dementia among community-dwelling older adults.METHODS: In

Application of full-reference video quality metrics in IPTV

Executing an accurate full-reference metric such as VQM can take minutes in an average computer for just one user. Therefore, it can be unfeasible to analyze all the videos received by users in an IPTV network for example consisting of 10.000 users using a single computer running the VQM metric. One solution can be to use a lightweight no-reference metrics in addition to the full-reference metric

Edge-and vertex-reinforced random walks with super-linear reinforcement on infinite graphs

In this paper, we introduce a new simple but powerful general technique for the study of edge- and vertex-reinforced processes with super-linear reinforcement, based on the use of order statistics for the number of edge, respectively of vertex, traversals. The technique relies on upper bound estimates for the number of edge traversals, proved in a different context by Cotar and Limic [Ann. Appl. P

Stump harvesting and the soil/atmosphere exchange of CO2

Soil disturbance from stump extraction and site preparation will initially lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from the soil. This is one result achieved from a series of new experiments established throughout Sweden and is contrasting to what was previously assumed. After one year however, this initial reduction had disappeared and emissions were around the same level for bothdisturbe

Combination of phage and Gram-positive bacterial display of human antibody repertoires enables isolation of functional high affinity binders

Surface display couples genotype with a surface exposed phenotype and thereby allows screening of gene-encoded protein libraries for desired characteristics. Of the various display systems available, phage display is by far the most popular, mainly thanks to its ability to harbour large size libraries. Here, we describe the first use of a Gram-positive bacterial host for display of a library of hu

No title

The aim of the article is, according to the author, to present history of philosophy (and philoso-phy of history) in terms of the British analytical tradition. Rejection of metahistorical purpose accounts for the importance of transdisciplinary analysis in the effort to make sense of historicism; thus, inner “duality” of historiography becomes vital for combining individual and “objective” sides o

High-frequency asymptotics for Lipschitz–Killing curvatures of excursion sets on the sphere

In this paper, we shall be concerned with geometric functionals and excursion probabilities for some nonlinear transforms evaluated on Fourier components of spherical random fields. In particular, we consider both random spherical harmonics and their smoothed averages, which can be viewed as random wavelet coefficients in the continuous case. For such fields, we consider smoothed polynomial transf

A note on global suprema of band-limited spherical random functions

In this note, we investigate the behaviour of suprema for band-limited spherical random fields. We prove upper and lower bound for the expected values of these suprema, by means of metric entropy arguments and discrete approximations; we then exploit the Borell–TIS inequality to establish almost sure upper and lower bounds for their fluctuations. Band limited functions can be viewed as restriction

A force for peace : Expanding the role of the UN secretary-general under Trygve Lie, 1946-1953

The UN Charter describes him or her merely as the “chief administrative officer of the organization,” yet today the Secretary-General is widely recognized as the UN’s chief political representative. How did this transformation and expansion of the office from administrative to political take place? Existing scholarship tends to emphasize the contribution made by Dag Hammarskjöld. This article chal

Sustaining Legitimacy and Trust in a Data-Driven Society

Securing the continued growth of the digital economy will largely depend on how we manage consumer data, and which operators and tools we use to moderate, analyze and trade that data, according to guest author Stefan Larsson of Lund University Internet Institute. If users were to begin to perceive the collection and handling of their personal data as illegitimate, he argues, their trust in digital

The complement system as a potential therapeutic target in rheumatic disease

Complement activation is associated with common rheumatic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic vasculitis. Evidence linking complement activation to these diseases includes the presence of complement deposition in affected tissues, decreased levels of complement proteins and high levels of complement activation fragments in the blood and/or sy

The miRNA-200 family and miRNA-9 exhibit differential expression in primary versus corresponding metastatic tissue in breast cancer

Metastases are the major cause of cancer-related deaths, but the mechanisms of the metastatic process remain poorly understood. In recent years, the involvement of microRNAs (miRNAs) in cancer has become apparent, and the objective of this study was to identify miRNAs associated with breast cancer progression. Global miRNA expression profiling was performed on 47 tumor samples from 14 patients wit

IFN-α primes T- and NK-cells for IL-15-mediated signaling and cytotoxicity

Recently it has become clear that interferon (IFN)-α, a type I interferon produced rapidly in response to infection, not only plays a key role in innate immunity, but also promotes adaptive immune responses by influencing the production or function of other cytokines. During infections IFN-α fosters the production of IL-15, which plays a pivotal role in the development, survival and function of NK

Global microRNA analysis of the NCI-60 cancer cell panel

MicroRNAs (miRNA) are a group of short noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. They are involved in many biological processes, including development, differentiation, apoptosis, and carcinogenesis. Because miRNAs may play a role in the initiation and progression of cancer, they comprise a novel class of promising diagnostic and prognostic molecular markers an

Efficient identification of miRNAs for classification of tumor origin

Carcinomas of unknown primary origin constitute 3% to 5% of all newly diagnosed metastatic cancers, with the primary source difficult to classify with current histological methods. Effective cancer treatment depends on early and accurate identification of the tumor; patients with metastases of unknown origin have poor prognosis and short survival. Because miRNA expression is highly tissue specific

Quantitative miRNA expression analysis : comparing microarrays with next-generation sequencing

Recently, next-generation sequencing has been introduced as a promising, new platform for assessing the copy number of transcripts, while the existing microarray technology is considered less reliable for absolute, quantitative expression measurements. Nonetheless, so far, results from the two technologies have only been compared based on biological data, leading to the conclusion that, although t