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Reliability-based inspection planning with application to orthotropic bridge deck structures subjected to fatigue

A reliability-based approach to inspection planning for welded steel structures subjected to high cycle fatigue is presented in the current document. Inspections are an effective means to control the progress of fatigue deterioration and the presented approach allows to determine the minimum required inspection effort so that the considered structure complies with the given risk acceptance criteri

Nurses’ Experiences of Promoting Healthy Aging in the Municipality: A Qualitative Study

The purpose of this study was to describe nurses’ experiences of promoting healthy aging in municipalities. A descriptive qualitative research design based on semi-structured interviews with 13 nurses was employed. The nurses described the importance of giving older adults the possibility to live as individuals, but also that the organization matters as too does the nurses’ own desire to work prof

Global Judicial Governance of Cultural Diversity: The Role of the European Judge

How to manage a growing cultural and religious diversity with its origin in human mobility across the globe is a pressing theme in Europe. A process of shrinking tolerance of diversity in favour of the imposition of prohibitions of certain acts grounded in culture is now observed. Both female genital mutilation involving unjustified violence against children and women and other cultural practices

Maximising the outcomes of Spain’s political engagement with the UN

Spain’s political engagement with the UN is based upon resources, expertise and strategic interests. This paper discusses the stability and degree of commitment of Spain’s engagement, despite internal political changes and the challenges it has faced. Following the economic crisis, which led to a drop in its financial contributions, Spain’s commitment to the organisation is regaining force and int

Den europeiska katolicismens många skepnader

Syftet med att samla fyra artiklar om den katolska kyrkan i olika delar av Europa är att visa hur olika dess ställning och uttrycksformer är i olika länder och diskutera orsakerna till detta. Artiklarna bygger på föredrag i den serie av åtta föredrag och fem seminarier som hölls på samma tema vid Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap, Lunds universitet, mellan februari och september 2019, med

Three-dimensional atlases of insect brains

The morphological structure of the nervous system is ultimately the basis of its function. Analyses of the anatomical layout of brain areas, single neuron morphologies, and the synaptic connectivity of neurons are therefore essential for a comprehensive understanding of the computational processes implemented in neuronal networks. Insect brains have long served as models to examine neuronal circui

A microfluidic strategy for the detection of membrane protein interactions

Membrane proteins perform a vast range of vital biological functions and are the gatekeepers for exchange of information and matter between the intracellular and extracellular environment. However, membrane protein interactions can be challenging to characterise in a quantitative manner due to the low solubility and large size of the membrane protein complex with associated lipid or detergent mole

Verb-based restrictions on noun incorporation across languages

Although some characteristics of incorporating verbs and non-incorporating verbs have been proposed in previous studies, little systematic cross-linguistic research has been done on restrictions on the types of verbs that incorporate nouns. Knowledge about possible verb-based restrictions on noun incorporation may, however, provide important insights for theoretical approaches to noun incorporatio

Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen. : XVI Om fördragsamheten. XVII Om kärleken

Boken är en dubbelvolym och innehåller en grekisk text (baserad på cod. Parisinus graecus 2474) utgiven av Britt Dahlman och en svensk översättning av den systematiska samlingen av Apophthegmata Patrum (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk), böckerna 16 och 17. Översättningen har gjorts gemensamt av deltagarna i översättningsseminariet vid Johannesakademin i Linköping under ledning av Britt Dahlman och Per Rön

Efficient laccase/TEMPO oxidation of alkyl glycosides : Effects of carbohydrate group and alkyl chain length

Alkyl glycosides with long hydrophobic chains have attractive surfactant properties, but their wider application is hampered by their low solubility in water. Here, a route to increased solubility by introduction of carboxyl groups via laccase/TEMPO oxidation is presented. The oxidation pathways for dodecyl β-maltoside and hexadecyl β-maltoside were studied in detail. Close to full conversion was

Adjunct High Frequency Transcutaneous Electric Stimulation (TENS) for Postoperative Pain Management during Weaning from Epidural Analgesia Following Colon Surgery : Results from a Controlled Pilot Study

The potential benefit of nonpharmacological adjunctive therapy is not well-studied following major abdominal surgery. The aim of the present study was to investigate transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a complementary nonpharmacological analgesia intervention during weaning from epidural analgesia (EDA) after open lower abdominal surgery. Patients were randomized to TENS and sham

Isocapnic hyperventilation provides early extubation after head and neck surgery : A prospective randomized trial

Background: Isocapnic hyperventilation (IHV) shortens recovery time after inhalation anaesthesia by increasing ventilation while maintaining a normal airway carbon dioxide (CO2)-level. One way of performing IHV is to infuse CO2 to the inspiratory limb of a breathing circuit during mechanical hyperventilation (HV). In a prospective randomized study, we compared this IHV technique to a standard emer

Anaesthetics and analgesics; neurocognitive effects, organ protection and cancer reoccurrence an update

Available general and local anaesthetics, third generation inhaled anaesthetics, propofol and amide class local anaesthetics are effective and reassuringly safe. They are all associated to low incidence of toxicology and or adverse-effects. There is however a debate whether anaesthetic drug and technique could exhibit effects beyond the primary effects; fully reversible depression of the central n