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En hållbar resa mot framtiden; En jämförelsestudie mellan snabba landtransporter på sträckan Oslo – Stockholm

Arbetets syfte är att analysera möjliga trafikupplägg för snabba landtransporter; höghastighetståg, Maglev och Hyperloop genom att konkretisera trafikslagens förhållande till varandra på sträckan Oslo–Stockholm. Arbetet syftar dessutom till att ta reda på hur snabba landtransporter anknyter till hållbarhetsmålen. Arbetet studerar två olika scenarier, där det första scenariot inkluderar uppehåll vThe purpose of this master thesis is to analyze possible traffic arrangements for high-speed land transportation; high-speed train, MagLev and Hyperloop by concretizing their relationship to each other on Oslo-Stockholm line. The thesis also aims to find out how high-speed land transportation links to the sustainability goals. This thesis studies two different scenarios, where the first scenario i

Adoption of IoT Platforms: In Swedish municipalities for smart city initiatives

This thesis aims to understand what influences the adoption of Internet of Things [IoT] platforms in Swedish municipalities for smart city initiatives. The adoption of IoT platforms in Swedish municipalities is slow, but the effects of an IoT platform can enhance the processes and progression toward smarter cities. To describe what influences the adoption of IoT platforms, the Technology-Organisat

Corporate donations to charities. Comparison between Finnish and Swedish tax legislation and the compatibility with the EU law.

This paper compares tax legislations regarding a right to deduct donations to charities in corporate taxation in Sweden and Finland. The national legislation of each Member State of the European Union grants different tax exemptions for non-profit organizations. The Member States may independently determine which entities are granted tax benefits, under what conditions and to what extent these exe

Photo-chemical reactivity of dissolved organic carbon in subarctic lakes from northern Sweden

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the major absorber of sunlight in most natural waters and a critical component of the carbon cycle in aquatic systems. The photochemical decomposition of DOM can have a significant impact on the landscape-atmosphere carbon exchange. However, little is known about how changing characteristics of DOM due to water browning (allochthonous inputs of DOM from terrestriaThe photochemical decomposition of the dissolved organic matter DOM can have a significant impact on the landscape-atmosphere carbon exchange. However, little is known about how changing characteristics of DOM due to water browning (allochthonous inputs of DOM from terrestrial sources) affect the photochemical processing of the DOM. A shift from in situ self-produced (autochthonous) DOM to allocht

An Analysis of M&A Activity in the European SME Market and Value Drivers of Post-Merger Performance

Abstract This thesis investigates the impacts pre-merger characteristics play in long-term post-merger performance from a sample of small and medium sized enterprises whom conducted M&A activity within the European Union between the time period of 2011-2013. Using data collected, a quantitative analysis was performed to measure the impact of six separate factors on post-merger performance anal

Blockchain Drivers and Challenges in Supply Chain Management: Multiple Case Studies in Emerging Economies

Currently, Blockchain Technology (BT) is still in the early stages of development. However, this technology has been used in some governments, organizations, companies, and research institutions. The novelty of BT led to the needs of an organization to understand what drives them to implement it. Besides understanding the drivers of implementing BT, it is also equally necessary to understand the c

''FÅTAL PLATSER KVAR'' : en kvalitativ textanalys av Malmö Nations rekryteringsarbete på Facebook hösten 2018

Malmö Nation är en av tolv studentnationer i Lund och drivs som en ideell organisation av engagerade studenter. Denna studie undersöker hur Malmö Nation som organisation har valt att framställa sig under deras rekryteringsperiod hösten 2018, via Facebook. Vidare undersöks även om det är så att Malmö Nation söker efter en specifik typ av student när de rekryterar. Studien bygger på organisationsteo

Kapacitet i järnvägstrafiken - en fallstudie om tågens avvikelser från tidtabellen

Tidtabeller är nyckeln för att utnyttja den tillgängliga kapaciteten på järnvägen på ett optimalt sätt. I Sverige är det Trafikverket som tilldelar kapacitet genom att årligen ta fram en tågplan som specificerar alla tåg som ska framföras det kommande året. Att ta fram tågplanen är en komplex uppgift som försvåras av infrastrukturens begränsningar och att alla aktörer är beroende av varandra. När Timetables are the key to utilizing the capacity on the railway in an optimal way. In Sweden, the Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikverket, makes the allocation of capacity. It is done by preparing an annual timetable specifying all trains that will run the following year. Creating the annual timetable is a complex task made difficult by limitations in the infrastructure and because all acto

Construction of monotone smoothing splines using a branch and bound method

The purpose of this report is to investigate a branch and bound algorithm designed to construct monotone smoothing splines. The splines are defined as the solution of a minimization problem, where one wants to find a curve with non-negative derivative everywhere, that fits a data set consisting of points in the plane, while also being sufficiently smooth. The report describes the theory necessary

Användning av hundar i arbetsterapi - för främjande av aktivitet och delaktighet

Bakgrund: Hundar används inom många områden i hälso- och sjukvården, för att bland annat motivera, aktivera eller möjliggöra för klienten att utföra och delta i aktiviteter mer självständigt. Arbetsterapeutisk forskning har visat att utförande av aktiviteter som upplevs som meningsfulla för människan och där hon känner delaktighet i samhället har samband med både välbefinnande och bättre hälsa. Mo

Så mycket hat från hjärtat som brister: en kritisk och feministisk online etnografisk undersökning av ett incel-forum

This thesis is a critical and feminist online ethnography which explores gendered narratives by users on the currently most popular incel-forum in the world, The aim of the study is to contribute to greater in-depth understandings of how violence, misogyny and radicalization is used and legitimized in a collective ideological and gendered project through positionality of marginalization

The Effect of Coarse Reasoning on a Search and Matching Market With Transferable Utility

This thesis investigates the effect of relaxing the assumption of full rationality on a frictional search and matching market with transferable utilities. It has previously been shown that such markets without transferable utilities may exhibit agents searching for a matching partner for longer than optimal due to them overestimating their prospects on the market. Reduced search frictions further

A Part of the Air We Breathe? - Managers' Perspectives on CSR Initiatives Using the Example of the Icelandic Equal Pay Certification

In this study we have explored managers’ perceptions of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and the extent to which CSR can be evaluated and promoted through third-party certifications. To understand how such certifications affect companies and their corporate governance, we have explored the Icelandic Equal Pay Certification (EPC), an example of a CSR initiative. Using ten qu

ROT och RUT i stad och landsbygd - En tvärsnittsstudie om ROT- och RUT-användande i Sveriges kommuner

The Swedish tax-reduction on household services, in popular speech called ROT and RUT, has been widely used since its introduction more than 10 years ago. However, few studies have been performed on this reduction on a regional level. The aim of this paper is to investigate if the tax-reduction is used to the same extent in rural regions as in urban regions. A cross-sectional study has been perfor

Horisontalstabilisering i småhus - Råspont som stabiliserande system i tak

Det byggs cirka 10 000 småhus i Sverige varje år och en stor majoritet av dem byggs i trä men det blir även allt vanligare att större byggnader byggs i trä då detta byggnadsmaterial lyfts fram som ett miljövänligare alternativ till stål och betong. I småhusen används prefabricerade takstolar i trä i kombination med råspont i takkonstruktionen, dels för att fördela de vertikala lasterna men även föEach year, approximately 10 000 single-family houses are built in Sweden, a majority of which are timber-framed. Even larger buildings are more commonly being designed with timber structural systems as wood is considered having a lesser impact on the environment compared to steel and concrete. In most single-family houses, prefabricated timber roof trusses are used in combination with tongue-and-g

The Effect of Affect on User Engagement

User Engagement is an emerging concept in Human-Computer Interaction that emphasizes the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive investment users have in technology. This thesis aims to examine the relationship between affect and user engagement and the extent to which affect may add to its assessment. To increase the concept’s cross-cultural generalizability, the User Engagement Scale (UES) was exam

Yaogun Yingshen - en studie om att hantera politisk censur inom Beijings alternativa musikscen

Kinas digitala utveckling har avancerat statens möjligheter att övervaka och kontrollera sina medborgare. Därtill är politisk censur ett medel för staten att censurera provokativt eller regimkritiskt innehåll. Kulturutövare inom musik löper stor risk att begränsas i sitt konstnärliga uttryck till följd av censur. För att upprätthålla sitt levnadssätt tvingas vederbörande till anpassning. Fallstudi

Development of a new verification environment for a GPU hardware block using the Universal Verification Methodology

Uppfinnandet av den integrerade kretsen banade väg för dagens datorer, mobiltelefoner och all annan elektronik som är en självklar del av vår vardag. En integrerad krets består idag av hundramiljontals halvledarkomponenter som sitter ihop med varandra på ett så kallat chip. Komplexiteten och antalet komponenter på chipen fortsätter att öka vilket har förändrat utvecklingsprocessen. Ett chip som tiThe invention of the integrated circuit is a key milestone in the history of electronic circuits. Since its introduction the number of components on a chip have increased rapidly, making them more powerful and able to perform complex operations, but it has also changed the design process. Today different parts of a chip can be developed separately as Intellectual Property (IP) and then put togethe

Riskuppfattningar under en rådande pandemi - en kvantitativ enkätundersökning av vilka faktorer som påverkar svenskars riskuppfattningar under coronapandemin

Riskuppfattningar under en rådande pandemi Sverige befinner sig i en rådande pandemi (maj 2020) med anledning av coronaviruset. Folkhälsomyndigheten som Sveriges ansvariga myndighet gällande folkhälsan står därför inför en utmaning att kommunicera kring risk då individers uppfattningar av risk formas av en rad olika faktorer. Denna studies syfte har varit att bidra till forskningen inom riskkommuRisk perceptions during a current pandemic At this moment in time (may 2020), Sweden is in the midst of a pandemic by reason of the coronavirus. Folkhälsomyndigheten, the Swedish public health authority, is facing a challenge in communicating about the risk when the general public's perceptions of risk are formed by a variety of factors. The aim of this study has been to contribute to researc

Predicting Processing and Filling Equipment with Complex Food Rheology

As a food processing lines manufacturer with diverse product complexity, an understanding of fluid dynamics in a pipe system corresponding to the rheological properties and flow behavior is substantial. This will be beneficial to design suitable equipment and prevent processing-related issues, i.e. lowering filling performance, over-dimensioning pumps, excess energy consumption, etc. Therefore, th