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Enforcing objectives: Environmental consideration and armed force practice.

This thesis is centered on how objectives substantiated by legal procedures unfold in social practice. More precisely, the study is set to explore how the objective of environmental consideration impacts the Swedish Armed Forces and its ability to carry out the organization's main task, that is, the protection of Sweden, its interests and the right for the Swedish people to live as chosen. Cri

Ekosystemtjänster och naturbaserade lösningar i den kommunala fysiska planeringen

Fler och fler människor bor i städer, men vårt nuvarande levnadsätt skapar problem, både för oss själva och för naturen. Problemen utgörs bland annat av klimatförändringarnas konsekvenser, brist på biologisk mångfald (artrikedom), förstörelse av ekosystem och hälsorisker för människor. Konsekvenserna av dessa problem blir extra tydliga i städer eftersom befolkningen där påverkas mest. Det beror påModern society is characterized by rapid population growth and urbanization. The urban population is exposed to many risks connected to the urban way of living such as the effects of climate change, loss of biodiversity and health risks. Sustainable urban planning where ecosystem services and nature-based solutions are included can mitigate these risks. The purpose of this study is to investigate

"Man vill ju inte vara sämre än de andra" - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om studenter, ideellt arbete och stress

Undersökningar visar att studenter är mer stressade än yrkesverksamma i samma åldrar. Tidigare stressforskning som inriktats på studenter har främst undersökt stress utifrån akademiska utgångspunkter eller faktorer som berör livsstil. Samtidigt är det inte ovanligt för studenter vid Lunds universitet att lägga ner flera timmar i veckan på ideellt arbete inom en studentorganisation, men i dessa tid

Hur förändras prispremien i hotellbranschen under en pandemi?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur covid-19 utbrottet påverkat hotellrummens så kallade prispremie, det vill säga den supplementära kostnaden att boka ett återbetalningsbart hotellrum i förhållande till ett icke-återbetalningsbart hotellrum (mätt i procent). Vi kommer undersöka om covid-19 haft en större påverkan på prispremien i de länder som drabbats hårdast av covid-19 under våren 2

Qualification process development for metal additive manufacturing - A study for the establishment of additive manufacturing at Alfa Laval

Den additiva tillverkningsprocessen och kvalificeringen av komponenter i metall är komplex och tillverkningsmetoden är inte ännu fullständigt förstådd. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att förvärva kunskap om kvalificeringsprocesser kopplade till additiv tillverkning i metall och att utveckla en hållbar kvalificering för additivt tillverkade komponenter hos Alfa Laval. KvalificeringsprocedThe process of additive manufacturing and qualification of components in metal is complex, and the manufacturing method is still not fully understood. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to gather knowledge of the qualification procedures connected to additive manufacturing in metal and to develop sustainable qualification for additively manufactured parts at Alfa Laval. The qualification pro

The selection of IT project management methodologies

Integrated product development combines multiple disciplines (mechanics, engineering, informatics) in the development of complex products in corporations. In today’s economy, the development environment could be considered volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, which prompts for experimentation, incremental product design and continuous engagement with the customer or end user. Literature sug

Comparison of CO2 flux in an Amazonian natural lake and hydroelectric reservoir

Due to global demand for alternative energy sources, the industry of hydropower is continuing to thrive. Not only are there already thousands of dams worldwide, but many more developments are planned for the future. This has increased attention towards the topic of reservoirs, and more specifically their potential to act as a source of greenhouse gases. Despite tropical locations being known as ‘h

Digital strategy in the wood supply chain

To be ready for new as well as current digital innovations, organisations need to have a digital strategy in place. This study examines organisations within the Swedish wood supply chain and evaluates their current digital strategies. This in order to gain a holistic view on their current efforts, challenges and opportunities for future digitalisation. The study was conducted within 7 semi structu

Valutakursprognostisering med multivariata felkorrigeringsmodeller: En prognosstudie av nio valutapar

Ever since the formation of the modern global foreign exchange market in the early 1970s, scholars have sought to develop models that can explain movements in foreign exchange rates. Arguably one of the most popular approaches to exchange rate modelling is the monetary approach, where movements in the exchange rate are modelled through changes in macroeconomic variables affecting the relative mone

Coworking Spaces: Fuel for Entrepreneurship

Purpose. This research aims to investigate entrepreneurs’ motives in entering coworking spaces (CWS), and how they are interlinked with entrepreneurs’ motives in pursuing an entrepreneurial career. Methodology. The analysis and discussion of the gathered qualitative data in the form of twelve interviews helped to develop deep insights and form an understanding of the entrepreneurs’ motives in ent

SKATTEVERKET + POLISMYNDIGHETEN Myndighetsgemensam brottsbekämpning

Redan för nästan 100 år sedan insåg myndigheterna i USA att man genom myndighetsgemensamt arbete bäst bekämpade den grova organiserade brottsligheten. En av frontfigurerna i USA:s undre värld och ledaren för ett mycket kriminellt och våldsamt nätverk, Al Capone kunde till slut lagföras och då för ett skattebrott. Jag ville undersöka om sådant myndighetsgemensamt arbete finns i Sverige och i så fal

Comparing the Liquidity-Adjusted Expected Shortfall Models Over High and Low Liquid Stocks Portfolios: Empirical Results on Thailand Stock Market

The stylized fact that stock markets are not perfectly liquid propels banks to incorporate liquidity risk in the risk metrics so that market risk can be managed properly. Disregarding liquidity risk can lead to an underestimation of overall risk and substantial losses. This is particularly true in emerging markets where illiquidity problem is more severe than in developed market economies. Liquidi

Investigating the Use of Machine Learning to Detect Unilateral Arm Weakness

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and the most common cause for disability among the adult population in Sweden, due in part to the fact that many patients do not arrive at the hospital in time for treatment. A system that could detect unilateral arm weakness based on arm movement, a common symptom of stroke, is therefore desirable. In recent years there has been rapid development in th

How can organizations affect the working conditions and work experiences of freelancers: A case study in the Danish publishing industry

The working conditions of freelancers are widely debated as the flexibilization of labor markets has resulted in more insecure labor. On one side of the debate, flexibilization of the labor market in the cultural industries is seen as an important driver of economic growth. This optimistic perspective emphasizes that individuals can develop themselves in creative and autonomous careers. The other

Biomimetiskt ventilationssystem

Title: Biomimetic ventilation Authors: Bamdad Mashreghi & Hugo Landin Supervisor: Urban Persson, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Examiner: Anne Landin, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Problem definition: How does the performance of a biomimetic ventilation system based upon termite-ventilation vary depending on the local climate? What are the differences between a biomimetic ventilation system inspired

Rättssäkerhet, en idealtyp? En Webersk studie om rättssäkerhetens roll i maktutövande under Covid-19 pandemin.

In Sociology of Law the conceptual dichotomy between “The Rule of Man” and “The Rule of Law” is a pillar of interest for many researchers in the constant exploration of the relationship between law and society. With this study, a preexisting fondness for Max Weber’s theses regarding modern society as a product of an all-encompassing rationalization and bureaucratization constituted the background

Föralltid sjuk men samtidigt tillfrisknande : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om Minnesotamodellens betydelsefulla moment ur ett brukarperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine the Minnesota model and the meaningful moments experienced by people who have gone through the Minnesota treatment. Our aim was also to analyze this treatment from an interactionist perspective using the turning points theory, the labeling theory, Ervin Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective and, the interactionist perspective view on the emotion shame. We hav

Disentangling dynamic capabilities for sustainability - How leaders can influence sustainable development in complex environments

Purpose: The 21st century’s focal point of sustainability obliges businesses to adjust their internal resources and operations towards a complex and dynamic environment. Previous research focused on definitional and motivational aspects of dynamic capabilities for sustainability. Hence, a research gap exists in how dynamic capabilities for sustainability are developed. Thus, this study addresses t

The role of perceived risk in the behavioral intention to use and accept algorithm-based news aggregators

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka huruvida det är fördelarna eller riskerna som är mest signifikanta för konsumenter vid användandet och acceptansen av algoritm-baserade nyhetsappar, vi åstadkom detta genom att använda oss av en expanderad Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) modell. Utöver att undersöka signifikansen av de originella UTAUT2 kategorierna, avseddThe purpose of this research was to examine whether the opportunities or the risks are most significant for consumers when they are using algorithm-based news aggregators, this was accomplished by using an expanded Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 model (UTAUT2). In addition to examining the significance of the original UTAUT2 parameters, we sought to reveal if our additional p

Avfallskampanjers påverkan på konsumenters beteenden

Avfallskampanjer behöver kombineras med andra politiska styrmedel för att bli mer effektiva Varför prioriterar individer ofta materialåtervinning över avfallsförebyggande arbete? Denna studie undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan hur mycket resurser som läggs på informationskampanjer om materialåtervinning och avfallsförebyggande kampanjer med hur individer väljer att agera i dessa frågor. AAlthough waste prevention is the top step in the Swedish waste hierarchy, many consumers prioritize recycling over waste prevention. This study examines if there is a connection between how much national organisations spend on information campaigns about waste prevention and about recycling with how consumers choose to act. In this research, more ongoing campaigns about waste prevention were foun