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Obesity and carotid artery remodeling.
The present study tested the hypothesis that obesity-related changes in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) might represent not only preclinical atherosclerosis but an adaptive remodeling meant to preserve circumferential wall stress (CWS) in altered hemodynamic conditions characterized by body size-dependent increase in stroke volume (SV) and blood pressure (BP).
Expression of Integrin A2 Receptor in Human Cord Blood Cd34+Cd38-Cd90+ Stem Cells Engrafting Long-Term in Nod/Scid-Il2rγ(C) Null Mice.
Human hematopoietic stem cells reside in the CD34+CD38-CD90+ population in cord blood and bone marrow. However, this cell fraction is heterogeneous, and the phenotype of the rare primitive stem cells remains poorly defined. We here report that primitive cord blood CD34+CD38-CD90+ stem cells, with the ability to reconstitute NOD/SCID-IL2Rγ(c) null mice long term, at 24 weeks after transplantation,
Synthesis and optimization of high-level stream programs
In this paper we address the problem of translating high-level stream programs, such as those written in MPEG's RVC-CAL dataflow language, into implementations in programmable hardware. Our focus is on two aspects: sufficient language coverage to make synthesis available for a large class of programs, and methodology and tool support providing analysis and guidance to improve and optimize an initi
Serological relationship between cutaneous human papillomavirus types 5, 8 and 92
Evidence of a possible association of cutaneous human papillomavirus (HPV) types, especially members of the genus Betapapillomavirus, and the development of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is accumulating. Vaccination with virus-like particles (VLPs) consisting of self-assembled L1, the major capsid protein, has been introduced to control anogenital HPV infection. This study examined the serologic
Pseudomonas aeruginosa CRASP-2 is a surface protein that uses the human terminal complement regulator vitronectin for protection against complement-mediated attack
Theme issue "Quality, scale and analysis aspects of urban city models"
Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting External Beam Therapy a Summary of ICRU Reports Nos 29, 50, 62 and 71
This presentation is a summary and a discussion of the ICRU Reports Nos 29, 50, 62 and 71.
Multicenter assessment of venous reflux by duplex ultrasound
Objective: This prospective multicenter investigation was conducted to define the repeatability of duplex-based identification of venous reflux and the relative effect of key parameters on the reproducibility of the test. Methods: Repeatability was studied by having the same technologist perform duplicate tests, at the same time of the day, using the same reflux-provoking maneuver and with the pat
Structure of premixed ammonia plus air flames at atmospheric pressure: Laser diagnostics and kinetic modeling
The structure of premixed ammonia air flames, burning at atmospheric pressure under strain-stabilized conditions on a porous-plug burner, has been investigated using laser-diagnostic methods. Profiles of OH, NH, and NO were acquired by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and quantitative concentrations of OH and NO were retrieved using a concept for calibration versus absorption utilizing the LIF-sig
Novel boron-10-based detectors for neutron scattering science
Nowadays neutron scattering science is increasing its instrumental power. Most of the neutron sources in the world are pushing the development of their technologies to be more performing. The neutron scattering development is also pushed by the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Sweden, a neutron facility which has just started construction. Concerning small-area detectors (similar to 1 m(2)), th
Shape evolution and magnetic rotation in Nd-141
The high-spin states in Nd-141 were investigated using the Zr-96(Ca-48, 3n) reaction and the EU-ROBALL array. The level scheme has been extended up to an excitation energy of around 16MeV and spin 81/2. Two new bands of dipole transitions and three bands presumably of quadrupole transitions were identified and their connections to low-lying states were established. Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky and t
alpha-decay calculations of heavy nuclei using an effective Skyrme interaction
Background: For nuclei heavier than Pb-208 alpha decay is a dominating decay mode, and in the search of new superheavy elements one often observes chains of alpha decays. Purpose: Explore and test microscopic descriptions of alpha decay based on theories with effective nuclear interactions. Methods: The nuclear ground states are calculated with the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) method using the Sk
ENHANCE YOUR WORKPLACE! A dialogue tool for workplace health promotion with a salutogenic approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetsplatsens positiva sidor kan förbättras genom ett nytt dialogverktyg! Nu går det att mäta medarbetares positiva upplevelser av arbete. Vanligtvis kopplas människors upplevelser av arbete samman med stress och ohälsa. Men det går att tänka tvärtom, att istället fokusera på allt det positiva som arbete kan ge. När människor mår bra av sitt arbete, blir de också mer The aim of this thesis was to develop and make a quality assessment of a tool, which includes a questionnaire and a dialogue process that could be useful for workplace health promotion from a salutogenic point of view. The studies have been performed within two health care organizations between 2005 and 2009, together with hospital staff. Two questionnaire studies were conducted (n=446 n=505, resp
Impaired Tethering and Fusion of GLUT4 Vesicles in Insulin-Resistant Human Adipose Cells
Systemic glucose homeostasis is profoundly influenced by adipose cell function. Here we investigated GLUT4 dynamics in living adipose cells from human subjects with varying BMI and insulin sensitivity index (S-i) values. Cells were transfected with hemagglutinin (HA)-GLUT4-green fluorescent protein (GFP)/mCherry (red fluorescence), and were imaged live using total internal reflection fluorescence
Adnexal masses difficult to classify as benign or malignant using subjective assessment of gray scale and Doppler ultrasound findings: logistic regression models do not help.
AIM: To develop a logistic regression model that can discriminate between benign and malignant adnexal masses perceived to be difficult to classify by subjective evaluation of gray scale and Doppler ultrasound findings (subjective assessment) and to compare its diagnostic performance with that of subjective assessment, serum CA 125 and the risk of malignancy index (RMI). METHODS: We used the 3511
Both Low and High Serum IGF-1 Levels Associate With Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Elderly Men
Context: Most previous prospective studies suggest that low serum IGF-1 associates with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events whereas other studies suggest that high serum IGF-1 associates with increased risk of CVD events. Objective: We tested the hypothesis that not only low, but also high serum IGF-1 levels associate with increased risk of CVD events in elderly men. Setting and
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Intrinsic Plasticity Complements Long-Term Potentiation in Parallel Fiber Input Gain Control in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells
Synaptic gain control and information storage in neural networks are mediated by alterations in synaptic transmission, such as in long-term potentiation (LTP). Here, we show using both in vitro and in vivo recordings from the rat cerebellum that tetanization protocols for the induction of LTP at parallel fiber (PF)-to-Purkinje cell synapses can also evoke increases in intrinsic excitability. This