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En fallstudie om upplevelsen av tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning på en stor gymnasieskola i Skåne

Forskningsfrågor: Hur har tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning tillämpats i praktiken i en svensk gymnasieskola? Vilka upplevelser har de anställda på skolan av tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning och vad det har medfört i verksamheten? Syfte: Undersöka hur tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning kan tillämpas i praktiken i en svensk gymnasieskola och vilka upplevelser de anställda på skolan har av anResearch questions: How has trust-based governance been applied in practice in a Swedish upper secondary school? What kind of experiences does the employees at the school have of trust based governance and what it has entailed for the school activities. Purpose: Study how trust-based governance can be applied in practice in a Swedish upper secondary school and what kind of experiences the employe

Lokalt självstyre i Blekinge : Participation och representation i Mörrum och Backaryd ca 1770-1800: en undersökning av den politiska kulturen i två Blekingesocknar.

Uppsatsens huvudsyfte har varit att utröna om det fanns några skillnader ipolitisk kultur mellan de socknar som låg i Blekinge och de socknar som låg ide gammalsvenska delarna av Sverige. Frågan tar sin utgångspunkt i K.H. Johanssons klassiska avhandling om de svenska sockenstämmorna. Han drar slutsatsen att stämmorna var demokratiska institutioner, där alla församlingens medlemmar fick delta och The main aim of this study was to determine whether there were any differences in political culture between the parishes of Blekinge and parishes in the older parts of Sweden. The question has its point of departure in K. H. Johansson's now classic dissertation on the Swedish parish assernbles. He reaches the conclusion that the assemblies were democratic institutions, in which all the members of

Colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis is not associated to future diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis

Background: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) is a hepatobiliary disease closely related to ulcerative colitis (UC). In PSC patients, colectomy has been linked to improved prognosis, especially following liver transplantation. This suggests an involvement of the gut-liver axis in PSC etiology. Objective: We aimed to investigate the association between colectomy and the risk of future PSC in an

Shelf-life study of rice pudding: Differences in assorted rice varieties and how they change in texture over time

This master thesis was performed in collaboration with Orkla Foods Sweden AB. The aim of the study was to investigate rice pudding and how storage time affects the texture properties of the rice grains inside the pudding, and if this could be related to some of the properties of the raw rice. Rice pudding is produced by Orkla Foods under the label Risifrutti and is a popular in-between meal snack

Recovery of Dialcohol Cellulose using Micro- and Ultrafiltration Processes

Användandet av fossila bränslen är utbrett och någonting som genomsyrar hela det moderna samhället. Fossila råvaror, som olja, naturgas och kol har många användningsområden och används bland annat vid produktion av plast, som drivmedel för transport och för att producera elektricitet. Att nyttja fossila råvaror är däremot inte oproblematiskt då dessa bidrar till ökande halter av växthusgaser i atmThe waste management and production of plastic play a concerning part in global warming and continues to have a negative effect on the environment. A promising strategy to address this challenge is to develop new sustainable materials, to replace current fossil-based plastics. Cellulose is of interest to be used for bio-based materials since it has many desired properties. However, it lacks the fo

Från frivilligt till obligatoriskt: En fallstudie av incitament kring reglering av kommunal hållbarhetsredovisning

Sammanfattning Uppsatstitel: Från frivilligt till obligatoriskt Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2023 Kurs: FEKH69 Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Lunds universitet Författare: Hanna Engström, Josefine Lundberg och Moa Rådberg Handledare: Karin Jonnergård Nyckelbegrepp: Kommuner, Hållbarhetsredovisning, Incitament, Motiv, Regulering, Standarder, Ins

Beställarens roll inför klimatmålet 2030

Climate change and environmental awareness have been a focus topic in the past years due to the increase of greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere. A significant part of the problem is the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the construction industry, whether in the early stages of construction or over the life of a building. In order to reduce human impact, several actors in the building and const

Sarcopenia prevalence and incidence in older men - a MrOs Sweden study

Introduction: The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) published a revised definition of sarcopenia in 2018. There are few incidence studies of sarcopenia following the latest definition. Objective: To study prevalence, incidence proportion and incidence rate of sarcopenia in a simple random sample of older Swedish men using the EWGSOP2 definition. Methods: Men aged 69-81

Reshoring in the Fashion Industry – An Actual Trend or Industry Window Dressing?

The research aims to determine whether there is a trend of reshoring among major fashion conglomerates and whether supply chain resilience and sustainable manufacturing may contribute to understanding this trend. The study takes a quantitative approach, using a combination of inference statistics and descriptive statistics. To uncover patterns in the manufacturing locations of these conglomerates,

Fuktegenskaper i pappersreglar - En utredning av fuktbegränsningar hos Wood Tubes pappersreglar

Awareness of the climate impact of the construction industry is increasing and demands for improved measures are needed to reduce the climate footprint. By year 2045, Sweden should have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. From January 1, 2022, a climate declaration is required for the construction of new buildings, the purpose of the climate declaration is to reduce the climate impact of the c

We Can Not Be Generous Anymore - A Qualitative Study of Sweden’s Change of Foreign Aid Policy From a Security Perspective

Since 1962, Sweden has gained significant global influence through its generous foreign aid policy. However, in late 2022 a new foreign aid policy was announced which includes several drastic and controversial changes. This study demonstrates the significance of taking the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the severest conflict in Europe since 1945, into consideration to understand this change of forei

Navigating Remote Organizational Socialization: Examining Demands and Resources for Newcomers in the Remote Work Context

The academic interest in remote work has drastically increased over recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Existing studies have proven that remote work has advantages and disadvantages for employers and employees. However, little is known about the influence of remote work and the relevant factors in the context of newcomers and their organizational socialization. Building on th

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Abstract in DanishTiden efter den kolde krig er slut. Nu befinder vi os i tiden efter Ukraine-krigen. Hvor stårDanmark og Østersøregionen i et tænkt scenarie, hvor Rusland ikke længere er optaget afkrigen i Ukraine og i stedet reorienterer sig mod vest? I dette arbejdspapir rammesætter vinogle sandsynlige scenarier for Danmarks nærområde. Ved at konstatere, at en demokratiskomstilling af Rusland e

The Economic Effects of Healthy Eating in Sweden: An Analysis of Costs and Benefits

Diet-related diseases kill millions of people every year and pose significant costs to the economy and society. In Sweden, this is an increasingly prevalent phenomenon. However, a healthy diet can prevent this. This thesis investigates what costs and benefits there are to adopting healthy eating habits and how these effects impact the Swedish economy. This thesis finds that the costs and benefits

Blood volume in patients likely to be preload responsive : a post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Background: Preload responsive postoperative patients with signs of inadequate organ perfusion are commonly assumed to be hypovolemic and therefore treated with fluids to increase preload. However, preload is influenced not only by blood volume, but also by venous vascular tone and the contribution of these factors to preload responsiveness in this setting is unknown. Based on this, the objective

Winds of injustice: Exploring new extractive frontiers in La Guajira, Colombia

In Colombia, the renewable energy transition has brought a focus on the La Guajira department, which is largely inhabited by the Indigenous Wayúu communities, which face a long history of exploitation, marginalisation and neglect. The Colombian path towards a just renewable energy transition is obscured by the controversies surrounding the large-scale expansion of wind parks and associated infrast