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Abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in relation to soil salinity around Lake Urmia in northern Iran analyzed by use of lipid biomarkers and microscopy

Saline soils around Lake Urmia in northern Iran constitute a stressed environment for plants and microbial communities, including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Soil and root samples were collected from fields cultivated with the glycophytes Allium cepa L. and Medicago sativa L, and sites dominated by the halophyte Salicornia europaea L. Soil and root samples were analyzed for the AM fungal si

Regulatory Proteins in Progenitors and Differentiated Cells of the Human Prostate

Prostate cancer (PC) develops from an androgen-dependent tissue that contains androgen receptors in both the stromal and glandular compartments. Surgical removal of the prostate may cure the patient, but if metastatic spread has occurred, androgen suppression therapy is the standard treatment. However, most men will eventually fail this therapy and develop recurrent androgen-independent disease, f

The mu TPC method: improving the position resolution of neutron detectors based on MPGDs

Due to the He-3 crisis, alternatives to the standard neutron detection techniques are becoming urgent. In addition, the instruments of the European Spallation Source (ESS) require advances in the state of the art of neutron detection. The instruments need detectors with excellent neutron detection efficiency, high rate capabilities and unprecedented spatial resolution. The Macromolecular Crystallo

Adjuvant chemotherapy for endometrial cancer after hysterectomy

Background Endometrial adenocarcinoma (womb cancer) is a malignant growth of the lining (endometrium) of the womb (uterus). It is distinct from sarcomas (tumours of the uterine muscle). Survival depends the risk of microscopic metastases after surgery. Adjuvant (postoperative) chemotherapy improves survival from some other adenocarcinomas, and there is evidence that endometrial cancer is sensitive

A Comparative Analysis of WHR System in HD Engines Using Conventional Diesel Combustion and Partially-Premixed Combustion

In the truck industry there is a continuous demand to increase the efficiency and to decrease the emissions. To acknowledge both these issues a waste heat recovery system (WHR) is combined with a partially premixed combustion (PPC) engine to deliver an efficient engine system. Over the past decades numerous attempts to increase the thermal efficiency of the diesel engine has been made. One such at

Simulations of surface forces in polyelectrolyte solutions.

We have simulated interactions between charged surfaces in the presence of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes by coupling perturbations in the isotension ensemble to a free energy variance minimization scheme. For polymeric systems, this method completely outperforms configurationally biased versions of grand canonical simulations. Proper diffusive equilibrium between bulk and slit has been estab

Endothelial proliferation and increased blood-brain barrier permeability in the basal ganglia in a rat model of 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-L-alanine-induced dyskinesia.

3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl-(L)-alanine ((L)-DOPA)-induced dyskinesia is associated with molecular and synaptic plasticity in the basal ganglia, but the occurrence of structural remodeling through cell genesis has not been explored. In this study, rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesions received injections of the thymidine analog 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) concomitantly with (L)-DOPA for 2 weeks. A large

The new cell irradiation facility at the Lund nuclear probe

The CELLION project is directed towards the studies on cellular response to targeted single ions. This paper gives an account of the modifications made at the Lund sub-micron beam line in order to create a Single Ion Hit Facility for biological applications within the CELLION project. The most relevant new feature is the specially developed software used to locate the cells. A program for cell rec

Complex polyion-surfactant ion salts in equilibrium with water: Changing aggregate shape and size by adding oil

The phase behavior of ternary mixtures containing an alkyltrimethylammonium polyacrylate complex salt, water, and a nonpolar "oil" (n-decanol, p-xylene or cyclohexane) is investigated. The complex salts were prepared with short or long polyacrylates (30 or 6000 repeating units) and with hexadecyltrimethylammonium or dodecyltrimethylammonium surfactant ions. Phase diagrams and structures were deter

Judicial Independence: A Legal Research on Its Theoretical Aspects, Practices from Germany, The United States of America, France, Vietnam, and Recommendations for Vietnam

It is widely recognized that judicial independence is an indispensable value of a modern democracy. When a country wishes to adopt this value, questions may arise, such as what it is and how to develop it properly? This thesis explores the issue of judicial independence in two aspects: theoretical and practical. For the theoretical aspect, it first examines the rule of law and protection of human

The Imagined versus the Real Other : Multiculturalism and the Representation of Muslims in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Är muslimer så annorlunda jämfört med andra medborgare att de måste leva segregerade och separeras från resten av det svenska samhället? Vad är en muslim och vem skall definiera denna kategori? I den här avhandlingen presenteras huvudaktörerna i diskussionen och deras ideologiska synsätt. Den mångkulturalistiska ideologin är hegemonisk i Sverige när det gäller frågor soAre Muslims so different from other citizens in Sweden, that they have to live in segregation and be separated from the rest of society? What is a Muslim, and who is to define this category? In this thesis, the author presents the main actors in this discussion and their ideological positions. The multiculturalist ideology is hegemonic in Sweden on issues concerned with cultural diversity, and int

Energieffektivisering i bostaden. Förändringar i hushållsarbete för kvinnor och män.

Syftet med projektet har varit att kartlägga och analysera hur kvinnors och mäns vardagsliv förändras då de deltar i ett energibesparingsprojekt, avseende arbetsuppgifter, ansvarsfördelning och energieffektivt beteende. Detta omfattar förändringar i hemmets sysslor för män och kvinnor, hur mäns och kvinnors tidsanvändning och arbetsbörda förändrats, liksom deras vilja att delta i åtgärder för ener