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An L1-error bound for a semi-implicit difference scheme applied to a stiff system of conservation laws

A straightforward semi-implicit finite-difference method approximating a system of conservation laws including a stiff relaxation term is analyzed. We show that the error, measured in L-1, is bounded by O(root Delta t) independent of the stiffness, where the time step Delta t represents the mesh size. As a simple corollary we obtain that solutions of the stiff system converge toward the solution o

Cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization characterization of clonal chromosomal aberrations and CCND1 amplification in esophageal carcinomas

Cytogenetic analyses of four squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the esophagus showed complex numerical and structural abnormalities. Chromosomal bands or regions preferentially involved were 11q13, 8q10, 21q10, 3p10similar top11, 1p11similar toq11, 5p11similar toq11, and 14p11similar toq11. For the first time, to our knowledge, recurrent aberrations were identified in esophageal SCC, including homo

Enhanced Ribosome and tRNA Contents in Escherichia coli Expressing a Truncated Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Mutant Analyzed by Flow Field-Flow Fractionation

The ribosome and tRNA levels of Escherichia coli cells, transformed with a native or mutated Vitreoscilla hemoglobin genes (vhb), were investigated using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AFFFF). Mutagenesis of vhb by error-prone PCR was carried out to alter the growth behavior of microaerobically cultivated native VHb-expressing E. coli. A VHb mutant, pVMT1, was identified, which was ab

Differences in exercising limb blood flow variability between cardiac and muscle contraction cycle related analysis during dynamic knee extensor

Aim. Blood flow in peripheral conduit arteries during steady-state, dynamic exercise, can be estimated noninvasively with Doppler ultrasound, by measuring the conduit arterial diameter and the mean blood velocity averaged over consecutive cardiac beat-by-beat cycles (BBcycle) or muscle contraction-relaxation cycles (CRcycle). The precise impact fluctuations in the 1-BBcycle- or 1-CRcycle-rate may

Screening for heterocyclic amines in chicken cooked in various ways.

Chicken cooked under well-controlled conditions and commercial chicken products were screened for heterocyclic amines (HAs). Chicken samples were boiled, deep-fried, pan-fried, oven-roasted, cooked in an unglazed clay pot or in a roasting bag in the oven, and oven broiled. 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx), 2-amino-3,4,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (4,8-DiMeIQx), 2-amino

Suboptimal dynamic programming with error bounds

This paper presents a method to relax Dynamic Programming. The methodmakes it possible to findsuboptimal solutions with known error bounds to hard problems.The bounds are chosen by the user, who can then effectively trade-offbetween solution time and accuracy. Several examples from differentdomains where the method is highly useful are presented.

Humeral Head Resurfacing in the Rheumatoid Shoulder

Summary: The rheumatoid shoulder and elbow should be assessed in an early stage concerning the possibility of surgical intervention. The cause of the shoulder pain can be localized elsewhere in the shoulder girdle or in the neck. In patients with glenohumeral pain, resurfacing of the humeral head with a cup seems to be a good alternative to conventional stemmed prostheses. It diminishes the risk o

High soil carbon efflux rates in several ecosystems in southern Sweden

Soil C effluxes were measured at five forest stands with different vegetation and a meadow in southeastern Sweden (57¡5«N, 16¡7«E). Exponential regressions of soil respiration against air and soil temperatures were used to model soil respiration at forests stands. For the meadow, a light response curve with gross primary production (GPP) against PAR and a cubic regression with GPP against air temp

Mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and cyclophosphamide enhanced efficacy combined with cyclosporine in rat cardiac transplantation

Anti-proliferative drugs have been used for immunosuppression since the introduction of clinical transplantation. Most transplant centres include azathioprine (Aza) and cyclosporine (CyA) in their standard regimens, despite several controlled studies having failed to confirm the benefit of this combination. Aza is still. the most commonly used anti-proliferative drug, although no major differences

Molecular analysis of Philadelphia-positive childhood chronic myeloid leukemia.

The breakpoints in chromosome 22 were determined in five children with Philadelphia-positive chronic myeloid leukemia. All had rearrangements within the major breakpoint cluster region (M-bcr). Four patients had breakpoints in the 5' region of M-bcr (zones 1-3), whereas one had a rearrangement in the 3' region (zone 4). The patient with the 3' rearrangement was the only one to develop a lymphoid b

Carotenoids from tomatoes inhibit heterocyclic amine formation

Tomatoes are a rich source of antioxidants; and they are commonly used for meat cooking in Mediterranean countries. The effects of tomato antioxidants on the formation of carcinogenic/mutagenic heterocyclic amines were investigated. A liquid model system containing as precursors creatinine, glucose and glycine in molar concentrations comparable to those present in bovine meat (chemical model syste


Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljudsundersökningar av bäckenbottens fysiologi och förlossningsrelaterade skador i mellangården ¨Perineum, det sista hinder som fostret vid förlossningen har att öfvervinna, drager sig ofta blodigt sargad tillbaka ur den hårda brottningen, äfven om under densamma en rådig och insigtsfull hand blifvit räckt till dess bistånd. Den biståendes anseende och rykte kan hRepair of obstetric perineal tears is one of the most frequent procedures in surgical practice. Despite repair such tears may result in anal and urinary incontinence and prolapses of the pelvic floor, problems in need of surgical repair later in life. Descriptions of the structures injured during vaginal delivery and their topographic relations in the perineum are missing in most textbooks. Trans

On speed stability

Distributed energy resources, such as wind turbine generators, often employ induction generators. When such a generator is subjected to a nearby fault, its rotor may accelerate and reach high steady-state speed far from that corresponding to the frequency of the system. This is the generator counterpart to induction motor stalling, which is classified as voltage stability. The phenomenon is a matt

Interaction of recombinant human cystatin C with the cysteine proteinases papain and actinidin

The interaction between recombinant human cystatin C and the cysteine proteinases papain and actinidin was studied by spectroscopic, kinetic and equilibrium methods. The absorption, near-u.v.c.d. and fluorescence-emission difference spectra for the cystatin C-proteinase interactions were all found to be similar to the corresponding spectra for chicken cystatin. The kinetics of binding of cystatin

Theoretical Study of the Fast Photodissociation Channels of the Monohalobenzenes

Excited state properties of fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene, and iodobenzene have been investigated theoretically using multireference CASSCF and CASPT2 methods. Experimentally, chlorobenzene and bromobenzene are known to exhibit one fast dissociation channel, whereas iodobenzene exhibits two fast dissociation channels. The calculations indicate that the chlorobenzene, the bromobenzene,