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Effects of dopamine and excitotoxicity in experimental models of Huntington's disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om en ärftlig hjärnsjukdom som heter Huntingtons sjukdom, eller danssjuka. Sjukdomen leder till personlighetsförändringar, ofrivilliga rörelser (som ser ut som om personen dansar) och demens. Personer som drabbas dör 15-20 år efter att symptomen har brutit ut, och en god behandling eller botemedel saknas. Sjukdomen orsakas av att HuntingtongenenHuntington's disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of a CAG repeat in the HD gene, that leads to dysfunction and death of striatal neurons. The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying HD are not known, but excitotoxicity and dopamine (DA) have been suggested to play a role. In this thesis, the effects of excitotoxicity and DA have been studied in striatal in vit

From particle physics to photon science: Multidimensional and multilevel renewal at DESY and SLAC

Studies of institutional transformation in science have largely overlooked Big Science installations, despite far-reaching changes to the roles and functions of such large labs in the past decades. Here, we present and analyze two Big Science labs that have undergone profound transformations from single-purpose particle physics labs to multi-purpose centers for so-called photon science: SLAC in th

Cognitive function and cardiovascular disease in relation to hypertension and adaptive behavior in the serial Color Word Test. Results from population study "Men born in 1914" in Malmö, Sweden.

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Män födda 1914" är en studie som påbörjades 1982 för att studera hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Studien bedrivs vid Institutionen för samhällsmedicin vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS. Alla män, födda jämn månad 1914 och bosatta i Malmö, inbjöds att deltaga. Totalt inbjöds 621 män, då 68 år gamla, och av dessa deltog 500. Då man jämförde deltagare med icke-deltagare kunde man k"Men born in 1914" is a prospective cohort study on the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. The study is run by the Department of Community Medicine, Lund University, Malmö. Five hundred men participated in the study when it started with a baseline examination in 1982/83. The men were then 68 years old. The psychological part of the study included tests of cognitive function and the serial Col

Mental Health and Neurobehavioral Function in Young Adult Offspring of Women with a History of Psychosis and Control Offspring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Schizofreni anses idag av många forskare som en neuroutvecklingssjukdom, orsakad av genetiska och/eller skadliga händelser under fostertiden, kring förlossningen och i tidig barndom som leder till en avvikande neurologisk utveckling. Denna process manifesterar sig i schizofreni senare i vuxen ålder när hjärnan genomgår sin slutliga mognad. Bakgrunden och utvecklingsförlSchizophrenia is now generally considered to be a brain disease resulting from disturbed neurodevelopment, mediated by genetic and/or adverse events in utero and/or in early childhood. This process manifests itself in schizophrenia in young adulthood, when the brain completes its maturation. The background and development of affective psychosis have been less extensively investigated. Our aim was

Dramatic orientation shift of white-crowned sparrows displaced across longitudes in the high arctic

Advanced spatial-learning adaptations have been shown for migratory songbirds (1], but it is not well known how the simple genetic program encoding migratory distance and direction in young birds [2-4] translates to a navigation mechanism used by adults [2, 4-6]. A number of convenient cues are available to define latitude on the basis of geomagnetic and celestial information [7-15], but very few

Heat Pumps: A Comparative Assessment of Innovation and Diffusion Policies in Sweden and Switzerland

The development and introduction of heat pumps provides an interesting illustration of policy influence and effectiveness in relation to energy technology innovation. Heat pumps have been supported by several countries since the 1970s as a strategy to improve energy efficiency, support energy security, reduce environmental degradation, and combat climate change. Sweden and Switzerland have been es

Phosphine ligands with triamine functionality - preparation and application in catalysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar katalysatorer för organiskt kemiska reaktioner och är speciellt inriktad på de separationstekniska problem som användandet av sådana katalysatorer medför. Kemiska reaktioner sker endast om de är energimässigt gynnsamma. Många möjliga reaktioner sker emellertid endast mycket långsamt. Orsaken kan vara att vägen från reaktant till produkt går viIncorporation of the triamine, bis(2-diethylaminoethyl) amine as a side chain substituent on triphenylphosphine, (2S,4S)-4-diphenylphosphino-2-diphenylphosphino-methylpyrrolidine (PPM) or (R,R)-3,4-bis(diphenylphosphin)pyrrolidine (Pyrphos) gives the three new amphiphilic ligands N3P, N3PPM and N3-Pyrphos respectively. Because of the triamine functionality the distribution of the ligands and their

Evolutionary and functional studies of protein H: a surface molecule of Streptococcus pyogenes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Protein H - ett bakteriellt ytprotein med förmåga att binda till olika proteiner hos människa Bakgrund I vårt dagliga liv omges vi av bakterier av många olika slag. Flertalet av dessa är normalt ofarliga och många utgör den så kallade normalfloran hos människa. En del bakterier kan under vissa förhållanden ge upphov till infektion och sjukdom, men för att åstadkomma dSeveral bacterial species express surface proteins with affinity for the Fc part of human IgG. This thesis describes evolutionary and functional studies of protein H, an IgGFc-binding surface protein of the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes. By using peptide mapping and NMR analysis the IgGFc-binding region of protein G, a surface protein of group C and G streptococci, was identified. Various