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Serum thymidine kinase in congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type III

Serum thymidine kinase (TK) was determined in a family with congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type m (CDA, type III). 20 patients and 10 of their healthy siblings were investigated. Elevated TK was found in all 20 patients (median 56.2 U) but their healthy siblings had normal values (median 2.65 U). We suggest that determination of TK should be used for discrimination between healthy siblings a

Eye fixation-related potentials in free viewing identify encoding failures in change detection

We considered the hypothesis that spontaneous dissociation between the direction of attention and eye movement causes encoding failure in change detection. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing eye fixation-related potentials (EFRP) at the encoding stage of a change blindness task; when participants freely inspect a scene containing an unmarked target region, in which a change will occur in a sub

Collinearity, curvature interpolation, and the power of perceptual integration

In three experiments, participants determined the orientation of a global triangle formed by three Gabor patches of a target spatial frequency in a field of distracters. The orientation of the target patches and their proximity were varied between conditions. When all the target patches had the same orientation this facilitated the response compared to random orientations. This effect occurred onl

Evoked phase synchronization between adjacent high-density electrodes in human scalp EEG : Duration and time course related to behavior

Objective: Data from a previous event-related potential (ERP) study in visual-perceptual grouping [Nikolaev AR, van Leeuwen C. Flexibility in spatial and non-spatial feature grouping: an event-related potentials study. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 2004;22:13-25] were re-analyzed to identify event-related dynamics of phase-synchronization. Methods: In 20 Hz activity, uniform spreading of phase synchron

The LGBT Movement in Vietnam

In this chapter, we provide an overview of the ways in which the LGBT movement in Vietnam has taken form and fought for full recognition of all and equal rights regard-less of sexuality and gender. The Vietnamese LGBT movement is composed of informal activist groups and networks as well as formally registered nation-wide operating associations. The LGBT movement in Vietnam, we elucidate, has been

När det universella exkluderar – folkrätt, asyl och uteslutande

Antalet asylsökande som undantas från flyktingkonventionens skydd ökar ständigt i Sverige. Leyla Belle Drake och Amin Parsa tar sig an fallet med den 69-årige afghanske mannen som nekats asyl på grund av misstankar om folkrättsbrott i Afghanistan under 80-talet, och finner en skärningspunkt mellan flyktingrätten och straffrätten. Är det i själva verket inkluderingen av de andra i en mänsklighet so

Axillary Web Syndrome : Evidence for Lymphatic Origin with Thrombosis

Background: The axillary web syndrome (AWS) occurs in the axilla and on the frontal side of the upper arm and sometimes along the forearm to the thumb. The cord is painful, particularly on movement, and can therefore be very distressing for the patient. Although the phenomenon has been examined and discussed for decades, no evidence for the origin has been found until now. The aim of this study w

Enhanced locomotor performance on familiar surfaces is uncoupled from morphological plasticity in Anolis lizards

The radiation of Anolis lizards in the Caribbean is associated with a diversification of the functional match between morphology, habitat use, and locomotor performance. It has been hypothesized that the microhabitat a lizard is reared in can achieve a similar fit of form and function within a species. This predicts that plasticity in the locomotor apparatus is accompanied by changes in perching b

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Critique of the Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International which has made Denmark the world's least corrupt country, despite continuing corruption scandals in Denmark. The Corruption Perception Index does not really address the kind of corruption we have in the Nordic countries.

Low bone mineral density is associated with hypogonadism and cranial irradiation in male childhood cancer survivors

Summary: We investigated if bone mineral density was related to testosterone deficiency and/or previous cancer treatment in men who were childhood cancer survivors. Men with untreated testosterone deficiency or previous treatment with cranial irradiation were at increased risk of impaired bone health. Prevention of osteoporosis should be considered in their follow-up. Introduction: Childhood cance

Meta-analysis of four Swedish case-control studies on exposure to pesticides as risk-factor for soft-tissue sarcoma including the relation to tumour localization and histopathological type

In four previous case-control studies we have shown an association between exposure to phenoxyacetic acids or chlorophenols and soft-tissue sarcoma (STS). These chemicals are contaminated by dioxins and dibenzofurans, some of which are known carcinogens in experimental animals. In a meta-analysis of our four studies we studied such exposure including the relation to tumour localization and histopa

Internal energy storage

As continuous access to energy is necessary for survival, the level of energy stores has a strong effect on fitness and survival. Behaviors by which energy stores are acquired and built up are known as foraging, and this is a very common topic in animal behavior studies. It is especially important for flying organisms to finely tune the level of energy reserves they carry. While most animals will

Extending the visco-frictional branched modeling of filled rubbers to include coupling effects between rate and amplitude dependence

The traditional way to capture rate and amplitude dependence of filled rubbers is by a branched model containing elastic, viscous, and frictional branches, leading to a decoupling of the rate and amplitude dependence. In order to capture the experimentally observed phenomena with a steeper increasing dynamic modulus with frequency, for small amplitudes, a model by Besseling (1958) is revisited. In