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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Original or Originated? An Analysis of the Emergence of Influencer Marketing

Purpose: Explore the evolutionary relationship between celebrity endorsements and the boom of influencer marketing with respect to the consumer demand for authenticity and the repercussions for branding practices moving forward. Methodology: Research was conducted through a literature review, case studies, and historical review. The findings were then analysed and condensed in to a framework to i

Accurate quantification of blood flow wall shear stress using simulation-based imaging : a synthetic, comparative study

Simulation-based imaging (SBI) is a blood flow imaging technique that optimally fits a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to low-resolution, noisy magnetic resonance (MR) flow data to produce a high-resolution velocity field. In this work, we study the effectivity of SBI in predicting wall shear stress (WSS) relative to standard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) postprocessing techniques

Targeting SAMHD1 with hydroxyurea in first-line cytarabine-based therapy of newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukaemia : Results from the HEAT-AML trial

Background: Treatment of newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is based on combination chemotherapy with cytarabine (ara-C) and anthracyclines. Five-year overall survival is below 30%, which has partly been attributed to cytarabine resistance. Preclinical data suggest that the addition of hydroxyurea potentiates cytarabine efficacy by increasing ara-C triphosphate (ara-CTP) levels through

Genotype-phenotype correlation in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy-risk of arrhythmias and heart failure

BACKGROUND: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is predominantly caused by desmosomal genetic variants, and clinical hallmarks include arrhythmias and systolic dysfunction. We aimed at studying the impact of the implicated gene(s) on the disease course. METHODS: The Nordic ARVC Registry holds data on a multinational cohort of ARVC families. The effects of genotype on electrocard

Building innovation capability in retail : Towards a systematic and sustained approach to innovation in large retail organizations

Innovation has received widespread attention in research and in the business world because it plays a crucial role in organization survival and longevity. This especially rings true in the retail industry, as opportunities and challenges confront retailers due to the ongoing disruption of the industry. As retailers face increasing pressure to make innovation a strategic priority, and as major reta

Prevalence, intensity and endemicity of intestinal schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis and its associated factors among school-aged children in Southern Ethiopia

Preventive chemotherapy (PC), the main strategy recommended by the World Health Organization to eliminate soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) and schistosomiasis (SCH), should be strengthened through identification of the remaining SCH transmission foci and evaluating its impact to get a lesson. This study was aimed to assess the prevalence of STH/SCH infections, the intensity of infections, and

The Cost of Non-Integration: Evidence from Nigeria Opting Out of an Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU

Trade integration is thought to benefit developing countries, so what is the cost of staying out of trade agreements? This paper studies the case of Nigeria, which, like its neighbours in West Africa and other ACP countries, has the option of entering an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union (EU), but has chosen not to. Hence, this study investigates the question: Would Nige

Striving with Global Stress on a Local Level : Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed the Relationship between People and Nature?

The COVID-19 pandemic had harsh consequences on human health and society across the globe. In addition to health effects, the pandemic also influenced people’s values, concerns, and ethics due to lockdowns and general limitations in societal activities. In this study, we examined changes in the relationship between people and nature caused by COVID-associated stress, as well as its consequences on

Increasing Brand Accessibility Without Compromising Brand Identity

This paper aims to investigate methods deployed by brands to increase accessibility while maintaining brand identity, particularly in premium and luxury brands. A literature review will provide a basis for a deeper understanding of brand identity, accessibility, and rejuvenation. Within this paper case studies of collaborations and alternative product offerings by premium brands will be analysed.

Is there a common theme?: A case study on the mediating influence of brand nostalgia between revitalization and brand image of theme parks

Purpose: This research analyzes the phenomenon of brand revitalization and brand nostalgia in order to understand their influence on brand image. Design/Methodology: This study is based on a qualitative approach. It involves two case studies, both of which are studied through secondary data and focus groups. Findings: This research found that nostalgia can have positive or negative effects when th

Går det att bygga ett klimatneutralt sjukhus

Enligt senaste IPCC-rapporten står världen inför ett stort klimatproblem. Flera organisationer arbetar aktivt på en global och nationell nivå för att bromsa in klimatförändringarna. Strävan mot klimatneutralitet är redan idag högst relevant inom byggnadssektorn för att nå målet om ett klimatneutralt samhälle år 2045. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka möjligheten att bygga till ett klimaAccording to the latest IPCC report, the world is facing a major climate problem. Several organizations are actively working at a global and national level to slow down climate change. The strive for climate neutrality in the construction sector is highly relevant today to achieve the goal of a climate neutral society by year 2045. The purpose of this project is to investigate the possibility of

Measuring, comparing and interpreting phenotypic selection on floral scent

Natural selection on floral scent composition is a key element of the hypothesis that pollinators and other floral visitors drive scent evolution. The measure of such selection is complicated by the high-dimensional nature of floral scent data and uncertainty about the cognitive processes involved in scent-mediated communication. We use dimension reduction through reduced-rank regression to jointl

Evaluating Laboratory Measurements for Sound Insulation of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Floors : Configurations in Lightweight Buildings

Cross-laminated timber (CLT) floors with supplementary layers or floating floors comprise a common solution in new multistory timber structures. However, bare CLT components provide poor sound insulation, especially in low frequencies during structure-borne sound propagation. Thus, floor configurations in wooden buildings deploy more layers for improved acoustic behavior. Twelve contemporary CLT f

Feasibility of Insect Identification Based on Spectral Fringes Produced by Clear Wings

Due to the growing awareness that insects' diversity and populations are in decline, there is an increased need for monitoring insects. Entomological lidars and photonic sensors can monitor and remotely identify flying insects based on their backscattered signal in terms of oscillations-, polarization-, and spectral content. The backscattered light from insects is predominantly oscillatory and der

After Asylums and Orphanages

In this dissertation, I investigate the effect of partisan politics on the types of care policies that replaced asylums and orphanages between 1950 and 2015. Combining insights from the historical-sociological literature on party formation and theories of welfare politics, I formulate a theory of the partisan politics of care and apply it to two uniquely old care policy areas. While asylums and or

Bridging the gap: An exploration into how NFTs can be used as a tool for brand management

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the usage of NFT’s in branding through the introduction of a framework that explores the correlation between the practical benefits for the NFT user and Brand Awareness or Brand Loyalty for the Brand. Methodology: To fulfill the papers’ purpose we conducted a literature review and a qualitative study exploring four different cases; NBA, J.D. Sports

How does body image relate to brand image? An analysis of brands incorporating the body positivity movement

Purpose: The importance of body positivity is visible in its remarkable media presence. The movement entails challenges such as opportunities for brands. The purpose of this paper is to examine why companies adapt to the body positivity movement, what they are exactly doing regarding body positivity and how this is related to the brand’s reputation. Methodology: Literature and media review, Case