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Mayonnaise: Quality and Catastrophic Phase Inversion

In industrial production of mayonnaise it is important to both get a product of high quality and to avoid phase inversion. To investigate how the quality and phase inversion point are affected by changes in the production, a high shear mixer and an immersion blender were used to make mayonnaise. The stirring speed, temperature, egg content, egg type and oil content were changed to see how the qual

Study of the Loss of Information from the Modified Mass-Drop Tagger in PYTHIA 8 for Z to qqbar

I samband med att teknologin har utvecklats, har också vår förmåga att observera mindre och mindre objekt utvecklats. Detta är för att partiklar kan accelereras till högre och högre fart och därmed till högre energier. Utforskningen av hadroner, med partikelacceleratorer som Large Hadron Collider (LHC), har givit forskare en djupare förståelse om hur kvantkromodynamik (QCD), en av lärorna om materIn this thesis, the information loss from the modified Mass-Drop tagging of a Z to qqbar jet is studied for a pp collision at LHC centre-of-mass energies in PYTHIA 8 using FastJet 3. The jet created by the Z has minimum transverse momentum of 200 GeV. This is then searched for subjets via two methods: a Cambridge/Aachen algorithm and a modified Mass-Drop Tagger with different z-cut values. The sub

”Det bästa som kunde hänt oss var om de hade sett far” : En studie om vad anhöriga till personer med demenssjukdom önskar av anhörigstödet

The aim of this study was to examine what kind of support the relatives to persons with dementia experience they need. The study also aimed to examine what factors affect the relatives’ decision to receive support. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six relatives to persons with dementia. The empirical data collected from the interviews were analyzed through the concept of role theory

Hållbar IT - Hur fyra svenska kommuner arbetar med hållbar IT

Miljöfrågan bland kommuner blir allt viktigare då det börjar bli ett krav från oss invånare. IT har en bred definition och kopplas i första hand till personliga datorer och mobiltelefoner. IT är ett koncept som påverkar miljön genom användning av resurser, energi och kemikalier vid tillverkning, användning och hantering av använd hårdvara. Hållbar IT är en vidareutveckling av begreppet grön IT och

An Explorative study into growth strategies used for developing a large-scale niche dairy Industry in Ireland

The Irish dairy industry has seen significant growth in recent times. It is also seen as one of key drivers in the Irish government’s plans to grow food and drink exports. However, there is an environmental cost to this. The niche dairy industry has been stagnant for years. This project looks at the potential for the niche dairy industry to grow and resulting in higher economic impact but lower en

Is East Africa Strained By Brain Drain? The Impact of Medical Migration on the Healthcare Crisis

This thesis explores the impact of medical migration on the healthcare crisis in East Africa. With a qualitative research design of ten semi-structured interviews it shall help to understand the relationship between medical migration and the healthcare crisis in East Africa. Accordingly, by interviewing doctors with ties to East Africa and relevant experiences for the topic of study, the following

Development of Method for Measuring the Beta-functions in the MAX IV Laboratory 1.5 and 3 GeV Storage Rings

In any storage ring or synchrotron based light source one of the most important factors for generating light with desirable properties is the electron beam itself. The dynamics of the beam must be properly characterised and, ideally, adjusted to the desired values for the light source to be able to deliver radiation of the quality which was decided during its design. This thesis is limited to som

The Swedish mailman - a study about incipient exhaustion and its association with psychosocial and demographic factors

Objective. The study examines the prevalence of incipient exhaustion among Swedish mailmen and its association with the psychosocial variables community and reward, and the demographic variables age, gender and leisure time physical activity (PA). Background. Mental health is a growing issue in postindustrial countries, and in Sweden the diagnosis exhaustion disorder has been introduced. Recent st

The Heroon at Kalydon: An investigation of the function of the Hellenistic building

The heroon in Kalydon has been under investigation several times with different intentions: to date the building, to find the relative chronology between peristyle and tomb, and to study the sculptural programme. The building was interpreted by the excavators to suit the functions of cultic feasting and celebration related to the hero, but the actual function of the various rooms has been question

Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery – A Harmful Practice? The Production of Harmful Practices Within the UN SDG Context

This research will study how the phenomenon ‘harmful practices’ is represented within the United Nations’ new framework: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reveal which practices are included and excluded from the goal. This framework has presented itself as being culturally diverse in its formation, strategy and application. In an attempt to capture this notion as a political goal and me

Butiksansvarigas motivation - En kvalitativ studie om butiksansvarigas motivation i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

Titel: Butiksansvarigas motivation - En kvalitativ studie om butiksansvarigas motivation i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln. Författare: Ludvig Kron och Jacob Nyberg Nivå och kurs: Kandidatuppsats i kursen KSMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, VT 2017 Handledare: Dorit Christensen Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för service management och

Alternativa grönytor i urbana miljöer - en undersökning av möjligheterna att anlägga ängsmark

När städerna i världen växer fram så tas samtidigt viktiga habitat i anspråk, vilket försämrar förutsättningarna för olika arter. Förlusten av biologisk mångfalden är en av vår tids stora problem. För att bromsa in den förlust av biologisk mångfald som sker krävs det insatser från samhällets sida. Det finns flera olika lösningar på problemet, men jag har valt att titta på ängsmarken roll som en poDuring this bachelor thesis I have studied the potential to use meadows as a vegetation type in urban environments instead of the traditional lawn, or amenity grass. The task of this thesis is interesting as the loss of biodiversity is a serious problem for our society, not the least because it threatens many important ecosystem services. In this thesis I have focused on the role of real estate co

Enterprise Architecture och E-förvaltning: i tre kommuner

Kommuner ställs inför en stor förändring när verksamheten ska digitaliseras. För att stödja e- förvaltningsutveckling och digitalisering förespråkas Enterprise Architecture (EA) vara ett verktyg för att möjliggöra integration av äldre system, skapa interoperabilitet och minska kostnaderna kopplade till systemutveckling via återanvändning av komponenter. Relaterat till detta finns flera utmaningar

ExL eller FBL - kan grannen göra ett klipp?

År 2010 ändrades ersättningsreglerna och ett tjugofemprocentigt schablontillägg infördes i expropriationslagstiftningen. Vid de fall där mark endast kan tas i anspråk enligt fastighetsbildningslagen eller anläggningslagen, vinstfördelningsfallen, infördes dock inget påslag. Att inget påslag infördes vid vinstfördelningsfallen medförde att ersättningen i teorin kan bli lägre om en vinstfördelningsIn 2010, the Swedish compensation rules were changed and the compensation connected to forced land access for common purpose was increased. The compensation is now 25 percent above the market value reduction in these cases. However, this higher level of compensation does not include land access conducted by individuals. When forced land access is used by individuals, the owner of the property tha

I hederns namn : en begreppsanalytisk studie av hedersbegreppet i svensk offentlig debatt

Undersökningen syftar till att begreppsanalytiskt undersöka begreppet heder samt en närliggande hedersproblematik. Hedersbegreppet är komplext och med bakgrund av den rådande svenska debatten kring heder är det möjligt att se hur begreppet tillskrivs olika definitionsmässiga innebörder. Detta bidrar i sin tur till problem kring kartläggningen av hedersproblematik i Sverige. Utifrån Unni Wikan och This study aims to analyse the concept of honour and honour-related problems. The conception of honour is very complex and looking at the current discourse it is possible to see how the term is attributed to different translations. This dissonance becomes problematic when mapping honour-related issues in society. Based on Unni Wikan and Johan Galtung's theoretical perspectives the report SOU

Fostering future Europeans : how the Erasmus exchange is shaping Europeanness and who is really benefiting from it

The Erasmus exchange is a recent phenomena that has seen a steady growth in participation, and it seems that it is just a matter of time before it will be a fundamental part of students’ life. The participation of young Europeans to such exchange gives them the possibility to experiment a new, more direct way of living Europe. My thesis wants to analyse how study exchanges are shaping the percepti

Relationer över nationsgränser - En kvalitativ studie av hur unga vuxna med jugoslavisk bakgrund utvecklar och upprätthåller transnationella relationer

The aim of this qualitative study has been to analyze how young adults with Yugoslavian background form and sustain relations across national borders. The study covers second-generation migrants (hereby titled as young adults with Yugoslavian background) who are born in Sweden, with Yugoslavian born parents that came to Sweden as refugees between the years of 1990-1998. Ten semi-structured intervi

Social Integration: Are Voluntary Sector Organisation Public Partnerships (VSOPP) influencing municipalities’ labour market administrations’ views on integration?

While public sector commonly works with system and civic integration, non-profit sector works with social integration. By doing a case study on Stockholm’s and Malmö’s municipalities, this thesis investigates how Voluntary Sector Organisation Public Partnerships (VSOPP) have influenced their labour market administrations’ views on integration. VSOPPs are partnerships between public and non-profit

Open access-böcker som vetenskapligt kommunikationsmedel i en svensk kontext : forskares attityder till den fritt tillgängliga digitala boken

Scholarly books still play an important role in some scientific disciplines, mainly the humanities and some social sciences. Publication in open access format is still not a requirement when it comes to scholarly books in Sweden, but will likely be in the near future. Academic libraries often play an important role when it comes to supporting researchers in scholarly communication and it is likely