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Measurements of long-term external and internal radiation exposure of inhabitants of some villages of the Bryansk region of Russia after the Chernobyl accident

A Nordic-Soviet programme was initiated in 1990 to evaluate the external and internal radiation exposure of the inhabitants of several villages in the Bryansk region of Russia. This area was one of the number of areas particularly affected by the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. Measurements were carried out yearly until 1998 and after that more irregularly; in 2000,

Global Governance, Legitimacy and Legitimation

Rules set by global governance organizations affect communities across the world. Such organizations increasingly seek to obtain legitimacy in the eyes of groups beyond their member state elites. This book advances scholarly debate on the politics of legitimacy and legitimation in global governance. It brings together researchers from different subfields of International Relations in order to high

Butchering of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Mesolithic

The butchering of wild boar during the Mesolithic in South Scandinavia has been studied through the analysis of cut marks on osteological remains from the sites Ageröd I:HC, Ringsjöholm, Tågerup and Bökeberg III in Scania, Sweden. The study reveals relatively high frequencies of cut marks from dismembering and filleting. The distribution of cut marks indicates a uniformity in the dismembering of w

Slaveriets historia

This is a comprehensive analysis and description of slavery, globally, throughout history.

Consequences of bushmeat hunting in tropical forests

Popular Abstract in English This thesis presents data from rainforests of southeastern Nigeria. Pairs of protected and hunted of study sites were established in three different but adjacent protected areas: 1. Mbe Mountain Community Forest (MMCF, total area 80 km2); 2. Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS, total area 100 km2); and 3. Okwangwo division of the Cross River National Park (CRNP), totaThis thesis evaluates the effect of bushmeat hunting in southeastern Nigerian rainforests on: 1) adult tree, seedling, and animal community compositions 2) germination and survival among seedlings in association with competition 3) changes in community composition at multiple trophic levels 4) leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC), leaf mass per area (LMA) and stem specific density (SSD) 5) on human r

Phylogeny of Artiodactyla and Cetacea - based on mitochondrial genomes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Artiodactyla (partåiga hovdjur) är uppdelad i tre underordningar, Suiformes (grisar och flodhästar), Tylopoda (kameler och lamor) och Ruminantia (kor, hjortar, antiloper och giraffer). Studien syftade till att analysera släktskapen mellan de olika underordningarna och ordningen Cetacea (valar) genom att sekvensera mitokondrie DNA och jämföra sekvenserna. I våra släktskArtiodactyla (eved-toed ungulates) and Cetacea (whales) are two mammalian orders that are commonly recognised as sistergroups. Recently it has been suggested that Cetacea originated within Artiodactyla, but the relationships among the different artiodactyl lineages and Cetacea have not been conclusively established. In the present study the mitochondrial genome of the pig (Sus scrofa), the hippopo

Nucleic Acids as Drugs and Drug Targets With Focus on Anticancer Active Platinum Complexes and Small Interfering RNAs

Popular Abstract in Swedish Titeln på den här avhandlingen är ”Nukleinsyror som läkemedel och mål för läkemedel, med fokus på anticanceraktiva platinaföreningar och små interferande RNA”. Nukleinsyror är mer kända som sina förkortningar DNA och RNA. Anticanceraktiva platinaföreningar är en typ av läkemedel mot cancer. Små interfererande RNA är en slags reglermekanism för hur mycket av ett visst prTo ensure that patients receive a safe and effective treatment, it is important to understand how drugs interact with and affect molecules within a cell. Here, evaluation of platinum based drugs and their ability to interfere with nucleic acid functions is presented. The main focus of this thesis has been to evaluate whether siRNA efficiency can be modified by two clinically used anticancer active

The insecurity of trafficking in international law

The present chapter inquires into to the definition of trafficking in the 2000 Trafficking Protocol. The concept of trafficking seems to offer a self-evident point of departure to broach inequality and migration in the international domain. It emphasises the inequality between trafficker and the trafficked person, and States task themselves to side with the latter - and weaker - party in that rela

Time-Domain Theory of Forerunners

The time-domain theory of forerunners (precursors) in temporally dispersive, nonmagnetic, isotropic materials is developed with the propagator technique. Specifically, the impulse response at a (comparatively) large propagation depth is expanded in two different ways: (a) with respect to the wave front and (b) with respect to slowly varying field components. A few numerical examples illustrating t