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Dual-band fluorosensor for discriminating non-eating from algae-eating zooplankton in aquatic environments
We present a fluorosensor for the detection of laser-induced autofluorescence of zooplankton in marine environments. The sensor uses an inexpensive 410 nm laser diode as excitation source and simultaneously measures two fluorescence bands, 500-550 nm and 675-725 nm, using two identical 16-bit linear array detectors. We show continuous measurements at 200 Hz of zooplankton swimming through a water
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Reduced crop density increases floral resources to pollinators without affecting crop yield in organic and conventional fields
Effective weed control in agricultural crop fields increases yields, but simultaneously reduces floral resources for pollinators because many weed species provide pollen and nectar. Consequently, efforts to enhance crop yields on organic farms by using effective weed control methods risk compromising positive effects of organic farming on pollinating insects. Thus, it is important to find manageme
Neutron microtomography to investigate the bone-implant interface - Comparison with histological analysis
Bone properties and especially its microstructure around implants are crucial to evaluate the osseointegration of prostheses in orthopaedic, maxillofacial and dental surgeries. Given the intrinsic heterogeneous nature of the bone microstructure, an ideal probing tool to understand and quantify bone formation must be spatially resolved. X-ray imaging has often been employed, but is limited in the p
Economic thinking in global health : a historical overview
Economic thinking in global health refers to how framings, metaphors and concepts from economics are used in describing the health of a population and in designing interventions. In this article, I briefly examine the history of economic thinking in global health. I then review discussions over the economic aspects of health at the 5th World Health Assembly in 1952, based in part on an exchange be
Människan, arbetet och historien : En vänbok till professor Tom Ericsson
A rare case of IgE kappa monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance identified in a Swedish female
Monoclonal gammopathies involving immunoglobulin E (IgE) is a very rare phenomenon, with less than 70 cases being previously described in the literature. The IgE monoclonal gammopathies include malignant plasma cell disorders such as IgE multiple myeloma (MM), as well as the associated premalignant condition IgE monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). We report a case of a 41-ye
Specialization in same-sex and different-sex couples
We examine time allocation decisions in same-sex and different-sex couples from a Beckerian comparative advantage perspective. In particular, we estimate the comparative advantage relationship between time spent on either market or household activities and a dummy for being the highest earner in a couple on samples of same-sex and different-sex couples. Using the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), w
Procreative procrastination : the ethics of postponed parenthood
In recent years, there has been growing concern over the perceived tendency of women to postpone childbearing. In this chapter, we show that some of the responses to the phenomenon of postponed reproduction are deeply problematic. The question of whether it is accurate to construe later motherhood as postponement at all is far from clear. Moreover, public health messages tend to recommend earlier
On the workaday origin of police callousness
When pleasurable aspects of police work are stripped away, research with Danish detectives shows that they are deprived of the opportunity to relate to suspects in more than criminal terms.
Lack of Opsonic Antibody Responses to Invasive Infections With Streptococcus dysgalactiae
Introduction: Streptococcus dysgalactiae can cause severe recurrent infections. This study aimed to investigate antibody responses following S. dysgalactiae bacteraemia and possible development of protective immunity. Materials and Methods: Patients with S. dysgalactiae bacteraemia in the county of Skåne between 2017 and 2018 were prospectively included. Acute and convalescent sera were obtained.
T cells, B cells, and PD-L1 expression in esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy : relationship with histopathological response and survival
Perioperative chemotherapy enhances the survival rates for patients with esophageal and gastric (EG) adenocarcinoma, but not all patients benefit from this additional treatment. Chemotherapeutic agents have been demonstrated to alter the immune cell (IC) composition in the tumor microenvironment. Hence, there is a rationale to investigate the influence of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) on differen
Properties and emission factors of cloud condensation nuclei from biomass cookstoves - Observations of a strong dependency on potassium content in the fuel
Residential biomass combustion is a significant source of aerosol particles on regional and global scales influencing climate and human health. The main objective of the current study was to investigate the properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) emitted from biomass burning of solid fuels in different cookstoves mostly of relevance to sub- Saharan east Africa. The traditional three-stone fi
Applied cultural analysis : Ethnography as compositional practice
Folke sits on a two-meter-high chair in the corner of a Norwegian man’s kitchen, observing, taking notes, and drawing up diagrams. Both he and the man he studies have been given clear instructions: the observer must be allowed to come and go as he pleases, must not be spoken to, and must never be included in the daily chores or routines of the people he is supposed to be studying. But things don’t
ComPOS - a Domain-Specific Language for Composing Internet-of-Things Systems
Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems consist of spatially distributed interacting devices. In contrast to desktop applications, IoT systems are always running and need to deal with unresponsive devices and weak connectivity. In this thesis, we propose techniques for simplifying the development of such systems. The work addresses IoT systems organised as reusable services connected by compositions. We
Synthesizing multiple ecosystem service assessments for urban planning. A review of approaches, and recommendations
While ecosystem service (ES) assessments become a more and more important source of knowledge, there is a need for synthesis approaches that make the results usable to support decisions. Effective synthesis approaches can reduce the information burden produced by multiple ES assessments and help decision-makers to compare alternative options and to assess their impacts. In this review, we focus on
Neutron reflectometry and NMR spectroscopy of full-length Bcl-2 protein reveal its membrane localization and conformation
B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) proteins are the main regulators of mitochondrial apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins possess a hydrophobic tail-anchor enabling them to translocate to their target membrane and to shift into an active conformation where they inhibit pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins to ensure cell survival. To address the unknown molecular basis of their cell-protecting functionality, we
Collaboration in grant proposals and assessments in ageing research – justification or a quest for a collaborology?
Orientation towards application, transdisciplinarity and social distribution are prominent ideas when policy prescribes how to conduct research on complex, real-world issues. Issues dealt with in ageing research are both epistemologically complex and politically contentious. By using the metaphor of ‘travelling ideas,' we have followed these ideas on their journey into 17 approved grant proposals
Late stroke after transcatheter aortic valve replacement : a nationwide study
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a rapidly growing field. Short-term safety and efficacy of these procedures have been studied extensively. However, little is known about the safety of these devices over time. Stroke is one feared long-term complication, and an increased stroke rate could affect guidelines for treating both the aortic stenosis and choosing antithrombotic therapy af