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Det nya arkivet : Attityder och åsikter om det nya arkivredovisningssystemet bland yrkesverksamma arkivarier

This Master’s thesis discusses the subject of documenting processes within the archival science, or more accurately the new injunction 2008:4 and the opinions and attitudes Swedish archivists have in regards to it. The national archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet) put out the injunction in 2008 and all the government-owned authorities has to apply it onto their work. They all have to document their

Off track or on? : Associations of positive and negative life events with the continuation versus cessation of repetitive adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury

Objective: This study examined how patterns of repetitive (≥5 instances) nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) associate with measures of resilience and life events retrospectively reported to have occurred within the last year, 1 to Method: Life events reported by 557 young adults (mean [SD] age 25.3 [0.68]; 59.2% women) were classified as positive, negative, or profoundly negative based on their relati

From Breaches to Breachers : three designers revealing blindspots in the design field

This article offers a development of Garfinkel’s (1984) breaching experiments. The discussed breaches are not artificially staged to provoke a reaction, instead they occur naturally in the context, in this case the design field. Also, the focus shifts from the breaches to the people enacting them, the breachers. Three examples of breachers are compared, enabling a deepened understanding of what th

Sustained delivery of a heterodimer bone morphogenetic protein-2/7 via a collagen hydroxyapatite scaffold accelerates and improves critical femoral defect healing

Despite the glimmer of hope provided by the discovery and commercialization of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) as a bone graft substitute, side effects related to the use of supraphysiological doses have hindered its clinical usage. In this study, we compared the osteoinductive potential of BMP-2 homodimer with a heterodimer of BMP-2/7, both delivered via a collagen-hydroxyapatite (CHA) scaff


A 16-channel audio-visual installation Premiered at Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Sweden. The installation used the stems from “Raindamage" by Valgeir Sigurðsson and “[:n:]” by Hlynur Aðils Vilmarsson. The video component is a reworking of documentary material, shot by Úlfur Hansson and Elín Hansdóttir at the concert event 'Flow', with ensemble Nordic Affect at the Library of Water in Stykkishólmur, I

Tracks and Traces : Exploring the World of Graffiti Writing through Visual Methods

Digital technologies have made it easier and more affordable to record, edit and circulate images. At the same time, visuals can provide scholarly insights beyond what may be documented and conveyed in writing. Nevertheless, visual methods still play a secondary role in humanistic and social science research.This book shows how visual methods can be used to approach difficult-to-access fields and Visuals can provide and communicate scholarly insights beyond what may be documented and conveyed in writing. However, despite digital technologies making it easier and more affordable to record, edit, and circulate images, visual methods still play secondary roles in humanistic and social science research.Based on a study of the tracks and traces left by graffiti writers in Malmö, Sweden, this bo

A model of decentralized vision in the sea urchin Diadema africanum

Sea urchins can detect light and move in relation to luminous stimuli despite lacking eyes. They presumably detect light through photoreceptor cells distributed on their body surface. However, there is currently no mechanistic explanation of how these animals can process light to detect visual stimuli and produce oriented movement. Here, we present a model of decentralized vision in echinoderms th

Döden på museet : Mänskliga kvarlevor och samtal om döden i museipedagogiska verksamheter

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine on how three museums in Skåne uses human remains from their collections in pedagogical work with children. With the help of interviews with staff members and observations in the museum exhibitions, text and image analysis, the human remains are closely observed. Furthermore, the analysis part of the thesis uses the theoretical viewpoint of mat

Characterisation of distributed combustion of reformed methanol blends in a model gas turbine combustor

In line with the United Nation Sustainable Development goal #7 (clean and affordable energy), new carbon-neutral fuels need to be investigated. Methanol is a promising alternative e-fuel to fossil fuels for the application in gas turbines. The paper presents a numerical study of the efficient use of green methanol using in a wet Brayton cycle with chemical recuperation. The 1D flame analysis shows

The two-state impasse in Israel/Palestine : The EU caught between egalitarian norms and expansionist realpolitik

In recent years, many academics as well as local actors have started to question the feasibility of a two-state solution for Israeland Palestine. Increased Israeli unilateralism, expansionism as well as weak Palestinian institutions has instead pointed toward a‘one-state-reality’ where Israel is in de facto control over all lands. This in turn reveals a paradox, where internationalpolicymakers, mo

Proteostasis in Bacillus subtilis : chaperones and stress-response mechanisms

The maintenance of protein homeostasis, also referred to as proteostasis, is essential for preserving the structural and functional stability of the proteome in living organisms. This involves the precise control of protein synthesis, folding, and degradation. As proteostasis disruption can cause growth and survival deficiencies in bacteria, the investigation of proteostasis has rapidly emerged as

Advances in time-domain induced polarization monitoring with application on chlorinated solvents contamination : Towards scalable real-time geophysical monitoring

Environmental pollution is a significant concern for scientists, practitioners, authorities and the society. Among the various pollutants, chlorinated solvents pose a considerable risk to our groundwater resources. These hazardous chemicals, often used in industrial processes, can contaminate soil and water, posing a threat to both human health and ecosystems. Detecting and tracking the spread of

Capturing the spatiotemporal variations in the gross primary productivity in coastal wetlands by integrating eddy covariance, Landsat, and MODIS satellite data : A case study in the Yangtze Estuary, China

Accurate monitoring of the spatiotemporal variations in the gross primary productivity (GPP) in coastal wetlands is essential for blue carbon quantification. However, the currently available moderate-spatial-resolution GPP algorithms and products may contain large uncertainties and may rarely meet the demands of tidal wetland research. In this paper, we examine two statistical methods, namely, sim

The Association Between Quadriceps Strength and Synovitis in Knee Osteoarthritis : An Exploratory Study From the Osteoarthritis Initiative

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the association between quadriceps strength and synovitis in knee osteoarthritis (KOA). METHODS: This study was derived from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI), which recruited adults from the OAI cohort with or at risk of KOA. Knees with complete records of isometric quadriceps strength and effusion-synovitis and Hoffa-synovitis assessments were in

Why forced-choice and Likert items provide the same information on personality, including social desirability

Forced-choice response format is often considered superior to standard Likert format for controlling social desirability in personality inventories. We performed simulations and found that the trait information based on the two formats converges when the number of items is high and forced-choice items are mixed with regard to positively and negatively keyed items. Given that forced-choice items ex

Reconfigurable signal modulation in a ferroelectric tunnel field-effect transistor

Reconfigurable transistors are an emerging device technology adding new functionalities while lowering the circuit architecture complexity. However, most investigations focus on digital applications. Here, we demonstrate a single vertical nanowire ferroelectric tunnel field-effect transistor (ferro-TFET) that can modulate an input signal with diverse modes including signal transmission, phase shif

Exploring energy citizenship in the urban heating system with the ‘Walking with Energy’ methodology

Background: Energy citizenship has emerged as a concept which attempts to capture the new role envisaged for urban citizens as engaged and active in the energy transition. However, exactly how to successfully engage energy citizens requires more research and this article aims to contribute to this knowledge gap. The article presents a new methodology, ‘Walking with Energy’, which seeks to (re)conn

Faktorer sjuksköterskan upplever påverkar patientsäkerhet på akutmottagning

Abstrakt Antalet vårdplatser per invånare i Sverige har minskat de senaste 20 åren. Akutmottagningarna har fått en ökad belastning. Sjuksköterskornas arbetsuppgifter är många och av olika karaktär, allt från att ta hand om enklare symtom till plötslig död. Arbetet kan vara kroppsligt tung och psykiskt påfrestande. Akutmottagningarna har hög personalomsättning och sänkta kompetenskrav vid nyanställAbstract The number of care places per resident in Sweden has decreased in the last 20 years. A consequence of this has been that the emergency department have had an increased work load. The tasks of an emergency room nurse are stimulating as well as challenging. Multiple tasks of various nature ranging from addressing simple symptoms to acute and sudden death. The work may be physically hard

Are transition metals necessary in borrowing-hydrogen chemistry?

Both C-N and C-C bond formation reactions are fundamental part of synthetic chemistry and have been widely studied for the past several decades and will most likely continue to do so in the future. In this project, I report a base catalyzed transition metal-free C-N and C-C bond formation reactions from abundant and green substrates with sustainable chemistry in mind. Previous methods uses either