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An acoustofluidic device, consisting of a polymer chip with a long straight channel, coupled to a piezoelectric transducer is modeled numerically in three dimensions and compared to experimental results in terms of the electric admittance as well as the ability to focus particles. In our experiments we obtain good acoustic particle focusing at a frequency of f = 1.14 MHz with an actuation voltage

From the End of History to the End of the World? A Tale of Unforeseen Global Changes

This chapter takes the fall of the Berlin Wall as its point of departure, and from there it traces a trajectory of unforeseen developments that have led from the erstwhile global optimism to the dramatic shift in mood just three short decades later. The key questions posed are: What global developments that were unforeseen then can account for the much more sombre ambience, pessimism or even alarm

Emerging PSA-based tests to improve screening

This article updates advances in prostate cancer screening based on prostate-specific antigen, its derivatives, and human kallikrein markers. Many men are diagnosed with indolent disease not requiring treatment. Although there is evidence of a survival benefit from screening, the numbers needed to screen and treat remain high. There is risk of exposing men to the side effects of treatment for nont

The intricate dialectics of iconization and structuration

The distinction between primary and secondary iconic signs, which I first made with regard to pictures, has been applied by other scholars to language, gesture, and music. Taking stock of this process, it has become necessary to clarify the distinction, insisting on the fact that secondary iconicity is not conventionality, but a kind of iconicity which is in itself not sufficient to define a meani

Effects of conventionally treated and ozonated wastewater on the damselfly larva oxylipidome in response to on-site exposure

Pharmaceutical residues discharged through insufficiently treated or untreated wastewater enter aquatic environments, where they may adversely impact organisms such as aquatic invertebrates. Ozonation, an advanced wastewater treatment technique, has been successfully implemented to enhance the removal of a broad range of pharmaceuticals, however diverse byproducts and transformation products that

Navigating the Sense of Belonging: Explorations among Queer Middle Eastern Individuals in Sweden

This thesis explores the ways in which Middle Eastern LGBTQ+ individuals living in Sweden navigate their sense of belonging. The interview-based approach focuses on the narratives and lived experiences of self-identified Middle Eastern queers and their feelings of attachment in relation to ethnic and queer communities in Sweden as well as Swedish society. The findings show that the sense of belong

Fem kvinnors work-life balance

Denna c-uppsats har undersökt hur kvinnor som arbetar inom detaljhandeln upplever work-life balance och på vilket sätt begreppet “hjälp” används för att upprätthålla en fungerande vardag. Detta har undersökts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer där det centrala har varit att analysera upplevelsen av work-life balance. Kvinnorna som har deltagit i intervjuerna är mellan 35-45 år o

Effekt av kombinerade rehabiliteringsmetoder vid neglekt efter stroke: en litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund Stroke är den tredje största orsaken till funktionsnedsättningar i världen och många av de som överlever drabbas av neglekt. Neglekt beskrivs ofta som en oförmåga att uppmärksamma eller orientera sig till stimuli på den motsatta sidan av hjärnskadan vilket kan ge stora problem med bland annat dagliga aktiviteter och sysslor, men försvårar även rehabiliteringen efter stroke. Neglekt är en

Structural investigation of the alpha-1-antichymotrypsin : Prostate-specific antigen complex by comparative model building

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), produced by prostate cells, provides an excellent serum marker for prostate cancer. It belongs to the human kallikrein family of enzymes, a second prostate-derived member of which is human glandular kallikrein-1 (hK2). Active PSA and hK2 are both 237-residue kallikrein-like proteases, based on sequence homology. An hK2 model structure based on the serine protease f

Production of Recombinant PSA and HK2 and Analysis of Their Immunological Cross-Reactivity

Measurements of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in serum are widely used to monitor patients with prostate cancer, but the attenuation of the assay response by PSA complexed to protease inhibitors has been shown to affect the results in certain assay designs. Moreover, the human glandular kallikrein-2 (hK2), a kallikrein-like serine protease that is 80% similar to PSA, might interfere with the spe

The gene encoding vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant protein C is expressed in human male reproductive tissues

Protein C is a vitamin K-dependent protein circulating in plasma as a zymogen to an anticoagulant serine protease. After its activation, protein C cleaves and inactivates coagulation factors Va and VIIIa. Human protein C is synthesized in liver and undergoes extensive post-translational modification during its synthesis. Recently, the protein C inhibitor was demonstrated to be synthesized in sever

Suppression of T-Cell Proliferation by Normal Density Granulocytes Led to CD183 Downregulation and Cytokine Inhibition in T-Cells

Normal density granulocytes (NDGs) can suppress T-cell responses in a similar way as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). In this study, we tested the hypothesis that NDGs from healthy donors preferentially inhibit T helper 1 (Th1) cells and investigated the myeloid-derived suppressive effect in different T-cell populations. We found that NDG-induced suppression of T-cell proliferation was co

Aktivistisk forskning

Utgångspunkten för detta kapitel är att det finns ett behov av forskning som utöver föresatsen att förstå och förklara samhällets ojämlika strukturer och relationer också drivs av en ambition att aktivt bidra till att förändra dem. Även om många vetenskapliga studier inom socialt arbete tar sin utgångspunkt i kritiska perspektiv och drivs av en vilja att förändra rådande maktstrukturer menar vi at

Structure, function, and regulation of the enzyme activity of prostate-specific antigen

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human glandular kallikrein 1 (hGK-1) are structurally similar products of the human glandular kallikrein gene locus on chromosome 19 that become selectively expressed by human prostate tissue. PSA is one of the most abundant prostate-derived proteins in the seminal fluid. The mature form of PSA, a single-chain glycoprotein of 237 amino acids, is a serine proteas

"We have other objectives to prioritise" A study of the depoliticisation of foreign-funded NGOs and its impact on the Lebanese anti-establishment movement

This thesis takes the Lebanese anti-establishment movement as a critical case study of the impact of NGOisation. The debilitating political, economic, and social crises experienced in Lebanon is argued to create an imperative for NGOs to take new forms of action to address and solve the crises. Therefore, this thesis studies the role that foreign-funded rights-based NGOs play in the anti-establish

Preparations for photon external beam radiotherapy treatment planning of small animals

Extern strålbehandling är en av den viktigaste typen av cancerbehandlingar och administreras till patienter genom användning av en strålbehandlingsapparat som kallas för linjäraccelerator. Linjäracceleratorn producerar bromsstrålning som används för att bota cancern. För att säkerställa att behandlingen levereras med hög noggrannhet planeras den innan start. Ett viktigt steg i planeringen är beräIntroduction:The XenX is a small animal irradiation system that acquires high-resolution cone-beam tomography (CBCT) images of small animals and treats small animals with higher precision than medical linear accelerators. MuriSlice is a software for CBCT image reconstruction. This thesis aims to optimise the CBCT image reconstruction protocol in MuriSlice to enable the segmentation of CBCT images

Våld mot personal av tvångsvårdade- En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmiljön på SiS-ungdomshem

Inside the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SNBIC) are juveniles who are receiving treatment from pedagogues and assistants that are frequently threatening their caregivers. The threats consist of physical and verbal behavior. This type of working environment can be very bad for one's well being. The study focuses on investigating how the staff's well-being is affected by work

Identifying Resources that promote Teachers’ Work Engagement and minimize Intention to Leave the Profession

Teachers are among the professions with the highest stress related disorders, leading many teachers to leave the field. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand teachers’ intention to leave. This was done using the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R model) investigating the combined impact of Job Demands and Resources on teachers’ Intention to Leave the field. The aim of this study was to