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Människohandel för sexuella ändamål - en narrativ studie om tre kvinnors självbiografiska livsberättelser

It is estimated that approximately 4,8 million people in the world have been subjected to human trafficking for sexual purposes. The majority of identified victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes are young and adult women. The purpose of this study was to gain a broader understanding of young and adult women’s vulnerability in human trafficking for sexual purposes. To achieve this underst


The first intention of this project was to somehow stimulate senses of the viewer of a photograph to let he or she have a more vivid imagination of how the shown situation really was like. It was meant to just be able to dive deeper into a photograph and interpret it with more senses than only the senses of sight. Since its not certain that the user has a neuronal basis that get triggered and lead

How we talk about rape matters: the construction of rape in the Swedish legal system

On the first of July 2018, the Swedish sexual crime act on rape was changed. One of the purposes with the new legislative amendment was to demonstrate that the boundary goes to whether participation in the sexual act has been voluntary or not (Prop 2017/18: 177), for a conviction. Pressure from feminist movements and allies has pushed different states to reform their laws to prevent and punish vio

To fight with words instead of guns: Reincorporation, subjection and political agency in the case of women ex-combatants of the Farc-EP

This thesis investigates the social position and political agency of women excombatants of the Farc-EP who laid down their arms after the 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Farc-EP. I show how, through the laying down of arms and reincorporation, women ex-combatants come to occupy a specific social position under historical and global power relations and intersecting for

Translating Truthfulness and Credibility: On Socio-Legal Construction of Refugee Through Language Interpretation

This thesis revolves around how the truthfulness of the asylum claim is constructed within the process of refugee status determination in Sweden by focusing on the role of interpretation. The study asks what role interpretation plays in the formation of truth within the credibility assessment of asylum claims. The thesis employs semi-structured interviews with asylum-seekers, lawyers, and interpre

Drivers of innovation in the automotive regime in the Stuttgart Region

This thesis examines drivers of innovation within the automotive in- dustry of the Stuttgart Region, Germany. Geels’ concept of a Multi-Level-Perspective is applied to the industry and its environment, when investigating positive and neg- ative drivers. The research design of this thesis follows an exploratory case study of innovation, that includes semi-structured interviews with experts of the i

The Extraordinarily Ordinary: How the Rebels of Extinction Rebellion Berlin Shape Their Movement by Using Connective Action Repertoires

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a global climate justice movement. Founded in 2018 in the UK and arising partly out of the Rising Up! network, it has since spread across the globe with various local and working groups in 57 countries. While environmental in focus, XR appears to be more than what first meets the eye. Their decentralized, non-hierarchical and self-expressive cell network works both onl

"Not selling anything, just think you're cute": A theoretical inquiry on 'daygaming' as an embodied cultural praxis

This paper is a move towards furthering the understanding of how the entwinement between embodiment and agency can be understood from a sociological perspective. By focusing on the cultural praxis of ‘daygaming’, the paper analyzes Youtube material from the ‘seduction community’ and outlines the community’s cultural scripts and discourses with regards to ‘daygaming’. Hitherto, the seduction commun

The Effect on Educational Attainment of Legalizing Undocumented Hispanic Immigrants in the U.S. Evidence from IRCA of 1986

This paper analyzes the effect of the amnesty given under IRCA of 1986 on the educational attainment of Hispanic undocumented immigrants. Data was collected from the IPUMS USA database and consists of cross-sectional microdata from seven U.S. censuses. The thesis exploits the cut-off year of 1982 for being granted amnesty in a difference-in-difference strategy. The results suggest that IRCA affect

Drinking from the Fountain of Youth? Brand rejuvenation in the case of heritage luxury fashion brands

Thesis purpose: The aim of this study was to examine whether German Millennials are in favor of rejuvenation practices of heritage luxury fashion brands or if such actions instead lead to negative associations, as they tend to ignore the heritage aspect. Methodology: Following a relativist ontology, this research is guided by a social constructionist position, which allows a deep understanding of

Ascribed Meanings to Self- Service Technologies: Exploring Grocery Shopper’s Use of SSTs and Subsequent Meanings held in a Digitalised World

Recent years have seen digitalisation entangled in everyday life; with the broader context of a digitalised world, one can no longer see the digitalised retail space and its technological artefacts as a lone-standing phenomena. Instead, it is necessary to see digitalisation as way of understanding and being in the modern world. This paper explores the practices and subsequent meanings in the use o

Gap properties of helical edge states in two-dimensional topological insulators with time-dependent magnetic impurities

The quantum mechanical equivalent of the classical Hall effect can lead to interesting results in solid state physics. A similar effect, that has received attention in recent years, occurs when large spin-orbit coupling is present in a material, the so-called quantum-spin Hall effect. In two-dimensional materials it leads to so-called helical edge states that exhibit counter-propagating electron s

Livsviktigt arbete bakom en skärm : En studie i socialt arbete om ideella tjej- och transjourares syn på sin roll som stödjare

The purpose of this study was to investigate how volunteers at young women´s and transgender empowerment centers in Sweden reason about their role and their discretion in order to better understand and problematize the responsibility of conducting social work without necessarily holding an education as a social worker. The study focuses on their supportive role in online chats with young callers w

Under Pressure - Tensions in the acquiring firms' corporate brand identity

Thesis Purpose: The purpose is to explore post-acquisition tensions in a B2B firm's corporate brand identity to better understand why tensions emerge, what effect those tensions have, and lastly, how these tensions may be dealt with, if at all. Methodology: A qualitative multiple case study based on four companies with a constructionist and inductive approach has been executed in this thesis.

Det flexibla välmåendet: en studie om vikten av psykologisk flexibilitet i relationen mellan empati och välmående

Syftet med den föreliggande studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan empati, välmående och psykologisk flexibilitet och om psykologisk flexibilitet medierar sambandet mellan empati och välmående. En ökad psykologisk flexibilitet kan ha flera positiva konsekvenser. Inom yrkeslivet, och speciellt inom relationella yrken, kan ökad psykologisk flexibilitet hjälpa anställda att hantera emotionella

Dags för systemutvecklare att uppgradera den digitala arbetsmiljön? En kvalitativ studie om hur systemutvecklare kan förbättra slutanvändares digitala arbetsmiljö

Digitalisering har förändrat hur människor arbetar och arbetsmiljö inkluderar numera digitala aspekter. Forskning och rapporter visar en problematik kring den digitala arbetsmiljön och medarbetares hälsa. Då den digitala arbetsmiljön präglas av ICT är det således något som vissa forskare anser att systemutvecklare bör ta hänsyn till. Syftet med studien är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med respo

Time to change: Analyzing the leadership’s challenges that affect the stakeholders’ co-creation of sense during organizational changes

In change management, approaches to handle change have been broader discussed, from a ‘top-down’ outdated method to a ‘bottom-up’ inclusive model. Scholars have discussed the advantages of having an inclusive model which is re-lated to the directional flow of change communication. Nevertheless, leaders still struggle with the implementation of this model due to several factors that affect their ch

Prerequisites for a BI education at a business school

The rise of Business Intelligence (BI) have received attention the last years from both IS re-searches and organizations. Research gaps in BI literature indicates a need to cover BI educa-tion from a country specific context, a graduate student perspective and to review the skillset and domain knowledge for BI professionals. This thesis aims to cover those gaps by exploring the prerequisites for a

Renommésnyltning enligt generalklausulen – idag jämfört med igår

Att i marknadsföring obehörigen utnyttja ett kännetecken tillhörande en annan näringsidkare så att det goda renommé, goodwill, det är förknippat med utnyttjas på ett otillbörligt sätt kallas för renommésnyltning. Renommésnytltning strider mot god marknadsföringssed och regleras därmed genom generalklausulen 5 och 6 §§ Marknadsföringslagen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera vad soIn marketing, unauthorized use of a mark belonging to a competitor with the intention of exploiting the good reputation, goodwill, associated with the other is used in an improper manner is called passing off reputation and goodwill. The procedure violates good marketing practices and is regulated by the General Clauses 5 and 6 in the Marketing Law (MFL). The purpose of the thesis is to analyze an

"Game. Set. Match. Balls."

Denna studie har som syfte att belysa hur man kan använda sociala medieplattformen Instagram för att visuellt skildra rådande maktstrukturer, normer och ideal som den nutida feministiska diskursen adresserar. Vidare undersöker den hur influencern Celeste Barber konstruerar sina inlägg på Instagram genom parodier för att vara normbrytande och motsätta sig de kvinnliga ideal som vanligtvis framställThe purpose of this study, is to shed light on how social media platforms like Instagram, could be used to visually depict prevailing power structures, norms and ideals through contemporary feminist discourse. Furthermore, it explores how the influencer Celeste Barber, through parodies, constructs her posts on Instagram to be norm-breaking and to oppose the female ideals that usually are portrayed