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Diode and transistor behaviors of three-terminal ballistic junctions
We propose new applications of three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) in nanoelectronics. It is found that for a TBJ with one of its three branch contacts, say the right branch contact, being grounded, the output voltage, V-c, from the central branch as a function of the voltage, Vl, applied to the left branch shows a diode characteristic: V-c approximately follows Vl linearly when Vl is negati
Mediator-assisted simultaneous probing of cytosolic and mitochondrial redox activity in living cells.
This work describes an electron transfer mediator-assisted amperometric flow injection method for assessing redox enzyme activity in different subcellular compartments of the phosphoglucose isomerase deletion mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, EBY44. The method is demonstrated using the ferricyanide-menadione double mediator system to study the effect of dicoumarol, an inhibitor of cytosol
Accessibility to the public environment as perceived by teenagers with functional limitations in a south Swedish town centre.
PURPOSE: Owing to physical inaccessibility persons with mobility restrictions and other functional limitations often face problems in public environments, leading to restrictions in activity and participation. To investigate general accessibility and perceived problems of accessibility to the public environment in a town centre, as well as visiting preferences to public facilities, among teenagers
Incomplete protection by prophylactic surfactant against the adverse effects of large lung inflations at birth in immature lambs.
Discourses of the Heian Era and National Identity Formation in Contemporary Japan
This paper investigates the relationship between history and national identity, specifically how “golden ages” in a nation’s past are used for nationalist ends. Using discourse analysis, it examines how two types of popular historical venues, museums and textbooks, present Japan’s Heian period (794-1185) and explores what this reveals about Japanese national identity formation. The Heian era has a
Evaluating vacuum phototriodes designed for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter
In this work properties of a vacuum phototriode (VPT) and preamplifier unit designed for the electromagnetic calorimeter of the PANDA experiment being built at FAIR are investigated. With the use of lead tungstate and lanthanium bromide scintillators the VPT properties are studied at low photon energies, from tens of key in the lanthanium bromide measurements and between 10 MeV and 60 MeV in the l
Contrasting effects of habitat area and connectivity on evenness of pollinator communities
Losses of both habitat area and connectivity have been identified as important drivers of species richness declines, but little theoretical and empirical work exists that addresses the effect of fragmentation on relative commonness of highly mobile species such as pollinating insects. With a large dataset of wild bee and butterfly abundances collected across Europe, we first tested the effect of h
Tobacco use and caries risk among adolescents - a longitudinal study in Sweden
Background: Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco have a detrimental impact on general and oral health. The relationship to dental caries is however still unclear. As caries is a multi-factorial disease with clear life-style, socio-economic and socio-demographic gradients, the tobacco use may be a co-variable in this complex rather than a direct etiological factor. Our aim was to analyze the im
Supply chain integration: the role of logistics service providers
Purpose - Considering the importance of supply chain integration (SCI) in literature and the increasing outsourcing of logistics, this paper aims to study the role of logistics service providers (LSPs) in supporting SCI and clients' performance. Design/methodology/approach – This research is based on a two-step approach: a literature review on supply chain integration (SCI) and performance rega
Production of glycidyl ethers by chemo-enzymatic epoxidation of allyl ethers
Production of glycidyl ethers is industrially carried Out by reacting alcohols with epichlorhydrin, a potentially carcinogenic compound. This paper investigates a less hazardous alternative-that of a chemo-enzymatic process in which Candida antarctica lipase B catalysed generation of peracid from a carboxylic acid is followed by a Prileshajev epoxidation of the corresponding allyl ether. Trimethyl
Combustion of CO and toluene; Characterisation of copper oxide supported on titania and activity comparisons with supported cobalt, iron, and manganese oxide
Titania-supported copper oxide catalysts have been prepared with loadings in the range from 1/3 to 5 theoretical layers and have been tested for the combustion of CO and toluene. Characterisation with XRD, electron microscopy, EDX, TPR, Raman, and XPS gives details about the structure of copper oxide on titania. The results show that dispersed CuOx is formed up to a loading of about one theoretica
Climacteric medicine: European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) statements on postmenopausal hormonal therapy
Hormonal therapy (HT) is one of the most frequently prescribed drug regimens for women after the age of 50 years. HT has been developed progressively since the 1960s to provide estrogen to those women (a) who require relief of symptoms which have resulted from reduced circulating estrogen or (b) to act as an anti-resorptive agent to counteract the effect of the increased bone turnover which occurs
Occult hepatitis B virus after acute self-limited infection persisting for 30 years without sequence variation
BACKGROUND/AIMS: After acute self-limited hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, serological loss of viral antigens and appearance of anti-HBs is generally believed to signify viral clearance. Latent and occult HBV infection appearing decades after self-limited hepatitis B has not been reported, nor has the evolutionary rate of HBV DNA over the same observation period. METHODS: DNA from serum and leuk
Shortened life span, bradycardia, and hypotension in mice with targeted expression of an igf2 transgene in smooth muscle cells.
A comparative dose-response study of cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein (CDMP)-1, -2 and -3 for tendon healing in rats.
Islet G protein-coupled receptors as potential targets for treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Islet dysfunction - characterized by a combination of defective insulin secretion, inappropriately high glucagon secretion and reduced beta-cell mass - has a central role in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. Several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) expressed in islet beta-cells are known to be involved in the regulation of islet function, and therefore are potential therapeutic targets. T
A possible role for p190RhoGAP in PKCepsilon-induced morphological effects.
Holocene palaeoecology and climate history of South Georgia (sub-Antarctica) based on a macrofossil record of bryophytes and seeds
The results are presented of a detailed plant macrofossil analysis of a C-14 dated Holocene organic sequence from a sub-Antarctic island, South Georgia. In the peat infilling of a rock basin 31 bryophyte species and many of the principal species of the present-day angiosperm flora, associated with bog communities, have been identified. The zonation of the bryophytes and the seeds and fruits shows
Two estimates of the metabolic costs of antibody production in migratory shorebirds: low costs, internal reallocation, or both?
We measured the costs of mounting a humoral immune response using two novel antigens (tetanus and diphtheria) in two shorebird species (Scolopacidae): Red Knot (Calidris canutus, measured in autumn) and Ruff (Philomachus pugnax, measured in spring). Metabolic rate was measured during the preinjection phase, at the building phase of the primary immune response, and at peak secondary immune response