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Your search for "*" yielded 529182 hits

Evaluation and development of FacePrint: A tool for the design of facial prostheses

FacePrint is a project developed by a consortium that aims to efficiently provide facial prostheses, mainly nose and ear prostheses. One of the companies involved in the project is Purple Scout. Their task was to develop the interface that the clinicians will use to design the prosthesis. The idea is that patient and doctor sit together and decide what the prosthesis should look like using the int

Konceptutveckling av laddningsbart mobilt trygghetslarm för särskilt boende inom äldreomsorgen

Sveriges kommuner ställer idag allt högre krav under upphandling av teknisk utrustning till äldreomsorgen. Inom särskilt boende handlar dessa krav exempelvis om att vårdtagare alltid ska ha möjlighet att larma och positioneras, samt nya krav om falldetektion och pulsmätning. Tunstalls mobila trygghetslarm uppfyller idag de två första kraven och ämnar att inom en snar framtid även implementera fallDuring public procurement for elderly care in Sweden, higher demands on technological equipment are being introduced. Besides the regular demands for residential care that the elderly always should be able to alarm the caretakers and to always be positioned within the housing, new demands include fall detection and pulse measurement. Tunstall's mobile personal alarm meets the regular demands a

Adaptive room acoustic design

This report summarizes the methodology, development and results of a master thesis regarding the design of an adaptable acoustic panel. When a room gets acoustic treatment it’s usually fitted with one activity in mind, such as a conference room or an office space. Multipurpose rooms tend to perform good for a few set of situations and underperform for the vast majority. For example, in a classroom

Decreasing barrier while maintaining shelf-life for highly sensitive products - A more recyclable and sustainable packaging for infant formula

With increasing concerns about environmental impacts of the food that is consumed, so is also the concern about packaging materials. This also comprises the packaging that is currently used to pack infant formula (IF), very often containing aluminum as the barrier material. IF is a very sensitive product that demands for the highest barriers to protect it from lipid oxidation. This implies that th

Kristna slavar och synen på de andra. En komparativ analys av europeiska fångenskapsberättelser i Nordafrika under det långa 1700-talet

Christian slaves and their view on the others A comparative analysis of European captivity narratives in Northern Africa during the eighteenth century In the 18 th century, several hundred thousand Europeans were captives in Northern Africa. They represented different nationalities and religions. During the same period, there were numerous conflicts based on religion, and the balance of power be

Särskilda boenden på särskilda marknader - om sambanden mellan konkurrens och kvalitet på marknaden för särskilda boenden.

A large share of Swedish elderly care is currently carried out by private providers. In 2019, 19% of the institutionalized residential care units (nursing homes) in Sweden were under private ownership. Regardless of the underlying motives for this privatization, one of the main aims is to create efficiency and quality improvement. Previously, the effects of privatization on the quality of Swedish

Leveraging Corporate-Startup Engagements: A Multiple Case Study Exploring Corporate Accelerators’ Post- Acceleration Activities

This study focused on examining what post-acceleration startup management practices (‘activities’) corporate accelerators conduct and how these activities contribute to strategic value creation for the parent company. It was found that the post-acceleration phase is separated into three levels of post-acceleration activities and their strategic value contributions. Firstly, the resource level aims

En legitimerad framtid : Hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers syn på att som enda socionomprofession beviljas legitimation

The purpose of this study was how healthcare counselors view their right to professional certification. In order to accomplish this purpose, we chose a qualitative method consisting of nine semi-structured interviews. Each interview was held over the phone. Eight of the participants were currently working in the healthcare system while one was working as a school counselor. During the process of a

Cost-Optimized Event Detection in Football Video

In this thesis we aim to investigate if it is possible to detect events in football video using deep learning methods. The performance of a few different models using video input of varying frame rates is evaluated to find the most promising approach. We also evaluate if a proprietary dataset consisting of estimated player positions and movement can be used to detect events as it would be cheaper

Addressing the risk of maladaptation in Social Protection: The case of World Food Programme

The need to adapt to climate change has been widely acknowledged as a challenge expanding beyond the discrete realm of adaptation initiatives. Accordingly, social protection has received growing attention due to its potential to promote adaptive capacity, whilst partly addressing both direct and indirect drivers of vulnerability to climate change. Addressing the risk of maladaptation has been prop

A future introduction of biohydrogen to the Swedish energy system

Biovätgas - nuvarande utveckling kan tala för en framtida integration i det svenska energisystemet Ett stort fokus ligger idag på att minska våra utsläpp av växthusgaser. Vätgas är sett som ett intressant alternativt bränsle i sammanhanget eftersom dess förbränning bara ger upphov till vatten. Vad färre vet är att produktionen av vätgas orsakar desto större utsläpp av växthusgaser eftersom den ofBiohydrogen is increasingly being explored as part of strategies to achieve deep emission reductions. While much research has focused on the technical dimension of biohydrogen, fewer efforts have positioned it in larger contexts. Using literature and expert interviews, this study applies the multi-level perspective to explore an introduction of biohydrogen to the Swedish energy system. The finding

Combining luminescence dating and sedimentary analysis to derive the landscape dynamics of the Velická Valley in the High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia

Luminescence dating is widely used in combination with sedimentological analysis to reconstruct the landscape development of the Quaternary period. Here, quartz and K-feldspar measurements are used to date and evaluate the luminescence characteristics of sediments from seven sites of the lower part of the Velická valley (995-1250 m a.s.l.) in the High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. The quartz and K-f

Privacy by Design: A qualitative study to explore privacy by design adaptation in reducing privacy breaches

Privacy by Design is a methodology that enables privacy to be built into the design and architecture of information systems and business processes. Rather than bolting on protection at the end of a design process, care for privacy needs to be one of the foundational concerns of any implementation. Traditionally, privacy policies have been largely approached reactively, and only triggered once a br

The Perceived Innovativeness of Employer Brands - A Qualitative Investigation of the Meaning, Sources, and Role of Employer Brands’ Innovativeness from the Perspective of Talents

The purpose of the thesis is to explore and understand the meaning, sources, and role of brands’ perceived innovativeness to talents due to the proposed importance of the attribute within the so-called war for talents as well as contemporary theoretical and practical discourse. In accordance with the relativistic and interpretivist stance taken, a qualitative methodology is adapted through the uti

"Det är ett lotteri" - En intervjustudie om barnperspektivet i ärenden där barn upplevt våld i hemmet

Since the late 1990’s the child’s perspective in cases where children have experienced domestic violence has gained more attention in both research and Swedish law. Despite this attention, the child’s perspective might still get overlooked by social services in cases where domestic violence is present. Therefore, this study wishes to explore how social workers within family law and family safety u

Galactic Dynamics and the spread of Galactic Civilisations

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning - Är rymden en enda stor tunnelbana? Finns det utomjordiskt liv i universum? Konceptet av Fermi paradoxen har förundrat forskare sedan tidigt 50-tal. Den ställer frågan om varför utomjordiskt liv inte har blivit upptäckt ännu. I jämförelse med andra system i universum är vårt solsystem relativt ungt med sina 4,6 miljarder år. Detta betyder att stjärnor med äldre plAbstract The idea of the spread of life through the galaxy is, in most minds, considered science fiction. Yet, scientists argue that most galaxies have had more than enough time for civilisation development and space travel. In this thesis I simulate how civilisations can spread through the galaxy via close encountering stars, assuming they travel at sub-relativistic speeds. A defined region arou

Segmentation of the Common Carotid Artery from Ultrasound Images using UNet

The common carotid artery (CCA), the artery that supplies our brains with oxygen, is of great importance in stroke research. The usual way to monitor the artery is by using ultrasound (US) imaging. An automated way of segmenting out the arteries from the US images is desired to optimize research. With an upswing in development of convolutional neural networks (CNN), this is now possible. CNN uses