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Abstract in DanishTiden efter den kolde krig er slut. Nu befinder vi os i tiden efter Ukraine-krigen. Hvor stårDanmark og Østersøregionen i et tænkt scenarie, hvor Rusland ikke længere er optaget afkrigen i Ukraine og i stedet reorienterer sig mod vest? I dette arbejdspapir rammesætter vinogle sandsynlige scenarier for Danmarks nærområde. Ved at konstatere, at en demokratiskomstilling af Rusland e

The Economic Effects of Healthy Eating in Sweden: An Analysis of Costs and Benefits

Diet-related diseases kill millions of people every year and pose significant costs to the economy and society. In Sweden, this is an increasingly prevalent phenomenon. However, a healthy diet can prevent this. This thesis investigates what costs and benefits there are to adopting healthy eating habits and how these effects impact the Swedish economy. This thesis finds that the costs and benefits

Blood volume in patients likely to be preload responsive : a post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Background: Preload responsive postoperative patients with signs of inadequate organ perfusion are commonly assumed to be hypovolemic and therefore treated with fluids to increase preload. However, preload is influenced not only by blood volume, but also by venous vascular tone and the contribution of these factors to preload responsiveness in this setting is unknown. Based on this, the objective

Winds of injustice: Exploring new extractive frontiers in La Guajira, Colombia

In Colombia, the renewable energy transition has brought a focus on the La Guajira department, which is largely inhabited by the Indigenous Wayúu communities, which face a long history of exploitation, marginalisation and neglect. The Colombian path towards a just renewable energy transition is obscured by the controversies surrounding the large-scale expansion of wind parks and associated infrast

Investigating the Reciprocal Relationship between News and Parliament: A Study of Strikes in the UK Using Deep-learning Sentiment Analysis and Vector Autoregression

Previous research has shown that the relationship between the news and parliament is complex and highly variable. Studies have found that in many countries, parliament has minimal influence on the news. However, in the UK, a reciprocal influence between parliament and the news was found, with the media having a stronger effect. This thesis investigates how the news and parliament affect each other

How can Business Incubators be Successful?

Business incubators facilitate the development of successful startups by providing them with the necessary resources and services. The importance of startups for the economy was highlighted by previous research, individuals could also reflect on how startups have affected their lives by introducing them to new products and services. However, the success rates of startups show that not every new ve

Ofrivilligt celibat och ett liv präglat av missnöje; En netnografisk studie av ett svenskt incelforum

Incelrörelsen, en gemenskap baserad på internet bestående av män som lever i ofrivilligt celibat, har fått ökad uppmärksamhet de senaste åren mycket på grund av de våldsdåd som har kopplats till rörelsen. Men forskning uppmanar till att se bortom det kvinnohat och de våldsdåd som incelrörelsen till stor del associeras med för att förstå varför män söker sig till denna omdiskuterade gemenskap. Fors

Economic Complexity and Income Inequality Across Countries and Regions

This thesis provides a comprehensive empirical study of the association between economic complexity and income inequality from a multilevel macro perspective. It explores the relationship between economic complexity and income inequality across the countries and regions of the OECD, with a particular focus on regional income inequality in Spain. This relationship is assessed using regression analy

Menstrual Blood, Sweat and Tears: A Qualitative Study on Women’s Menstrual Health Management at Workplace Settings in Maputo, Mozambique

Equal participation in safe and decent work is a crucial factor for achieving gender equality. Despite this, gender-based obstacles remain as workplaces often fail to ensure the human rights, health, and general wellbeing of their employees, with menstrual health being an especially neglected aspect of the gendered workplace experience. While menstrual health has gained increased attention over th

Hur mönsterseparation och igenkänningsminne förändras med tiden – En experimentell minnesstudie

I begreppet minne ryms flera kognitiva processer. En viktig minnesförmåga är mönsterseparation, som innebär att skilja nya visuella intryck från redan kända. Det datoriserade bildminnestestet MST (Mnemonic Similarity Task) har tagits fram för att testa denna förmåga. MST administrerades över internet, och 38 deltagare testades vid flera sessioner för att jämföra förmågan vid olika tidpunkter. DessThe concept of memory consists of several cognitive processes. An important memory ability is pattern separation, which means distinguishing new visual impressions from already known ones. The computerised picture memory test MST (Mnemonic Similarity Task) has been developed to test this ability. The MST was administered online, and 38 participants were tested at multiple sessions to compare abili

Podcasting as a tool for empowerment. A case study on I Weigh

This thesis would like to explore how people who are part of marginalized groups share their experiences through the podcast format and analyze how people, who do not necessarily identify themselves with one or all the groups discussed in the podcast, relate to the information shared by the guest on the platform. Podcasts can provide essential insights into how marginalized groups use technology t

Fusion of gauge-based, reanalysis, and satellite precipitation products using Bayesian model averaging approach : Determination of the influence of different input sources

Selection of the number and which of multisource precipitation datasets is crucially important for precipitation fusion. Considering the effects of different inputs, this study proposes a new framework based on the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) algorithm to integrate precipitation information from gauge-based analysis CPC, reanalysis-derived dataset ERA5, and satellite-retrieval products IMERG-E

Mitigating disorder-induced zero-energy states in weakly coupled superconductor-semiconductor hybrid systems

Disorder has appeared as one of the main mechanisms to induce topologically trivial zero-energy states in superconductor-semiconductor systems, thereby challenging the detection of topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states. Here, we demonstrate that, for disorder in any part of the system, the formation of disorder-induced trivial zero-energy states can, to a large extent, be mitigat

"En order är en order"

I dagens individualistiska samhälle förväntas individer besitta förmågan att effektivt kunna leda sig själva, ett fenomen som tidigare forskning benämnt självledarskap. Fenomenet har främst studerats på personer i ledande positioner eller i kunskapsintensiva yrken, varpå denna studie ämnar att studera självledarskap i en ny kontext. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om forskningsområdet

Introducing brief admissions by self-referral in child and adolescent psychiatry : an observational cohort study in Sweden

BACKGROUND: Brief admission by self-referral, a novel crisis intervention designed to reduce suicide and self-harm in adults, was adopted for adolescents in paediatric psychiatry in Malmö, Sweden, in 2018. We aimed to investigate changes in utilisation of emergency psychiatric care.METHODS: We did an observational longitudinal cohort study in The University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden, which provide