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Remarks about Hardy inequalities on metric trees

We find sharp conditions on the growth of a rooted regular metric tree Such that the Neumann Laplacian on the tree satisfies a Hardy inequality. In particular, we consider homogeneous metric trees. Moreover, we show that a non-trivial Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field leads to a Hardy inequality on a loop graph.

Measured and modeled personal and environmental NO2 exposure

Abstract in Undetermined Background: Measured or modeled levels of outdoor air pollution are being used as proxies for individual exposure in a growing number of epidemiological studies. We studied the accuracy of such approaches, in comparison with measured individual levels, and also combined modeled levels for each subject's workplace with the levels at their residence to investigate the influe

Short Term Survival after Admission for Heart Failure in Sweden: Applying Multilevel Analyses of Discriminatory Accuracy to Evaluate Institutional Performance.

Hospital performance is frequently evaluated by analyzing differences between hospital averages in some quality indicators. The results are often expressed as quality charts of hospital variance (e.g., league tables, funnel plots). However, those analyses seldom consider patients heterogeneity around averages, which is of fundamental relevance for a correct evaluation. Therefore, we apply an innov

Optical advantages and function of multifocal spherical fish lenses

The spherical crystalline lenses in the eyes of many fish species are well-suited models for studies on how natural selection has influenced the evolution of the optical system. Many of these lenses exhibit multiple focal lengths when illuminated with monochromatic light. Similar multifocality is present in a majority of vertebrate eyes, and it is assumed to compensate for the defocusing effect of

Rapid ecosystem response to abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period in western Europe, 40-16 ka

We present a high-resolution and independently dated multiproxy lake sediment record from the paleolake at Les Echets in southeastern France that displays synchronous changes in independent limnic and terrestrial ecosystem proxies, in concert with millennial-scale climate oscillations during the last glacial period. Distinct lake-level fluctuations, low lake organic productivity, and open, treeles

Scatterer detection by successive cancellation for UWB - method and experimental verification

We present a new high delay resolution method to detect ultra-wideband (UWB) scatterers when using frequency domain measurements. Our approach makes use of the impulse response envelope amplitudes and delays measured over a distance that is larger than the region of stationarity, and detects the 2D coordinates of the channel scatterers, assuming that only single-scattering (single-interaction) pro

Aortic Valve Replacement: The Influence of Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch for Left Ventricular Remodeling, Cardiac Function and Survival

The best valve substitute for aortic valve replacement (AVR) in terms of hemodynamic performance, durability, incidence of complications, and survival remains the subject of much debate. It has been suggested that valve performance is influenced by the potentially modifiable variable prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM). PPM has been reported to be detrimental for survival and symptom resolution main

Sensitive and specific assays for C3 nephritic factors clarify mechanisms underlying complement dysregulation

C3 nephritic factors are autoantibodies that prolong the half-life or prevent regulation of the alternative pathway C3 convertase, resulting in uncontrolled complement activation. They are strongly associated with renal disease but their role in pathogenesis remains controversial. Here we optimized and compared a panel of assays to identify and interrogate nephritic factor activities. Of 101 patie

Identification of BIRC6 as a novel intervention target for neuroblastoma therapy

Background: Neuroblastoma are pediatric tumors of the sympathetic nervous system with a poor prognosis. Apoptosis is often deregulated in cancer cells, but only a few defects in apoptotic routes have been identified in neuroblastoma. Methods: Here we investigated genomic aberrations affecting genes of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in neuroblastoma. We analyzed DNA profiling data (CGH and SNP arr

Post-decision consolidation and distortion of facts

Participants decided whom of two patients to prioritize for surgery in three studies. The factual quantitative information about the patients (e.g., probability of surviving surgery) was given in vignette form with case descriptions on Visual Analogue Scales - VAS's. Differentiation and Consolidation theory predicts that not only the attractiveness of facts but also the mental representations of o

Comparison of characteristics of natural autoantibodies against myeloperoxidase and anti-myeloperoxidase autoantibodies from patients with microscopic polyangiitis.

Objective. Natural autoantibodies (NAAs) against MPO exist in normal human plasma. In the current study, the immune characteristics of MPO-NAA and MPO-ANCA were examined and compared with the aim to investigate the pathogenesis of MPO-ANCA. Methods. MPO-NAAs were affinity purified from normal plasma of five healthy blood donors and one batch of IVIG. MPO-ANCAs were purified from plasma of 10 patie

Heme oxygenase-1 derived carbon monoxide permits maturation of myeloid cells.

Critical functions of the immune system are maintained by the ability of myeloid progenitors to differentiate and mature into macrophages. We hypothesized that the cytoprotective gas molecule carbon monoxide (CO), generated endogenously by heme oxygenases (HO), promotes differentiation of progenitors into functional macrophages. Deletion of HO-1, specifically in the myeloid lineage (Lyz-Cre:Hmox1(

Dermatology in public health - a model for surveillance of common skin diseases

Aims: The aim was to establish a baseline prevalence of skin conditions of public health importance in the general population and taking the validity of the questions into account. Our model is intended for future surveillance of skin conditions. Methods: The suggested questions have for the first time been used in Swedish population surveys. A random sample was taken from the general population a

Chemo-enzymatic epoxidation-process options for improving biocatalytic productivity.

The reactor choice is crucial when designing a process where inactivation of the biocatalyst is a problem. The main bottleneck for the chemo-enzymatic epoxidation has been found to be enzyme inactivation by the hydrogen peroxide, H(2)O(2), substrate. In the work reported here, the effect of reaction parameters on the reaction performance have been investigated and used to establish suitable operat