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Canada’s Approach to Idealistic Public Diplomacy: Projecting Values Through Strategic Narratives

In the 21st century, soft power is at the heart of public diplomacy. For political players to exert influence on the global stage, strategic narratives allow for indispensable opportunities to increase foreign support to achieve national and international agendas. This is especially beneficial for small and middle-power states to leverage soft power through public diplomacy initiatives to capture

From Manual to Robotic -Assessing the Potential Benefits of Automation in Railway Inspections and Maintenance

Järnvägsindustrin spelar en avgörande roll på den globala marknaden för godstransporter och passagerarmobilitet, och ger ett effektivt och lågemitterande transportmedel. För att konkurrera med andra transportmedel måste järnvägen dock förbättra sin tillförlitlighet. Frekventa inspektions- och underhållsarbeten är avgörande för att säkerställa säkerheten och effektiviteten i järnvägsverksamheten. DThe railway industry plays a crucial role in the global freight transport and passenger mobility market, providing an efficient and low-emitting mode of transportation. However, to compete with other modes of transportation, the railway must improve its reliability. Frequent inspection and maintenance work are essential for ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of railway operations. Th

Study of the immunological response from an OMV-based vaccine using ELISA

Escherichia coli (E. coli) can cause disease in both humans and animals. For poultry, avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is a common problem. Even birds living in apparently healthy flocks die from infections caused by E. coli. To help increase the health of poultry a new aerosol vaccine formulation based on outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from E. coli was evaluated using ELISA to compare the amount o

Användning av krävande ballastmaterial vid betongtillverkning - En laborativ utvärdering av absorptionshämmande tillsatsmedel för att möjliggöra användning av glimmerrik bergkross och återvunnen betong som ballast

Detta examensarbete utvärderar ett absorptionshämmande tillsatsmedel för att möjliggöra användningen av krävande ballast vid betongtillverkning. Den huvudsakliga anledningen till att ballasten benämns som krävande är att den har ovanligt hög absorptionsförmåga. Studien undersöker hur betongens egenskaper påverkas av olika halter absorptionshämmare. Dels studerades glimmerrikt bergkrossmaterial, soThis master thesis evaluates an absorption-inhibiting admixture to enable the use of demanding aggregate materials in concrete production. This was achieved by investigating how the properties of concrete were affected by different levels of absorption inhibitor. Firstly, mica-rich aggre-gate material was studied, which, due to its high mica mineral content, has a high water absorption rate that i

“Pardon me if I don't weep for your victimhood” : examining the aftermath of deplatformization through influential far-right activists’ framing and alliance-building on Telegram

This thesis examines the social unfolding of the recent deplatformization of the far-right extremes on Telegram. Leaving prior approaches to moderation behind, this study asks questions around how moderation imprints itself on the complex terrain of meaning and practice, interacts with intensified reflexiveness of the social agents, and leaves affected collectivities changed in unanticipated ways.

AI-sammanfattade klagomål på hälso- och sjukvård

Detta examensarbete utfördes i samarbete med Patientnämnden Skåne, som är en av Region Skånes fristående förvaltningar. Patientnämnden ansvarar bland annat för hantering av patienters klagomål om hälso- och sjukvård som tillhör Region Skåne. Att sammanfatta klagomål är en av uppgifterna inom hanteringen av klagomål. Patientnämnden står inför två utmaningar med denna uppgift. För det första är uppgThis thesis was conducted in collaboration with the Patients’ Advisory Committee, which is one of the independent administrations of Region Skåne. Patients’ Advisory Committee is responsible, among other things, for handling patient complaints regarding healthcare services belonging to Region Skåne. Summarizing complaints is one of the tasks within the complaint handling process. The Patients’ Adv

Serum copper, zinc and copper/zinc ratio in relation to survival after breast cancer diagnosis: A prospective multicenter cohort study

BackgroundThe essential trace elements copper and zinc, and their ratio (copper/zinc), are important for maintaining redox homeostasis. Previous studies suggest that these elements may impact breast cancer survival. However, no epidemiological study has so far been conducted on the potential association between copper and copper/zinc levels and survival after breast cancer diagnosis. In this study

Utdelning i hybridorganisationer: En kvalitativ studie om motiv och faktorer som påverkar utdelning i kommunalt ägda bostadsaktiebolag

Titel: Utdelning i hybridorganisationer: En kvalitativ studie om motiv och faktorer som påverkar utdelning i kommunalt ägda bostadsaktiebolag Seminariedatum: 1:a juni 2023 Författare: Tim Sjöö, Filip Juhlin och Linus Borglin Handledare: Mattias Haraldsson Kurs: FEKH69 Frågeställning: Vad finns det för motiv bakom utdelningarna i allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag i Skåne? Om utdelning tasAbstract Title: Dividend or reinvestment? A qualitative study on the motives behind dividend payments in municipally owned housing corporations Seminar date: 1st of june 2023 Authors: Tim Sjöö, Filip Juhlin och Linus Borglin Advisor: Mattias Haraldsson Course: FEKH69 Research question: what are the motives behind dividend payments in publicly owned municipal housing corporations in Skåne? If a d

Mot staten processar man gärna - Om jämkning av det allmännas skadeståndsansvar vid felaktig myndighetsutövning

Uppsatsen har som syfte att granska den särskilda skadeståndsskyldigheten som åligger det allmänna enligt SKL 3:2. Särskilt i fokus är vilken mån detta skadestånd kan jämkas genom den allmänna jämkningsparagrafen i SKL 6:1. Det finns tidigare forskning om det allmännas skadeståndsansvar vid felaktig myndighetsutövning, det finns även tidigare forskning kring jämkning av skadestånd. Det saknas dockThe purpose of this essay is to review the special liability for damages that is placed on the public sector according to SKL 3:2. Particularly in focus is to witch extent this liability can be reduced through the general adjustment clause in SKL 6:1. There is previous research on the public's liability for damages caused by wrongful exercise of authority, there is also previous research on th

The Impact of Policy on the Production of Liquid Biofuels

In the following thesis, the development of the biofuels sector in the United States will be analysed using environmental economics. Around year 2005, there was a significant increase in the production of liquid biofuels. Hence, the thesis aims to explore the reasons behind the increase. Acts of government have been analysed while enlisting the help of summaries and overviews accessed through v

Buffer modification: A case study with polystyrene beads, DU145-, and MCF7 cell lines

Separation of cancer cells gives advantages in understanding the disease, guiding treatment decisions, and facilitating drug development. Overall, separation plays an important role in biological research. Acoustophoresis is a technique that utilizes acoustic waves to separate particles and cells suspended in a buffer medium. The efficiency of this separation process depends on the relative acoust


The purpose of this project is to explore the relationship between people and their home environment. In modern apartments with limited space, the distinct silhouette of individual furniture becomes blurred when they are placed alongside numerous other objects. Sometimes, people unintentionally overlap or layer these items, further blurring their boundaries. Inspired by this observation, I

Shear failure mechanism III in cross laminated timber : Numerical investigations of fracture behaviour

The paper deals with numerical investigations of load-bearing capacity and fracture behaviour of CrossLaminated Timber at in-plane shear loading. Focus is on shear failure mechanism III, i.e. failure in the crossing areasbetween flatwise bonded laminations, and on evaluating test methods for that failure mode. In current design provisions,this failure mode is characterised by the rolling shear str

INNOCROSSLAM : Adding knowledge towards increased use of cross laminated timber (CLT)

The research project Innovative Solutions for Cross Laminated Timber Structures (InnoCrossLam) wasrecently finished. The project aimed at increasing the competitiveness of CLT as a versatile engineered product, byincreasing its predictability in demanding design situations not covered by the guidelines of today, or standards and codesforeseeable in the near future (e.g., second generation of Europ

Effective concentration time for design storms in complex urban basins

Analytical solutions for runoff caused by a moving rain storm of time-varying rain intensity from a complex drainage basin are derived assuming constant concentration times for the different systems within the basin. It is found that the runoff caused by a peaked rain intensity distribution is higher than that from a uniform distribution of the same mean intensity. It is also shown that the storm

Solid-state fermentation of the microalgae Scenedesmus sp. for improved conservation and protein digestibility

As part of a research grant aimed at producing chicken feed from the novel microalgae Scenedesmus sp., called the ReMAPP project, this thesis investigates opportunities to increase the conservation potential and protein digestibility utilizing solid-state lactic acid fermentation and commercial enzyme additives. The lactic acid fermentation mimics the traditional agricultural ensiling process, whe

Exploring the modification of a heteroleptic Iron(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complex

In recent decades problem of using the finite resource, fossil fuels, as an energy source have caught more and more public attention. The usage of it produces side-products which in long term harms our environment. To combat the usage of such destructive resources, a more sustainable way of creation of energy needs to be implemented, to which scientist have set their eyes on solar cells. Currently